Walt Warriors


DIS Veteran
Jul 27, 2002

Originally Posted by TigerLily03
New WISH Team members. If you read one thing over and over, believe this. Being part of this team is fantastic. Part of the ride you get for the event is what I call the roller coaster. There will be lots of ups and downs. The more you post here, the more you will find yourself enjoying the ride. It is an incredible journey. Don't be afraid, shy or whatever to come here and just post up anything.You don't have to know us right away, or all of us at all. You will get to know some of us. It makes the event you are enjoying have MORE meaning and we love to have you.

Smaller Support teams for the WISH racing team - Wish teams are currently open to new members. Please feel free to introduce yourself and start posting
Warrior Team Members:

Britney/Princess Bmoney
Cari /GBBTomorrow
John/John VN
Lily/Tiger Lily 03
We are WISHing for a great 2012 also. Kathy has a full plate of events for us and she might be adding more. :scared1:

Good luck to all this year.:thumbsup2
Happy New Years Warriors!!! Getting really excited for marathon weekend. We are already packing and don't leave until Thursday morning. Can't wait to get to the World!!

I am only running the 5k & half marathon this year. No Goofy this year, maybe again in 2013. Hope all your training has gone well & you have fun this weekend. See ya in the Parks and on the roads this weekend.

Stan :cool1:
Hi all

Training has been going well here. At least until this weekend. We got a couple of inches of snow Thursday night on top of a thin layer of ice. The Temp was also pretty cold. I only managed to get about 2.5 in before calling it a day.

Wednesday though, I had done my first set of Speedwork in a long time. I did 5x800 with 400m recovery. I haven't officially started traing for the Capital City half marathon, but was wanting to stretch my legs a little bit.
I am doing the Princess for the first time (also, my first half, or race ever for that matter) and in the process of losing weight again for the 23425352th time in my life. So I will be there (Sarah) solo. We are locals but none of my friends or family is interested in undertaking this venture with me :rolleyes:
Happy New Year Warriors!
I stupidly posted my marathon report in the previous Warrior's thread. Oops!
Good luck with training!
I've been taking a week off after the marathon but I'm returning to my running clinic tomorrow. It's super cold in NY!
I'm signed up for 2 half marathons this year; one on April 15th and one in October. I'm planning to run the full marathon next year again. I had thoughts of going Goofy but after finishing the full I think I need more experience and more training.

Just a quick in and out......

I hope everyone had a greAt Marathon weekend ! It was a very pleasant and fun weekend for my Lovely Luscious Bride & I.

We both did the 5k in a 12:30 pace. This from a girl who HATED her first 5k 3 years ago, just barely completeing in 16 minute pace (& who has now committed to doing the ToT 10 miler in September).

I did Donald in 2:06, 1st half of the Relay in 2:10 ( with a lot of left knee issues that popped up at about mile 6-7. Was on pace for about a 1:55 till then. Bummer.). My race partner Bridget & I placed 52/417 coed teams and 99/787 teams overall in the relay. Not bad for an old guy like me running with a youngster (53 vs 31). Will probably do this one again, barring any super special, secret cool stuff in store for the 20th Marathon next year. The only let down (sort of, but not really) is that the finish at the first half of the relay was really sorta' quiet. Not much of a crowd.

Had a great weekend staying at the AKL Kidani Village. Arrived home to find some one had HIT MY HOUSE with a car during the time away. Ack. About $10k damage. Fun filled my life is!

Next up? Not sure. hitting the 50 meter pool this week. Will make a decision about the Florida 70.3 within a month. Otherwise, probably the Donna Hicken 1/2 or Gate River Run in Jacksonville in the next couple of months.

You guys rock!! Keep it up!
Hello! If y'all are accepting new members, I'd sure love to join Walt's Warriors. My name is Cari and I live in Clemson, South Carolina.

My husband and I, at age 38, were talking a walk around the deck of the Disney Magic and said, laughing, "Wouldn't it be fun to run a marathon when we're 40? Hahahahahaha...." Well, the idea took hold, and sure enough, we started running on September 1, 2008 and finished the WDW Marathon in 2010, and we're still going strong. DH was Goofy this year, and I enjoyed the half.

Running has changed my life. I am slower than molasses, but no matter. I figure, hey, these races are expensive...might as well get my money's worth out of the course, right? :rotfl:

Cheers to all of you.
Hello! If y'all are accepting new members, I'd sure love to join Walt's Warriors. My name is Cari and I live in Clemson, South Carolina.

My husband and I, at age 38, were talking a walk around the deck of the Disney Magic and said, laughing, "Wouldn't it be fun to run a marathon when we're 40? Hahahahahaha...." Well, the idea took hold, and sure enough, we started running on September 1, 2008 and finished the WDW Marathon in 2010, and we're still going strong. DH was Goofy this year, and I enjoyed the half.

Running has changed my life. I am slower than molasses, but no matter. I figure, hey, these races are expensive...might as well get my money's worth out of the course, right? :rotfl:

Cheers to all of you.

Welcome aboard to both of you. :cheer2::cheer2:

As far as expensive, while going through EPCOT at the end of the Full for my second Goofy I commented to another athlete that I was making sure I was getting every pennies worth of pain I was owed from the entry fee.

Safe and healthy training.
:woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: Congrats to everyone who went down for marathon weekend!

Amanda: Great race report on the marathon - sorry to hear that you weren't feeling so well by the end of the race, but great job on finishing!

Jim: Glad to hear that you guys are ok, even if your house didn't fare so well!

Cari: Welcome! I also go by the "earn your race fee" theory. I think I actually said outloud (to myself, like a crazy person) at one point during my Goofy, "I didn't spend $300 and come all the way down here NOT to wait in line for Jack Sparrow!" :rotfl2:

I'm sad to have missed my first marathon weekend in 4 years, but it's been fun reading everyone's race reports and seeing pictures on Facebook. :goodvibes I don't think we're going to make it down again until January 2014 (because I did marathon weekend with a young infant last year and I'm NOT doing it again!) but I'm already planning for Goofy 2014.... 2 years in advance. It's pretty sad, but you do what you have to do. :rotfl:

Still getting to the gym 3-4 days a week. Definitely sticking with low-impact cardio, though. The crossramp elliptical is my friend. I keep repeating to myself, "remember when you screwed up every joint in your left leg running a half marathon at 36 weeks pregnant last time?" as incentive to take it easy. :lmao:

Oh, and we found out a couple weeks ago that we're having a girl this time. :lovestruc Which means that we actually have to come up with a girl name...... any suggestions??? :eek:
Good Morning Everyone!

Welcome Cari! Good Luck on getting ready for your first Marathon.

I'm getting ready (long miles really start this week on my training plan) for the Princess which will be my last half marathon. Dr has declared that running long is no longer a good thing for my knee (I think he may be right- but I wanted to do Princess since I had already entered for my girls (all 3 ) and I to do it together. I have permission to run still but it looks like my longs will be 5 K's from now on :( .

I've lost about 24 lbs since my surgery in August but can't seem to get my energy level up where it used to be. I've kept up with my usual training plan (the one I've always used for races) but by 3 miles on my daily runs I'm whipped, and I'm still not anywhere near as quick as I was before. I was hoping the lost weight would make the running easier but it sure isn't. Wish I could figure out the right calories in vs calories out ratio now. Any ideas?
Good Morning Everyone!

Welcome Cari! Good Luck on getting ready for your first Marathon.

I'm getting ready (long miles really start this week on my training plan) for the Princess which will be my last half marathon. Dr has declared that running long is no longer a good thing for my knee (I think he may be right- but I wanted to do Princess since I had already entered for my girls (all 3 ) and I to do it together. I have permission to run still but it looks like my longs will be 5 K's from now on :( .

I've lost about 24 lbs since my surgery in August but can't seem to get my energy level up where it used to be. I've kept up with my usual training plan (the one I've always used for races) but by 3 miles on my daily runs I'm whipped, and I'm still not anywhere near as quick as I was before. I was hoping the lost weight would make the running easier but it sure isn't. Wish I could figure out the right calories in vs calories out ratio now. Any ideas?

Sorry to read about the impact on your knees and the reduction in event and training mileage. As I've mentioned in the past, my Ortho. surgeon told me NO RUNNING, so I speed walk instead. Maintaining a 10mpm pace while speed-walking requires a very rapid cadence since my stride is fairly short resulting in a great workout.

Quality of in/out calories is just as important as quantity. My approach to the beginning of a new year includes a blood work-up. This could show any anomalies that might impact running, or in my case walk/bicycling. Your weight loss might have included some muscle loss and if so that would adversely impact your running.

Good luck.
Hi All

Welcome to our new member.

Sarah - Good luck on the Princess

Amanda - Congratulation on the Marathon

JimB - Nice job for you and your bride on the 5K That's some nice improvement over the 3 years. Nice job on the Donald, sorry to hear about your problem at the end of the relay.

Cari - Welcome - Nice job on the work you've done so far, and good luck in the future.

Sarah Rose - Good to hear the pregnancy is going well and congratulations on finding out it's a girl.

Pam - Sorry to hear about your knee problems. And John recommended, you can check into speed walking. If 5K's are in the cards, you might also want to look into run/walk for longer distances. I find run/walk is easier on my joints than running, and in my case I'm just as fast with walk breaks than I am without.

AFM - We had snow over the weekend. On Friday I attempted to run on the trail where I normally run, but it doesn't get plowed so I ended up ditching the trail and doing a road nearby. Ended up doing a loop that had a short but steep hill. Yesterday I decided to run around town. Unfortunately that involves more running on concrete instead of asphalt that I normally run on. My knees were complaining today a little bit. I'll see how they feel tomorrow before deciding what I want to do.
Cari - Welcome!!!! I'm pretty slow myself and I agree that it means you get to enjoy the scenery! :lmao: Although on my 1st marathon I sort of wished I didn't see quite so much scenery by the end. :rotfl2:
John - The fact that you're finishing the Goofy is impressive enough!
Sarah - Congrats on your baby girl! I also have a son followed by a daughter (followed by another son - just so you know what comes next! :thumbsup2 ).
Pam - I'm so sorry about the knees and the energy issue. I gained 10lbs since I started training for races and can't figure out the food thing either. :confused3
Jeremy - Sorry to hear that winter weather is affecting your training. I've wimped out and decided to use my treadmill on those cold days!!!

I did my 1st post-marathon run on Monday. 3.1 miles on the treadmill. Felt great! Now to start training for my next 1/2 marathon in April.... Wish I could be at the Princess. Maybe next year??? I'm considering the Tower of Terror race or maybe Wine & Dine. We'll see what the hubby says. :love:

Thank you for the warm welcome, everyone! I'm glad to be part of your group. Have a happy Wednesday!!
Happy Thursady Warriors!!!

Hope everyone is doing well. Welcome to the new Warriors!

Not much to report from down here. I ACTUALLY SWAM yesterday! A short 1300 meters. Felt pretty good for not getting in the pool for far too long.

Afterwards came home and ran about 5.5 miles in 49 minutes.

Other than that it's been a pretty FRICKIN' aggravating few days. Too much superfluous crap has been rearing its ugly head recently. Hopefully calmer days are ahead.

Stay safe and well!
HAPPY SATURDAY to all! :cool1:

Just wanted to remind everyone that during your races you shouldn't forget that you paid for the pain so make sure you get every pennies worth.:thumbsup2

Effects from Goofy are minimal now so I officially consider myself in training for my first 1/2 Ironman Duathlon that will be on March 25th. Started out today with a 1 mile warm-up walk then a 56 mile bicycle ride and finished with a 10K walk. Feeling it a little right now but should be OK for walk tomorrow AM and then an easy 100 mile bike ride on Monday with my best friend to celebrate his 60th. B-day.

Have fun when you train and stay healthy.
I'm finally starting back into my training after the marathon. I had a crazy bad week at work so I did one mid-week run. This morning I did 8.57 miles on the treadmill. I took it slow but my legs are definitely still recovering from the marathon!



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