V's gettin' back to the Bad Girl bod! Gonna lose weight in 2008!


DIS Veteran
Dec 27, 2003
I had an old wish journal but since I "failed" and went off track I figured I would start a new one......

but first, let me introduce myself.

My name is Vanessa, Bad Girl extraordinaire, a 31 year old mother of two princesses (3 and 1) and wife to the only Charming!! My Bad Girl motto for this journal is “nothing tastes as good as thin feels” – I don’t know about you, but there is nothing better than slippin’ in to those skinny jeans and knowing you look good…I mean “get a whistle from across the street” good.

I am a "lifetimer" at WW, but that was prior to having children. Since having my second daughter I am struggling with my weight...I am not gaining, but I am not losing either. I’m at a stand still and feeling frumpy, mom-ly and just in general not the Bad Girl bod I want.

I have 22 pounds to lose to get to the weight WW thinks I should be.....personally I would like to be 10 pounds lighter than that...but I am shooting for the first goal of 22 for now.

I am going to try Atkins religiously for the next two weeks, officially starting tomorrow...now I know what you are thinking, yeah right tomorrow….but I only came to the seriousness of my situation after I started off this morning with a bag of pretzels – not a big bag – the ones out of a snack machine. It was somewhere around 35 grams of carbs…so WOW – that blows Atkins right out of the water…but for lunch I am eating a cheeseburger – no bun – and some broccoli…with water…for dinner I have chili in the crock pot, so the royal family can feast on that while I have a salad. My mouth is watering already.

My goal right now is to get through the induction phase, which is 2 weeks. I plan on not even having a lick of alcohol and sticking to water only. I have to stay within 20 grams of carbs per day. After the 2 week period I’ll gage where to venture next….I am hoping I will post a loss….a BIG one!

I can do this. I really can.

It all starts with me, only me. I am the only one who can change myself.

And I plan on rewarding myself along the way….I am trying to think if things right now. Maybe Disney $$ for every pound lost, new goods at certain check points…I’ll have to think on it and maybe even get Charming in on the deal. *note* discuss with Charming this evening…J

Today on my lunch hour I went to the Y and did 30 minutes on the bike and 100 crunches. I did that yesterday as well. In addition to the Atkins, for the next two weeks I am going to go to the Y every day for lunch, then I’ll taper off to three days a week. I can do it. (self encouragement) it’s only 2 weeks. 2 weeks is nothing. Nothing people. I’ll probably be in here a lot the next two weeks trying to keep motivated and on track. So ye have been warned!

We are heading to the World in May and I want to look better than a cow in stiletto’s. I want to look good, damn good. Hence the jumpstart on Atkins. I realize I won’t lose 22 pounds in the next 50 days, but who knows…gotta start somewhere.

7 weeks from today, that’s what I have. I can do it. I can be lighter. I can be a loser. I can and I will be lighter by the time we leave in May.

Tonight may be a struggle – the first night. My princess starts swim lessons so at least we will be out of the house until 6:30 or so. She’s a lucky gal – tall and thin and some days I would bet she has a tapeworm.

And good ole American Idol is on. I will do crunches while watching and squats through the commercials. That’s the ticket. I will get my skinny, non-mom jeans out of the closet where they are collecting dust and hang them on the fridge. I will get in to them, eventually. I will get back to a Bad Girl bod – just you wait and see.

Bad Girl affirmation for today: Good Golly, I’m a Hot Tamale! (taken from the officially Bad Girl calendar)

I’ll depart with, nothing tastes as good as thin feels.
Hi Vanessa & welcome (or welcome back, but I didn't know you then ;) ) to WISH journals.

I've read your trip report & have really enjoyed it, and I look forward to keeping up with your journal as well.

You sound like you know what to do and what you want to accomplish, so you are SO on your way to having that bad girl body you want. :thumbsup2

Good luck, and keep on posting!!
Thanks for the welcome....

I did well tonight....we took DD to swim lessons, came home - Charming and the princesses had chili and I had a light salad.

Funny thing is, I am not hungry, I am thinking about food - but only because I know I am dieting. Nice how your mind works isn't it?

Aside from the pretzels this morning I did excellent on the carbs, so I am ready to hit tomorrow head on! I can do it! Two weeks to go!

I want swimsuit shopping to be an enjoyable experience!
Day 1 of induction: 8:10am

I finished off yesterday well. I only had my salad and that was it. :) Go on with your Bad Girl self!

Breakfast: This morning I am going to have a few slices of cheese and 2 hearts of palm. Sounds scrumptious doesn't it? You're just dying for me to share.

Lunch: I didn't bring my lunch so I guess I'll either have a bunless burger (that is just so wrong on so many levels) or a salad again.

Dinner: Well, I will be tied up until 8:30 tonight so I am going to probably hold myself over with more cheese and hearts of palm. I have a roast in the crockpot for the Royal Family...I can eat the meat with a salad when I get home. I hate eating that late though.

Lunch time - I am going to hit the gym again. So I'll be back to post my results later!

:) and remember:

~nothing tastes as good as thin feels!!
You're doing great!! :thumbsup2

What is palm???
Hearts of Palm - they are the tender buds of certain palm trees...I love them, they can be found on the canned veggie aisle at the grocery store!

Ok - I did 30 min on the bike, no crunches - I'll do those tonight watching Idol.

Lunch was a chicken breast and broccoli. Yummy....oh yea - and water, can't forget about the water. :) Still drinking it.

I have started weighing myself daily at the gym. I was down a poud from yesterday but I am sure that's water weight. Also my TOM should be here any day so I am more bloated than usual!!

On to conquer the afternoon of day one!
Great job getting to the gym during lunchtime! I take a walk since I only get a 1/2 hour break...

Good luck on Atkins, I hope it works for you. I could never do it, I am too much of a carb junkie... :confused3

These 2 weeks are gonna fly by and you will be in your desired swimsuit shape soon! :wizard:
Ok 4:30 pm on day one...not hungry but I had a few small slices of cheddar cheese about 40 minutes ago. I am attending a class tonight which will probably end around 8-8:30pm...I won't be eating until I get home around 9....and it will be a small salad and maybe some of the roast I have in the crockpot.

I always do well with water....we have Water Boy here at work and I drink that all day long...:)

Only a few more hours to go!
You are really doing great!

I think I would LOVE Atkins b/c of the cheese. That is my favorite food!

Take care, and keep on keepin on! :thumbsup2
I made it through the first day of induction!!! My class was cancelled last night so I made it home early and I had forgotten to turn the crockpot on!! But we had chili from the night before so the Royal family had chili dogs and I cooked a small filet and water and that was all I had. I was not hungry but I ate most of it.

After AI I was craving something sweet so I had a sugar free jello and it certainly hit the spot.

On to day 2!!

Breakfast - I am having a large water and about 3-4oz of cheese....I plan on grabbing a Greek salad for lunch and not too sure about dinner yet. As long as I stay within my 20 grams of carbs I'll be fine and on my lunch break I will be heading to the gym! :)

I can do it!!

Day 2 here I come!
Yippee!! I went to the gym on my lunch and did 30 minutes on the bike and 100 crunches.
For lunch I am eating at my desk a greek salad with Ceasar dressing. :) Atkins friendly. I have been weighing myself daily at the gym and I was down 3 pounds today, so I am thinking that is water weight. Next Wednesday will be my official report of the firt weigh in on week one of induction.

This weekend is going to be hard. My Gators play in the final four...and basketball and no beer just don't mix....so I will just have to remember to stay strong and make some naked hot wings to make up for it!

I am sure Charming will drink my share! :)

Here's wishing it was Friday!
Don't they have some low carb beer? Maybe you could have a couple of those instead of regular...

Great job on the 3lb loss! :cheer2: What is your plan after this 2 weeks? Most people who do Atkins gain the weight back after they go off. I'm just wondering what the transition to "regular" eating is like?
I plan to guage where I am at that point...ie seeing if Atkins is working or not. If I have a good loss I will keep going and at some point I plan to go back to eating WW style. I don't know much about the transitional phases...
I made it through day 2!! I had bunless hamburgers and some grilled mushrooms for dinner and a sugar free jello for dessert....:)

Day 3:
Breakfast: omlette with bacon, ham and cheese...yummy! and water....:) I have had nothing but water to drink for the past two days (and today)!! so proud of myself!

We have a retirement party for a coworker today so I will snack off the cheese platter and probably a sandwich but meat only. :) Of course, after I hit the gym!!

Not sure about dinner, maybe a salad....now tomorrow, easy access to the fridge all day...I have to use CONTROL!
You have amazing willpower! How are you feeling? I've heard some people feeling sluggish around Days 3-4. You must be doing fine if you are still working out.

You are doing great, keep it up! :cheer2:
I went to the gym and just got back...did my same boring 30 min on the bike and 100 crunches. Next week I plan to do 20 min cardio and add in some weights...and also the crunches....:)
I feel ok, pretty good actually.
I just have to remember my goals and keep it up...temptation is always hard!
well..lunch was a bit different than I planned...there was no cheese. So I had the meat from a cuban, two slices of chicken and took the breading off and some celery.

I am a bit down this afternoon. Lots have to do with not wanting to work but also some posts - I think I am going to stay in the safe areas of WDW planning only. It seems everytime I post on the CB that I am called a name simply because I am doing something different. Oh well...I'll get over it.
Hi Vanessa...I know what you mean about the CB. There are times I love it, and others I just want to stay away.

I pretty much stick to the WISH journals, Trip Reports and the WDW planning boards. I check in to see what's being posted on the CB, but rarely post anymore.

Don't let anyone get you down....LOOK AT YOU!! You're one tough cookie! :thumbsup2 You're doing awesome & you're in control!!
Thanks for the kind words!

I did pretty well today...no exercise, but I stayed OP and no wine or beer during the game! I weighed myself at Publix and it's usually 2-3lbs higher than the scale at the Y and it said the same as what I weighed Friday at the Y!! ~153!!! so 18lbs to go to my 135 WW goal...for now!

We had ribs and naked wings for dinner....and I snacked on cheese and water and celery today, thrilling I know! Tomorrow, I am hoping to make everyone omlettes and pancakes for breakfast (just omlettes for me) and we'll go from there.

Next week at the gym I think I am going to do the treadmill and run during the commercials...I haven't jogged in a while and this would help me guage where I am. And I watch the View while I am there and boy some of those commercials are pretty darn long!

Tomorrow night will be a toughie too....Desperate Housewives and Grey's Anatomy, I usually pamper myself after the girls have gone to bed....nice hot bath, glass of wine, do my toes, watch my two shows....I will just be giving up my wine - no biggie! I'll put my water in a wine glass and pretend......

That's it for tonight...hope to get out for a walk tomorrow...it's gorgeous out!
Great job behaving during the game! You are doing great. Very focused, already have a plan for next week. You will be in the 140's soon! :thumbsup2


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