WDW's Best Thrill Ride- March Madness Edition

This is an unfair match-up for Test Track. If Rock n' Rollercoaster hadn't been edged out by Tower of Terror, in the MGM Conference championship, RnR would've been the #2 seed and TT, would have a better chance of winning against ToT.

As it is now, though TT may have had a rebuilding season recently, it tends to only have short bursts of speed. And it can tend to run hot & cold from time to time. They've had a lot of twists and turns this season, just to finish up strong. RnR on the other hand, has the pedal to the metal that threw other teams around like a "Rag Doll" and left them "Cryin'". It started the season with a "Crazy", break-neck pace and just ran loops around the competition. Sometimes, RnR will RUN the DMC game plan and "Walk This Way" and that, but they will always "Come Together" when it matters.

Rock n Rollercoaster by 50k fast passes over Test Tron. Over/under 9hrs of walk on time.
Rock n Roller Coaster!!!

This was the closest one for me. I do love Test Track, but RnRC is my favorite thrill ride at DisneyWorld.
Even though Test Track has one of my favorite on-ride voice overs "Here comes the final test... 'bracing for Power test'", gotta go with RnRC.
RnRC hands down! This is my all time favorite roller coaster and one of my favorite WDW rides. The coaster by itself is great, but add the dark with all the neon lights and Aerosmith music and you have perfection!!!!!
Between the two, I'd probably prefer Splash Mountain. But because this is a bracket for best thrill ride, I gotta go with Space Mountain. Splash is fun, but Space is more thrilling.


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