Weight loss for Wishers and becoming Leaner Meaners!

Hey Lean Meaners! Happy Monday! (Is there such a thing?) Well, here's to a new week!

Beth - How was the sleepover? I can totally see you breaking the 2:15 mark and then some for a half. If you do a marathon next year, which one are you thinking of?

Maria - Sorry to hear about last week. You did get in workouts on Monday and Tuesday so that should count for something! Recently I've been having trouble getting up to run in the morning. I moved my running to the evening and that seems to have helped with my motivation. Maybe a change in your routine will help to shake things up? :)

Manda - Hope things are well with your mom? Did you have nice weather on the weekend or were you on the TM? How are you doing with the increase in running/walk intervals?

Cindy - Christmas shopping? I haven't even thought about that yet but I guess the one month mark is closing in. Good for you for getting it out of the way - hopefully that will mean less stress next month. Glad to hear the eating is back under control as well! Yay!

Jeannie - How was the engagement party?

AFM - I did my 10K race yesterday. The weather couldn't have been more perfect! I think it was about 10C (50F) and super sunny! The race itself was great - a flat course through the waterfront and some residential neighbourhoods. There were three races being run at the same time - 5K, 10K and a 10 miler. My only complaint about the race was that some of the markers were geared towards the 10 mile racers. I had a panic attack when I thought I was going the wrong way. Naturally there were no race officials or anything like that around and all the markers were in the opposite direction with mileage higher than 10K. I did eventually find the turnaround so all went well. I PB'ed at 58:07 which knocks 2 minutes from my 10K in October. DF and I went to celebrate with brunch afterwards - I thought I was pretty good, scrambled egg whites, fruit cup, 1 whole wheat pancake ... I did use sugar syrup and eat bacon but whatever :)

Also got an email from a weight loss tracking site that I had forgotten I had signed up with back in 2008. It said I weighed 151.4 when I first joined. It was a nice reminder of how much weight I've lost even if it has been slow. It was nice to see the bigger picture rather focusing on the usual weekly ups and downs.

Have a great day everyone! :wave2:
Vicky - Great job on your 10K! I would have been terrified that I was on the wrong course. Good for you for sticking with your instincts. I'm doing an 8K on Thanksgiving and hoping to finish in about the same time as your 10K time - that will be a PR for me. DH and I ran 5 miles Sunday in 56:30, so I'm hoping for that or better on Thursday! My dilemma will be deciding whether to run it with my Galloway buddies who will be there or go solo and see what I can do. :confused3

Beth - Since you started... half marathon in 2:30, 5K without walk breaks, and MAYBE, just maybe another marathon to see if I can do it in 5:30. Maybe OBX or Kiawah? Flat would be nice...

Manda - Any news yet on your mom? :hug:

Eating is going relatively well. Went to 3 grocery stores yesterday, so I should have a variety of food available (and yet I still didn't pack lunch for today! :confused3) Thanksgiving will be very low key. DD is going with the BF, so DH and I are doing the Turkey Trot and then hanging out on Thursday, then having dinner with the inlaws at a friend's house Friday. I'm doing most of the cooking, but I refuse to go overboard. I'm making a pecan pie for DH, but no other baking.

I ran 10 miles on Saturday, then followed it up with another 8 on Sunday in preparation for Goofy. I have a half in 3 weeks, but it's very low key. LOTS of hills, so we're treating it as a training run instead of going for time. I still should PR, since my previous 2 halfs have been after injuries and are really slow, but if I don't it won't be a big deal. There are 4 more on the calendar already!

The scale is down 1.5 from last Monday. One step at a time.

Good Morning, Lean Mean Brigade!

I am bouncing off the walls, ready for my trip and not caring about the work I should be looking at right now...Hey, it'll still be here when I get back, it's not like someone else is going to do it :rotfl2:

Jackie -- Pecan pie is one of my favorites! I would show up if I weren't going to be taking in the FL sun! It sounds like you have a great plan for Thanksgiving, and your runs are coming right along. Good job sticking with it! :thumbsup2

Vicky -- I could definitely use a change in my routine. I'm getting a little one this week. I did 5 Mon., 3 today, and I plan to do 3 tomorrow, Thurs., and Sat. The last two workouts will depend on how motivated I'm feeling, but just doing 3 seems like enough to get me energized without completely exhausting me before I spend the days running around theme parks. :cool1:

Beth -- I like to start the shopping early so I can mail to my nieces in FL. I guarantee my SIL will have the pkg for our family in the mail the day after Thanksgiving. She is amazing :rolleyes1 Your goals for 2010 sound great! I haven't given it any thought yet. I'm not ready for a full, but I do hope to actually do some races other than WDW. That would be a big step for me, since that's generally all I do. I know there are 5Ks around, and I'm starting to get a little smaller so maybe I won't completely stand out...I keep thinking in 50 lbs this will be more doable. ;)

I gained 2 lbs last week, which is not how I wanted to start this trip. I'm still 5 less than when I last flew in June, so I guess that's something. TOM is also stalking me, I'm not sure he's going to catch me but I know he's coming up fast. I'm hoping the rides and plane seat will fit a big better. I fit ok, but I'd like for there to be room to spare... I can't wait for the day when I can walk to the bathroom on the plane and know I can easily get through without touching anyone. It seems like even as I get smaller, people hang out into the aisle more...maybe that's my imagination :confused3

Howdy to everyone else -- Wendy, Debra, Cindy, Jeanne :wave:

I am wishing everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving!

Be careful if you are travelling and enjoy your treats in moderation! :teacher:

Maria :upsidedow
Maria – Have a great trip! Enjoy the sun.

Beth – Hope you had a good vacation. A marathon!?!? You are amazing.

Vicky – Thanks for the race report. No fun to feel like you are lost on the race, but it looks like you pulled it off anyway.

Jackie – Sounds like a good thanksgiving for you. With my mom down this year I think the number of pies arriving at our dinner will be less than usual – and that is a good thing. Have fun at your Turkey Trot.

As for me – My mom is doing much better. DH and I went to her house to cook dinner on Sunday and spent some good time with her and my dad. We also watched the MSL Cup Final (Congrats REAL Salt Lake!!!!). Thank you all for your concern. I appreciate the love and support. We have yet to get any results. But they did find a grapefruit size tumor. Still just waiting to see if it is the bad kind of tumor.

I was pretty bad with my exercise this weekend. It did get really cold and wet. I was waiting for DH to go to the gym with me rather than just hopping on my treadmill at home, and that was a mistake. We never made it on Saturday. I felt so bad about missing a Saturday workout that I actually had a dream where I was being yelled at by a personal trainer (I don’t have one!). So no more of that! We did manage to go last night, and I made it running for 20 minutes. As I was going around the little indoor track I was thinking that this is the longest time I have run probably since high school, and maybe before that! I have never been a runner, but it felt good. For now I love running with DH, and we are trying to find a speed and interval that will work well for us. I know the longer we run without a walking break the slower we go. We are both doing a 5K on Thursday. Hopefully it will be fun. The weather is forecast to be good, so I will keep hoping for that.

I big HI to everyone else. Happy Thanksgiving to all!
Manda! -- So great to hear from you! I'm glad to hear your mom is doing better, and crossing my fingers for good news. Have a wonderful time at the 5K on Thursday, you will feel great eating your meal knowing you burned some calories! :woohoo:

Maria :upsidedow
Just a quick post to WISH everyone a Happy and Healthy Thanksgiving. I hope to have more posting time over the weekend.

Happy Thanksgiving Lean Meaners! Hope everyone is having a relaxing day off :) No holidays for us further up North unfortunately. Our Thanksgiving was back in October.

Jackie - Good luck on your 8K! Sorry I didn't have a chance to post until now. How did you end up doing? Did you go solo or with your running buds? WTG on your 1.5 lb loss!!

Maria - Bring us back some sun!!

Manda - Glad to hear your mom is doing better! That's fantastic news! And congrats on running 20 minutes :) Btw, I'm starting to think that trainers who yell at their clients only do so for TV ratings.

Beth - You inspired me to start thinking of races for 2010. I've got 2-30K races, a 10 miler and a 1/2 so far. And by planning this early, I can also save a little bit on race fees too :)

AFM - Unfortunately I'm at work today :( Though you'd think it was some special kind of holiday here. People have had donut bits, pizza, dessert trays, hot chocolate... I've managed to dodge everything so far. I hope it doesn't make me seem too antisocial. I'm back at the gym tonight for a 1/2 hour workout and will probably run on the TM for 3 miles afterward. I was up this morning but it was raining out.

Oh I almost forgot to mention that the airline we're flying down on was having a seat sale. I was able to change our tickets for just the change fee of $105 (total). Then I added a day onto our stay at the Poly by downgrading room categories and using the 40% PIN code. It worked out to being only $10 more :) So hooray for an extra day in WDW - especially in January!!
I AM in planning mode!

I signed up for 2 1/2 marathons so far. $65 for VA beach and $55.00 for the Lehigh Valley.

I am looking at marathons right now. San Diego in June? A little early for me...wanted more October/November. The family wants a destination marathon.....we'll see.

I am also looking at the National 1/2 marathon in March.

My goals refined....

1. Beat 2:15 for the half.
2. Then aim for 10 min/miles for about 2:10 finish.
3. Marathon in 5:30.
4. Lose 10 pounds.

There you are!

Maria: Have a great time!

Vicky: Good goals!

Manda: Glad mom's doing better.

Good morning Lean Meaners! Hope everyone had a fabulous Thanksgiving weekend. Ours was very low key, but really enjoyable. Ran a 5 mile Turkey Trot Thursday morning, then got a spontaneous invite from a couple there for dinner that afternoon. Had a fabulous evening with new friends, then had dinner on Friday with the inlaws. I cooked and took all the food to a friend's house, and we had a quiet afternoon with a nice walk between the meal and dessert.

Vicky - I started the Turkey Trot with two of my running buddies. Around mile 3.5, one of them said he needed to walk earlier than the scheduled walk break. I never looked back. Just kept on running, and even picked up the pace. Lengthened the run intervals, and finished about 3 minutes ahead of them. Felt a little guilty, since one of them is the same friend I left during the Richmond marathon, but a race is a race. I was determined to PR this course. I'm a little disappointed that I only beat last year's time by a little under a minute, since I was really sick last year and couldn't breathe, but I'm justifying it by saying I spent the first 3 miles with my friends and could have run faster. Next year...

Beth - Great goals! Big Sur Marathon in November?

VICTORY! I got on the scale this morning, and it's EXACTLY THE SAME as it was last Monday. I made it through Thanksgiving, through the Tasting Party at church yesterday (LOTS of yummy goodies), and TOM is due this week, with no weight gain. No loss either, but it's still a victory.

Hello there, mean leaners!

I am very sorry but life has been so crazy lately that in order to post, I have to resort to doing a C&P job from the Ohana thread. I truly apologize to those who subscribe to both threads, but I think you'll agree I've been a little busy......

I know it's been ages since I last posted, but my life is a little crazy right now. Our trip to MI was great and the engagement party was a hoot....straight outta the movie for sure! Aside from my daughter, we were the only non-Greeks at the party. In some ways, it was a little overwhelming, but they are such a warm, loving family we soon felt at ease. My favorite was the uncle who made a point of coming over to tell us that we "looka lika nice people!" Unbeknownst to us, it is tradition at an engagement party for the bride-to-be to receive gifts of fine jewelry which she must immediately wear for good luck. My daughter was walking around looking like Mr. T....she had more bling than a Disney marathon junkie! Quite a nice surprise....

We also got her wedding gown that weekend. It took all of an hour! We are very pleased. It is simple, but very elegant. Of course it was the first one she tried on, but then she had to try on another 8-10 just to be sure. That is a major item to be checked off. If anyone is interested, here is a link:
(Hers will be in white, not ivory.... and don't look at the back view on the website because it's not the same dress!)
Then this past weekend, she came home for Thanksgiving and we picked out the bridesmaids dresses and ordered the cake! So little by little, everything is falling into place.

As if the weddings aren't enough to keep me busy, we are in the process of closing down my husband's business. He has accepted what he hopes will be the job of his dreams in a neighboring state and we have decided that because of the upcoming weddings, we won't move. So we need to get him a small apt. and move in some bare essentials so he can stay there midweek. Our health/dental insurance will also be changing and I have been scurrying around trying to get all my important tests and exams in. Last week was a colonoscopy, which is never fun, but very important since I have a family history. Also had 2 old fillings replaced.....again, not fun, but necessary. This weekend, John and I have the R&R HM in Las vegas...complete with mid-race vow renewal. We come home on Monday, and I go in for my surgery on Wednesday. It will be a 2-3 week recoverery so I am trying to take care of all my Christmas stuff this week before I leave. Over Thanksgiving weekend the kids all pitched in and we put up both the tree and outside lights. Plus, the inside house is pretty much decorated. You can see I've been busy!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Our December hollidays will be here before we know it....and after that, marathon weekend! Can't wait to see everyone again!
Good Morning Lean Meaners,

Jeanne: You have been busy. So glad it's mostly good stuff (colonoscopy and dentist excepted). Best WISHes in Las Vegas. How wonderful to do a vow renewal. Good luck with your surgery and recovery. I tried the link to the dress, but it didn't seem to work. I'm sure it's beautiful.

Jackie: Fantastic news about your weight staying the same over Thanksgiving. That's no small feat. Congrats on your PR. I don't blame you for not staying with your friends. I would have done the same thing and then felt guilty too.

Beth: Your goals sound challenging, but achievable. Good luck with them. How was the Hall of Fame. I love that place, but don't imagine sleeping on the floor was very nice.

Vicky: Glad to hear you've extended your trip in January. I would have loved to stay longer, but as it is my son is missing 6 days of school.

Manda: Glad your mom is doing well. Still hoping for good test results. Sorry your weather has been cold and snowy. We've just enjoyed the warmest November in years. I know cold weather is on its way, but I'm enjoying this while it lasts.

Maria: Hope your trip was wonderful. Let's hear about it. Great job on losing 3.8 lbs in a week.

Debra: Hello.

I made it to WW yesterday for the first time in nearly 2 months. I was up 3.8 lbs. since the beginning of Oct. It wasn't much of a surprise since I had a long stretch of poor eating and decreased exercise. I didn't eat well on Thanksgiving or the day after, but decided to get back on plan for Saturday and Sunday. It helped that we didn't cook and I had no leftovers.

I'm really going to try to be consistent with exercise this month. It's way too easy to skip it because I have so many other holiday related things to do. I have to make it a priority. The leader at WW suggested we take a calendar page for December and write in our schedule. Fill in dentist appts, meetings, work, planned exercise, parties, Christmas shopping. Then figure out which days will be challenging and see how many days it should be easy to stay on plan. I think this will really help. I can see I'll have 4 or 5 days that have parties or Christmas celebrations. If I can eat reasonably the other 26 or 27 days I can make it through December without a big gain.

I did my first back to back runs for Goofy this weekend. I ran 6 on Sunday and 12 on Monday. It really wasn't too bad. I was worried it would be too hard on my knees. I feel fine today. I love knowing I burned an extra 1800 calories in 2 days. I made a point of not consuming all of them either.

Have a good day everyone.
Good morning Lean Meaners!

Jeanne: You have been a busy little beaver! You are forgiven for not visiting us here, and for the copied post! No problem! I am glad things are coming together for Jen's wedding......I love the Mr. T 'picture' in my head! Fine jelewery is always acceptable! Good luck in Vegas! I will miss not being there. My friend Heidi is running the 1/2! I was to be there, but the finicial part got in the way!:mad: Then good luck with the surgery......I am sure you will do fine! You will be a new woman!

Cindy: The Hall of Fame was fun.....not fun sleeping on the floor, but the kids had a blast! They did a nice job with it! We then spent Saturday night in NYC......the people from the parade were already there, and very obnoxious! It was nice just walking around though. We were right by Times Square!

AFM: So, my plan for 2010 is always changing......We might decide to do an early marathon than I wanted to. The Rock and Roll San Jose is only a 1/2 marathon (looking for a marathon). So, the boys would love to fly somewhere.....they have only been on a plane once......and they would 'prefer' California! ((((((Like I care!))))). But, looking at the RnR schedule.....San Diego looks interesting. I hear great things about the city, but the only drawback is that the marthon is June 6th. The boys last day of school in June 4th......so that would work.......I would just have to train over the winter months.....meaning alot of the TM. I don't think it would be much different later though, since most of my running is in the morning on the TM anyway....... So, I would have a 1/2 marathon in March and April, a marathon in June, and then I could do the VA 1/2 and Philly 1/2 in September. I could probably still get another 1/2 in in the fall sometime.

I printed two schedules out.....Runner's World and Hal Hidgen's intermediate schedule. It looks doable. Runner's World has more pace, tempo, and speed work involved. I might have to tweak them a bit.....we'll see.

I am kind of excited......I never was going to do another marathon, and now here I am thinking about it! I will not gain 25 pounds again though......it's been to hard getting it off!

Cindy: I just tried and the link doesn't work for me either even though I tested it several times last night. In fact, their entire website is down right now so that may be the problem. I'll check back later and revise if necessary.
Hey Leanies!

I promise to check in later and chat about my trip. I just made a doctor's appt. for about an hour from now, so I have to get going. I've had these bumps on my arm for a long time and dh and my sm have been bugging me to go, but I'm such a baby...and I for some reason I got to work today, pulled out telephone list and just made the call. I figured they wouldn't see me for a month or so, turns out I can go in this AM.

The weigh in alone usually keeps me away. I've lost 20 lbs so far this year, but I know I'm still going to get a lecture...but I guess I'll just go with it. I know I've worked hard for what I've done, and I'll keep doing it next year, too. I am going to be so glad when this is over...I just know there will be pain involved. ::yes::

I'm still here, and ready to get back with a great report...can you tell I don't want to get up and go to the doctor?

Maria :upsidedow
I'm here. 4 days in a row eating well. It's amazing that it only takes 4 days to feel so much better. I need to remind myself how much I like this feeling when the next temptation comes around. I think that will be tomorrow night when I go to a friend's house for a Pampered Chef party. I'm not sure if I'll decide to have just one treat or for go all the goodies. I have a big challenge on Saturday as I'm going to a baby shower during the day and a party at night time. I think I will try to avoid treats tomorrow night and save some pts for Saturday.

Beth: You certainly have the base to do a marathon in June. The winter running will be a challenge, but as you say, you already do the TM quite a bit. As long as it's not icy, running outside in the winter is manageable. It is possible to not gain weight during training - not that I've ever done it myself, but if you are aware of it and are diligent about counting calories in vs. calories out you can do it. I think it will be a great idea to have a good marathon experience to look back on. Good luck to you.

Maria: Looking forward to hearing about your trip. Good for you for getting to the doctor to have your arm looked at. It will be a wonderful relief when it's all over.

Have a great day everyone.
Cindy: You are exactally right.....I want a good marathon experience, not just "I finished!" The desire is coming earlier than I thought it would. I thought I would wait until the boys were in high school or something. I guess I feel like I am in the best shape of my life, my weight is OK, and why not do it now if I can do most of my training on off times. Most of my running is early in the morning before the family is awake, and my long runs can be on Thursdays or Fridays when the boys are in school. That might even be better than training in the summer when they are off school. The idea is improving as I think about it. That would eliminate the time lost to the family which was a bigger deal in 2007. The family might not end up hating me!!! My main goal is not to gain weight!

Good luck to you on the challenges coming up. I know we all have them lumming in the future due to Christmas, but your's are hitting you earlier. I usually try to go into something like that with a game plan. If I am letting myself have treats, I do. If I don't want to endulge......I stay away from all of it. Even the good stuff. When I start to eat (or drink) I lose the resolve. I keep it to diet Coke, and try to eat something ahead of time so I am not hungry. I can stay on target better eating nothing. I hope you make it out ok!

Maria: How was the doctor's appointment? Hope it isn't to painful for you. Please do tell us about the trip!

AFM: It was really hard getting up today (all week actually) My schedule got screwed up after being sick last week, and not getting up. It was not a stellar run this AM, but it got done. Felt like crap, but the miles are put in!

Eating was ok yesterday, but boy I was hungry! Hopefully better today!

Hey Lean Meaners!

I'm back...and Cindy was absolutely right, it feels wonderful to have that over with. Although I've been referred to a dermatologist for a 2nd opinion, the doctor believes it is nothing to worry about at all, and should be cleared up with a steroid cream. She didn't prescribe anything so the derm can see it as is, but assured me it is definitely not skin cancer. Whew! I did get a lecture about how I need to have a physical, mammogram and pap. I'm going to think about it after the Half. If I schedule anything now I'll just worry about it the whole time I'm in FL. I am the world's biggest weanie. I still believe I only gave birth because there was no other choice at that point! ;)

Beth -- I'm sorry last week was not so fun. I'm really glad you are feeling better -- and up to tackling a marathon! I know you can come through it without a weight gain, you can accomplish anything you set your mind to! :thumbsup2

Cindy -- That's a lot of food challenges all at once! Mine come next weekend with the family Christmas party. Just me and dh's uber-thin family -- you know, the one where the cousin's girlfriend (yes they have 2 kids, but who needs marriage? :confused3) tells her oldest son not to eat too much so he won't get fat while glancing pointedly at me every year. I don't eat too much during the party (or at all, really), but I tend to hit the pantry running when I get home. I'm going to try not to do that this year. I have lost 20 lbs since they saw me last year. I think I look smaller, and I know my clothes fit better and are smaller, too. But I'm nowhere near these folks -- my sizes are so still in the double digits, and I think their's are not over 4, so I will still look like gargantua next to them. Anyway, what I was trying to say was -- Eat a little something if it will make you feel too deprived and eat way too much later. It's better to have a little bit of something you really want, and avoid the binge!

So, onto trip highlights (mostly a cut & paste, sorry Team Ohana):

We had a fantastic time at Universal Orlando. We had plenty of time to do all the rides (the Simpsons 4 times in one day -- not my idea, but ds loved it), the Express access made a huge difference. Even when lines were long and crowded, we skated right through.

My Thanksgiving dinner was a whopper. Again, not my idea...I think ds was afraid I'd make him eat turkey if we ate some place that resembled a restaurant. I splurged for the holiday and had it with cheese and all the trimmings.

We went to the Animal Actors show for the first time at US. We were both impressed, very cute if you like animals. We also saw the Beetlejuice Graveyard Review twice, once on Thanksgiving and once on Saturday. Let's just say most of the A Team clearly had the day off for Thanksgiving. It was the same show, but the performances were quite different.

The Harry Potter castle is coming right along. I'm looking forward to going back and experiences Hogwarts.

No water rides for us. Yes, they were open. No, we weren't up for it what with some people wearing gloves, hats, boots and parkas. Not us, 60 degrees isn't quite that cold to us -- but too cold for a soaking.

Friday night Megadeth played at the Hard Rock Live. Saturday night David Cook played at the same venue. I don't think they have any of the same fans, judging by the lines we saw.

I managed to get in 2 3M workouts, so I was pretty happy with that. I did 4M yesterday and 3M yesterday + yoga, so back on track with my training.

We stayed at the RPR onsite, and had a gorgeous view of the pool and lake. We were able to watch the boats dock and take off, so that was fun. DS got in the pool once, then thought better of it. Too cold for me by far!

I can't tell what I gained -- TOM has hit me with a veangance, and so I'm not sure. It doesn't look too bad overall. If I'm where I was before I left after TOM, I'll feel very good about it.

Feel free to ask any questions...

Maria :upsidedow
Maria: The trip sounded like fun! I am glad things went well! And, I have a different mentality with vacation......I eat what I want......and will work it off later! I traveled alot in November.....alot of 'vacation'! I am up a little, but I am not really too stressed about it. I am back on plan, and it will come off! So, just keep doing what you are doing.....it will all work out!

I am not so obscessed with the scale right now......I do want about 9 pounds more off.....maybe by my birthday in Feb (around the same time marathon training would start). Then I want to maintain it for the duration!

Good Morning Lean Meaners.

Maria: I'm glad you had a great vacation. When you said you had a whopper of a thanksgiving dinner I didn't realize you meant it literally. Aren't you a great Mom for letting DS choose. Good for you for getting your runs in. You are right about having a little treat to avoid the binge later. That does seem to be my problem. Remember, DH's family may be thin, but he didn't get to choose them, he chose you. That's far more important than your dress size. And congrats on losing 20 lbs. We all know how hard that can be.

Beth: Good job being back on plan. If you stick with it those next 9 lbs will go away. The June marathon does sound good. You'll get all your LRs in before the super hot weather gets here.

I am up to 5 days of healthy eating. I'll get on the scale tomorrow to see if it shows there, but I can tell my jeans aren't quite as tight as they were last week. I got out for 5 miles of running yesterday. We have been blessed with very nice weather recently. I know it will change, but I'm glad to be enjoying it now. I made it to the gym this morning for a swim. It really feels so good to start the day off that way. Hopefully I can walk at lunch time to burn a few more calories.

Have a great day everyone.


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