Weight Loss 2009

I'm ready as well.
I went on the fast diet program that someone mentioned above last year. You are promised to lose 16 to 20lbs a month, if you stay strict. I was on it from May until Sept and only lost 25lbs. It was all my fault. Did the injections help with the weight loss, IMHO, No! It boost your energy level. You have to top up with potassium and calcium. You are restricted to about 800 calories/day. Have I kept the weight off, No. It all came back on. My husbands insurance company paid for it. Only because they covered the first week by mistake, then they covered the rest, due to the union lawyer getting involved. It's considered experimental by most insurance companies.
So, yes I'm ready to lose the weight. I've looked into the Lap band, $17k to $20k. I've also looked into Gastric bypass, covered by OHIP out of province if your Dr. approves. Mine does not.
I'm not sure what plan I'm going to do or how to do it just yet. I do know that if you cut out all whites, sugar, flour, rice, etc you will lose weight. There are certain veges that are good for you as well, that don't have natural sugars.
Good luck everyone! I'm not promising myself anything, other than not to gain more than I am now.
My dw has lost 15 lbs in the last 2 months by simply drinking 8 glasses of water per day and cutting out all (yup that's right...all) pop. She drinks one coffee per day and tries not too eat past 8 pm at night. She doesn't eat chips but will eat rice cakes like they are going out of style. Try 2 rice cakes plus one bottle of water and your good to go for at least 2 hours....guilt free. She'll have 2 rice cakes, a yogurt, a banana and a bottle of water and she is good for 4-5 hours. Water she says has taken away all the cravings, so now things actually taste too sweet, or too salty. You need fluid to push fluid, you sleep better and if you are exercising it is a sure fire way to avoid sore muscles (this is caused by dehydration during exercise). Try it out...if it works for her it may work for some of you as well......:thumbsup2

That will work for someone who hasn't watched what they eat and need to loss weight but for someone like me who always watches what I eat and drinks plenty of water already, no help, its very hard to loss the last 10 pounds!

Good luck everyone

That will work for someone who hasn't watched what they eat and need to loss weight but for someone like me who always watches what I eat and drinks plenty of water already, no help, its very hard to loss the last 10 pounds!

Good luck everyone

This is my first post to the Canadian thread. I just recently joined the DIS and think it is so great.

I totally understand what you are saying Mermaid&Cinderella. The last 10lbs are awfull to lose. I have been trying to lose them for over a year now. I watch what I eat and work out but nothing seems to be working right now. Myabe joining you guys will help me that last 10lbs off before we go on our first trip to California!!
count me in aswell.. I have started counting points. I did weight watchers 2 years ago when I quit smoking.. it worked but then we went to Disney and I stopped and didnt get back. I have done Jenny Craige 3 times now.. works great but is sooo expensive, I spent 134 average a week on thier food not including what I had to buy for my family to eat!:eek: So back to counting points I am doing it alone without going to meetings tho, so hoping you all will help :) I have put me on 20 points a day very low their lowest is 19 which they had put me on last time I was there so that works to 1000 calories a day not including the 35 free use points u add to the week. I am looking to loose atleast 20 pounds I gained 30 from quiting smoking 2 years ago Jan 22 it will be!Lets go guys we all can do it!!!!!:yay: :dance3:
This is my first post to the Canadian thread. I just recently joined the DIS and think it is so great.

I totally understand what you are saying Mermaid&Cinderella. The last 10lbs are awfull to lose. I have been trying to lose them for over a year now. I watch what I eat and work out but nothing seems to be working right now. Myabe joining you guys will help me that last 10lbs off before we go on our first trip to California!!

Glad someone else is in the same boat as I am. We should start a "Those last 10 lbs are so hard" club.....:rotfl2:
I just bought Jillian Michaels' video 30 day shred and her book Making the Cut. The book is made especially for people trying to lose 10-20 lbs. It looks good, but it will be a challenge. There are exercises, meals and rules all through it.
thanks:goodvibes its an old pic from about a yr and a half ago...i will get a new one up one of these days:rotfl:

just want to let everyone know that lemon in water is really bad for your teeth. I have sensitive teeth and when my dentist asked about my drinking habits (i don't drink alcohol...personal choice) ...which at the time was water with lemon and pop, he just about hit the roof and I had to endure a huge lecture :scared1: about the enamel eroding properties of lemon in water (didn't mention about the pop but that's bad too)...."if you have to drink it, use a straw." was his concession to my habits.....I have cut back on both lemon and pop and have noticed that my teeth are not quite so sensitive...just wanted to let everyone know about the possible side effect.:thumbsup2 (but i think i will go and get more straws to give the lemon thing a try!:rotfl: )

I hadn't heard about the lemon in water thing. I often put lime juice in mine for the taste, but that could explain why sometime my teeth get ultra-sensitive.

I too am trying to lose some weight. 20lbs by March 16th is the goal!:goodvibes
I have lost 25 lbs on WW since september, but didn't do so well over the holiday's, I didn't gain anything but have hit a plateau, we were so busy that I stopped excercising over Christmas, and now I'm sick with a gastro bug, I planned on starting back today, but totally have no energy! I have 15lbs to go! We leave for Disney the 24th, I don't expect 15lbs in 3 weeks, but maybe 10 would be nice!:goodvibes
Count me in ladies!! :thumbsup2 Losing weight has got to be one of the toughest things that I have ever done before. :sad2: It's definetly an uphill battle, but I am ready to get back into it. I was really doing well before Christmas but then the holidays hit and I didn't exercise or eat well. :sad1: That said I got a personal trainer and she's amazing- but tough!! So we worked out yesturday and she made me do what I was doing before the break (jogging) I thought that we would at least work our way up to it again, but nope! Let me tell you I am sore, sore, sore today!! I think that I might sign up to Oprah's club thing that starts next week. It looks pretty good and next Mondy night there is a podcast where she will answer questions with Bob Greene. As for WW- I think I have failed it like 13-14 times!! :scared1: I want to drop a dress size before Disney- it will give me another excuse to ny DH for me to buy new clothes!! :laundy: :rolleyes1 :banana:
count me in aswell.. I have started counting points. I did weight watchers 2 years ago when I quit smoking.. it worked but then we went to Disney and I stopped and didnt get back. I have done Jenny Craige 3 times now.. works great but is sooo expensive, I spent 134 average a week on thier food not including what I had to buy for my family to eat!:eek: So back to counting points I am doing it alone without going to meetings tho, so hoping you all will help :) I have put me on 20 points a day very low their lowest is 19 which they had put me on last time I was there so that works to 1000 calories a day not including the 35 free use points u add to the week. I am looking to loose atleast 20 pounds I gained 30 from quiting smoking 2 years ago Jan 22 it will be!Lets go guys we all can do it!!!!!:yay: :dance3:

:rainbow: WTG on two years smoke free!!! Yay!! :jumping1:
This is my first post to the Canadian thread. I just recently joined the DIS and think it is so great.

I totally understand what you are saying Mermaid&Cinderella. The last 10lbs are awfull to lose. I have been trying to lose them for over a year now. I watch what I eat and work out but nothing seems to be working right now. Myabe joining you guys will help me that last 10lbs off before we go on our first trip to California!!

:welcome: Welcome!!!:goofy:
Here are some tips for loosing weight:

1. Avoid junk food: Avoid eating fast food and other junk food. It’s fattening and doesn’t help you lose weight. If you absolutely must eat fast food, give yourself one meal a week when you are allowed to eat fast/junk food.
2. Avoid fried food: Don’t eat fried food but rather grill or boil your food. Avoid using extra fat. .
3. Eat Breakfast: Eating breakfast helps getting the metabolism started. You are also less likely to snack if you eat a good breakfast. .
4. Eat fish and chicken: fish and chicken is low on fat and can make an excellent weight loss diet. Avoid fat fishes. A good cheap weight loss fish is Tilapia. .
5. Start drinking water: Soda and juice contains a lot of calories. Drink water and safe a lot calories. .
6. Start taking walks: Walking one or two times a day isn’t to hard but can help you lose weight faster. All other forms of physical activities are also good. .
7. Eat often: eating many well planned low calorie meals a day helps you keep from snacking and make you feel less hungry. .
8. Don’t expect dream results: There are many diets that promises fast results but permanent weight loss takes hard work and dedication. .
9. Eat fewer carbs: Eat less pasta and bread. Reducing your carb intake is often one of the best methods of loosing weight.
Count me in!!!!!! I want to lose about 20 before March break also, but that will be part of the journey for me. I actually belong to the YMCA and was there last night with my kids and saw they are offering Pilates free for those with a membership at the same time as my kids swimming lessons. They also had a free dance class on Mondays (my off day). I also plan to get my butt in for the other classes when available and get my dog for at least a 1/2 hr walk each day (yes even in the 20 degree weather).

Food wise, I have done WW before and haven't decided if I should do points or core....probably core. Has anyone heard about what the Momentum plan is all about? I was curious. Anyway....I have 3 kids also, junk is always around, but that also needs to change as I see my dd (11) is growing up a little chunky, just like her Mom and I'll be darned if i'm going to sit by and let that happen!

Anyone catch Oprah yesterday? The message I got from it (like Oprah) is that I have nothing in my schedule that is just for me...so I'm going to the Y every day....just for me...which is ultimately for everyone in my family!

Looking forward to some more great tips!:banana:

Frig! I gained weight AGAIN!

I know I'll never be 120lbs again, but I'd like to get under 200!

I'll write more later. Off to work! Love, S
I'm in ... need to lose 10lbs more.

Last January I was 220lbs and managed to get to 200lb this year, but exercising at lunch time, rather than heading to the local food court.

This year the goal is to be 190 by June 2009
LSmith, love the tip about broccoli and cauliflower with lime juice!! Def. picking up a few bunches - esp. after reading about not overdoing the fruit.

WW weigh in tonight then Sobey's is next door so it's great timing to get lots of produce afterwards.

Hope everyone is having a positive day!
Count me in! DS is 10 months old and I've lost his baby weight. But at 195lbs I still need to lose the baby weight from DD (7) and DS (5). Next week I'm starting boot camp five days a week for six weeks. We leave for DW on February 28th....so here's hoping!! I'd be happy with a ten pound weigh loss, ecstatic with 15lb. I just want to be healthy and be a good role model for my kids. So, I guess it starts with getting my carb addiction under control. Sugar anything: I love. Anything bread: pass it my way. It's gotta change. Today seems like a good day to start!:woohoo:
Biggest Loser starts tonight.

Also a new show called RUBY, it's a docu/reality show about a 500lbs woman. The reviews have been good.

I've been motivated today.

Eating well, exercised yesterday.

I'm an unconscious eater, everytime I walk into the kitchen I walk out with a mouth full of something. I'm not hungry, it's just a habit or a want, not a need.

I'm 212lbs. My goal is to lose 50lbs in about 6 months.

Let's do this! Sandra:cool1: :banana: :yay: :cheer2:
Here are some more tips that I learned:

If you don't keep junk food in the house, you can't eat it in weak moments. Your kids don't need junk food anymore than you do. Diabetes is on a huge upswing for children due to the amount of junk food they eat. Buy them different fruits instead (just limited your own fruit intake).

Toss out the chips and crackers and anything else that you can't resist.

Celery is a great snack for the crunch. Cucumbers too. Remember carrots are high in sugar so avoid them.

Here are some great very low carb recipes:

This is a great breakfast sandwich. One half cup of Eggbeaters, microwaved in a bowl. After it's cooked add a fat-free cheese slice and melt it in microwave. Add a tablespoon of Hormel bacon bits. Eat on toasted Hollywood or Weight Watchers bread. No butter. This is surprisingly filling and delicious!

Captain's Grill fish fillets by High Liner. I prefer the lemon pepper fillets. They are very tasty. I steam up some broccoli (squeezed with lime juice) and bake a fillet for a very satisfying dinner.

BTW I learned of these recipes from my friend who was on the Dr. Berstein diet (which is amazing if you have the money). She lost 50 pounds in less than 4 months. She has managed to keep most of it off. Like any diet, if you don't do a maintenance program the weight will come back in no time.

I have lots more recipes if anyone wants them.


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