VWL Groupies & Lovers Thread (Special Collectors Edition 2.0) updated 21 June 2023

Then in 2019, hopefully Feb, we will plan a Aulani-Disneyland trip. Looking at Aulani, looks like not much issue getting a 1 bed during this time, VGC, different story, so we may need to look at renting pts at 11 mos if available. Told Tammy that according to the chart, Mar may make for a better chance for VGC.

Jimmy, we are doing the Aulani/Disneyland Resort trip in April (countdown calendar says 102 days!). That's a different time of year than you're planning, but we had no issue getting a 1BR at Aulani at that time. VGC was impossible at 7 month window for a studio at that time, but there were studios available at the 11 month time all the way up to a week before the 7 month mark. So we booked a 1BR there.

In looking at options, we considered off-site if we couldn't get VGC. There are a lot of options within easy walking distance to Disneyland Resort. Good luck!
Thanks Sleepy and Granny for the input and thoughts. I think we have some ideas in motion if plan A doesn't work out and they coincide with your thoughts as well.
Thats it Kathy!! Thank you :-) Thanks also to our fellow groupie skier-pete for compiling this list, nice job Pete!!

Because my MIL got sick and we had to cancel our Oct trip, we were able to put pts. back in the system, therefore, we had to readjust our trips, and a hope to go too Aulani-Disneyland combo trip now has to take the back burner...AGAIN!!

So we are in the mode of re-adjusting trips, so now, we will renew APs for 2018 with a trip planned for Mar. and Oct.(and always the hope of slipping one or two under the rug in the mean time:D)

Then in 2019, hopefully Feb, we will plan a Aulani-Disneyland trip. Looking at Aulani, looks like not much issue getting a 1 bed during this time, VGC, different story, so we may need to look at renting pts at 11 mos if available. Told Tammy that according to the chart, Mar may make for a better chance for VGC.

My reasoning for Feb, I really want to see the big waves at the Bonzai Pipeline. In Sept when we were there, 2 surfers and waves no bigger than here in NC/SC beaches. Shouldn't dictate my reason, but I have heard my folks talk about those waves as they always went Jan.-Feb. and I think it would be cool to see, plus its cold as blazes here during those months, so no opposition from me to be in the warmth

And too add to my present confusion of this all, question, anyone ever stayed at Paradise Pier Hotel in Disneyland? Looks like its available presently for 2018 dates that we would be going same time in 2019. It would be roughly $600 less than renting pts. from Davids rentals for VGC. Obviously, my preference would be VGC in a 1 bed, but having to weigh out all the logistics up front.

We caught the beginning of the Pipe Masters during early Dec 2012. Here is what the waves were like then:



It was fun to see and the waves only get bigger in the next couple of months!

I have stayed a couple of nights at PPH several years ago and have also stayed at DLH. PPH rooms are the largest and they have a fun theme. I'd probably equate it closer to a moderate hotel at WDW in theme, furniture and fixtures. No balconies either there or at the DLH if that's important. It's a good location and a solid choice to be onsite. It doesn't really have any grounds around it - for example the pool is on a lower rooftop. The DLH is the icon and has the more "magical" theme and is a little more upscale in furniture and fixtures. If it's an option that is where I would stay between the two but PPH is just fine too.
See, those are the kind of waves I want too see!!

BTW, I saw this article this AM about the Mayor of Main St. Sadly, another great CM lost. He took my DD by the hand on our 2nd trip on her 8th Bday and paraded her down Main St towards City Hall to get her a Bday button, all the while hollering out "its Kristian's Bday, she is 8 today" and the throng of folks entering the park in the early am at rope drop were replying with Happy Birthday! A magical moment thats embedded in our hearts and minds to this day from Dec 2000. What a great guy!


Christopher George Weaver, the ‘Mayor of Main Street USA,’ passes away

Christopher George Weaver, beloved by Magic Kingdom guests as the ‘Mayor of Main Street USA,’ passed away on Christmas Eve.
Walt Disney World’s Magic Kingdom has lost one of its favorite magic-makers, as Christopher George Weaver, known to millions of guests as “the Mayor of Main Street USA,” passed away on Christmas Eve at age 84.

Longtime Walt Disney World cast member Christopher George Weaver, known to his friends as Chris or “Carl” (after the character from Pixar’s Up), was born in Miami, Fla. in 1933. His performing career spanned 60 years, 26 of which were with Disney.

Christopher George Weaver being interview by Attractions Magazine in 2014.
According to Weaver’s close friend and colleague Mark Miller, who performed alongside him as Fire Chief of Main Street USA, Christopher began his theater career working cabarets in South Florida, and also performed at the Pocono Mountain resort hotels in Pennsylvania. Weaver served in the Army during the Korean War, and briefly lived in New York City.

In addition to working for Disney, Weaver was also a cruise director and entertainer on Norwegian Cruise Lines for many years. During the course of his career, he met icons like Frank Sinatra, Jackie Gleason and Jerry Lewis, and became friends with comedian Phyllis Diller.

Weaver began his career at Walt Disney World with the opening of the Indiana Jones Epic Stunt Spectacular at Disney’s Hollywood Studios (originally Disney-MGM Studios) where he played the show’s Director. He later became the the Town Crier for the Fife and Drum Band at Epcot’s American Adventure, before finally becoming the first and only “Honorable Mayor of Main Street USA” at the Magic Kingdom.

As Mayor, Weaver presided over the daily welcome show at the train station (before it was discontinued) and spent his mornings greeting guests near the front of the park, always sharing a joke, song or one of his customized business cards. Weaver’s mock slogans in his never-ending mayoral campaign were “The Best Mayor money can buy!” and “Pull the Leaver, Vote for Weaver!” Over the years, he was recognized for his magic-making efforts by countless visitors, and even the Disney Parks Blog honored his contributions.

Christopher George Weaver and fellow Citizens of Main Street welcome rescued Chilean miners to the Magic Kingdom.
Miller recalled, “He was very proud of his career, and his time at Disney. He was a Legacy Award winner and we are all smiling for having known him. In fact, his favorite song to sing on Main Street was ‘When You’re Smiling , the Whole World Smiles with You’ … He always said he wanted to be the Mayor as long as he could, and he did just that.”

“As Mayor Weaver he brought Disney’s Main Street to life for millions, one handshake and hug at a time,” remembered actor Holland Hayes, who worked with Weaver for many years as Main Street USA reporter and pin expert Scoop Sanderson. “He was more than the Mayor to those of us who lived in the tiny greenroom with him at work; he was our Main Street family father during the best years of our lives, and we miss him so much.”

Weaver is survived by two daughters, and many grandchildren and great-grandchildren. No memorial arrangements have been made public. For more memories of the Mayor of Main Street USA, watch our interview with him from 2014:

Good morning groupies. I am writing this note from room 3935 in the villas at wilderness lodge. Only two days remaining on our trip. Flying home on Sunday if Lord is willing. Weather in Illinois is terrible with more snow today. We feel the effects here. Chilly at night, but comfortable overall. I got heaping mound of pixie dust on the day of arrival. Post it when I have keyboard.

i have noticed LOTS of helicopters overhead. Yesterday at HS there were three overhead at one time. Not a pilot, but it appeared that they were all flying in similar pattern. Nothing for awhile then I would see one on same flight path. Then another. Soon after another. Same experience at Epcot but it was late afternoon (went to candlelight) and it did not attract my attention much. Did any of you that were early December see or notice this? Seemed like they were watching or searching. Am I crazy or do you have thoughts about this?
We didn't notice an unusual amount of air activity back in early Dec. but I imagine with the heightened security issues around holidays, they are just taking pre-cautionary measures to make sure there isn't any unusual things going on.
Greg...thanks for posting, and we look forward to hearing about your pixie dust experience.

We didn't notice any air activity either in early December. I agree with Jimmy that they may have stepped up security over the holidays, though I'm not sure what multiple hovering helicopters can do from a safety standpoint. :confused3
Greg...thanks for posting, and we look forward to hearing about your pixie dust experience.

We didn't notice any air activity either in early December. I agree with Jimmy that they may have stepped up security over the holidays, though I'm not sure what multiple hovering helicopters can do from a safety standpoint. :confused3
Presence. Rather like having police swing through neighborhoods from time to time, or allowing officers to park their cruisers at their houses.
Presence. Rather like having police swing through neighborhoods from time to time, or allowing officers to park their cruisers at their houses.

I quite agree with you sleepy. It is a show of presence. Just back from AK, four hours in park. Saw two helicopters. The sight of three at once gave me some apprehension in HS. Seemed like they were looking for someone or something. I started to look for back lot exits just in case.

BTW. Under the topic of security and whack jobs in the park, check out this link I saw on the Drudge Report.


We were in the Hall o Prez when this nut derailed the whole show. Lots of angry people and some left their seats to get at him. I saw dis security in the aisles on each side before the show started. But they could not do much to stop him before it was completely ruined for everyone. It is too bad that people feel compelled to ruin the experience for all. He really needed to have someone toss a mickey blanket over his head and learn a life lesson the hard way. Just saying.

Fort wilderness buffet tonight. What are the chances I don’t get BBQ sauce on my shirt?
Sorry I missed wishing everyone a Merry Christmas. Hope ya'll had a wonderful holiday.

Our youngest was home from Austin. It was so nice to spend some time with her. I miss her so much. She went back on the 26th. Then that evening Ian got a phone call from her - she had been in a car accident while she was out running errands after getting back. She was/is OK - just shook up. She was in the right hand lane and someone didn't see her as he was pulling out of a parking lot. He hit her front right side between the bumper and tire.

We had already planned on going down there on the 27th to see her new apartment and watch the light show at Mozart's Coffee Roasters where she works. Well we saw her apartment but didn't get to the light show. Instead we were dealing with the insurance company, getting the Mazda to the shop and getting her a rental car. We still had a nice time with her even though it was only an overnight stay.

We did make the final payment on our upcoming June Disney cruise and decided on excursions when she was home as well. Woohoo!!!

I feel the same way most of you do about the daily room "inspections". Not thrilled. I understand and respect the need to do it - but I am not going to be a happy camper is someone walks in on us. It will most definitely change the way we are "in room". No more getting in the shower while the rest of our party is out of the room, not leaving our laptop. ipads and such out when we are not in the room. It really stinks but not as badly as it would if something did happen.

The entire need to do this makes me more upset than them actually doing it though. Sad times. :(

With that said - I wish all of you a healthy, safe, magical new year filled with love, laughter, family, friends and many many trips to our beloved lodge. Happy New Year!!
Thats terrible about the guy who ruined the show for everyone else. I mean c'mon man, its a robot. That dude was intentionally making a scene when all he was really doing was making an A$& of himself, IMO:upsidedow And to scare the kids too, that was awful. No matter our political belief, thats just wrong.

So sorry to hear about your DDs accident, but glad to know she is OK, thats the main thing.
Sorry about your daughter's accident Jen. In my early days driving I had that happen to me before both as the victim and the person who failed to look three times. Have taught my kids to never trust your first look as our vision can be impaired by many things we're not aware of and the brain fills in what it wants to see. Look, look harder, then one last time. Three times. No excuses.

May I ask what color is the car she was driving? My old DOT - Saftey & Security boss did a study and found silver to be the most dangerous of the colors. (My current car is silver, and yup, people can't see me ;) ) The safest were bright orange and yellow.
Thats terrible about the guy who ruined the show for everyone else. I mean c'mon man, its a robot. That dude was intentionally making a scene when all he was really doing was making an A$& of himself, IMO:upsidedow And to scare the kids too, that was awful. No matter our political belief, thats just wrong.

Couldn't agree with you more, Jimmy. But I can't say that any party has the exclusive on idiotic behavior. Last time through HoP, I heard someone boo Obama's robot. They didn't make a big scene, but it did show a level of imbecilic behavior that is increasingly becoming much more common. :sad2:

Hi...Bobbi and Tom at the Top of the World, waiting for the 6:30 fireworks. They did show the Midnight fireworks, including the countdown!!

We are very tired, I am thrilled not to have to stay up to midnight tonight. Tomorrow at EPCOT, we will.
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OK, so I'm really behind.....
Son moves out
Husband has surgery
Mother moves in
Mother moves out
Wishing all Groupies a very MERRY CHRISTMAS and a very HAPPY NEW YEAR
2018 resolution: keep up-to-date with our cyber friends
I'm going to get caught-up now......
Hugs to all! :grouphug:
OK, so I'm really behind.....
Son moves out
Husband has surgery
Mother moves in
Mother moves out
Wishing all Groupies a very MERRY CHRISTMAS and a very HAPPY NEW YEAR
2018 resolution: keep up-to-date with our cyber friends
I'm going to get caught-up now......
Hugs to all! :grouphug:
I appreciate the hug! Back to you!:grouphug:
I am beyond excited. I booked a trip for Feb/March and my dog tore his LCL and will need surgery and PT. So..I cancelled that trip and booked April/May so that the PT would be done and 3 days later he became deathly ill with an ulcer and had surgery and was in the Vet hospital for 15 days. He is doing well now, so we are planning his knee LCL surgery for January and planning to go to our Wilderness Lodge home FINALLY in early December. Calling on January 1 and so excited to be going back and to start planning our trip. Maybe we will even be there when some other groupies are. :cool1:
I am beyond excited. I booked a trip for Feb/March and my dog tore his LCL and will need surgery and PT. So..I cancelled that trip and booked April/May so that the PT would be done and 3 days later he became deathly ill with an ulcer and had surgery and was in the Vet hospital for 15 days. He is doing well now, so we are planning his knee LCL surgery for January and planning to go to our Wilderness Lodge home FINALLY in early December. Calling on January 1 and so excited to be going back and to start planning our trip. Maybe we will even be there when some other groupies are. :cool1:

I'm sure there will be some Groupies at WDW during your December stay, and my guess is that there will be a meet or two set up. Just stay tune to this thread in about 6 months! Best wishes on booking your reservation, and thanks for sharing your excitement with us! :)
Happy Last Day of 2017 Groupies! Glad to be snuggled warm at home as the temperature is expected to dip down into negative numbers tonight. Kudos to all those who can brave the cold to get out to and celebrate First Night Boston - I'll be home watching livestreams, dreaming of Florida.

Saw this post on twitter - it's from today in the Disney Springs Parking garage


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