What is the loudest thing you have slept through?

The house across the street burned in the middle of the night. It's totally destroyed, and apparently there were fire trucks, cop cars, and ambulances lining our street from 2am til about 6am. I slept through he entire thing.
What street did you live on??? My absolute 'slept through ' was in high school, the house behind us burned down and I didn't know tip the next morning.

My technical one is when the chemical plant blew up in Danvers a few years ago. I slept through the explosion, but woke to either the sound wave of the sirens.
I used to work in a bowling alley and when we had tournaments I would be stationed in the back and I would sleep on top of the pinsetters while they were running and pins we getting knocked over.
I’m a light sleeper so pretty much everything wakes me up. When my kids were little and sick, I couldn’t sleep at all. I was too worried that I wouldn’t hear them. I’m so glad those nights are behind me.

My husband, otoh, can sleep through everything. It drives me nuts and makes me want to smother him with a pillow, which I’m pretty sure he’d sleep through.
I worked graveyard shift for 25 years and slept during the day.
I slept through:
1) Having a new roof put on my house.
2) Having a room added onto my house.
3) My neighbors having a pool built 40 feet from my bed.
4) My neighbors having a new second story wood deck put on the back of their house.
5) 25 years of leaf blowers, lawn mowers, tree trimming.
I used to regularly sleep at a bowling alley. Something like 20 lanes.

My husband slept while there was a fire across the street. There were 3 trucks in attendance, plus the an ambulance, captain's car and a pickup truck.

Our son slept through our alarm going off. Thankfully there wasn't a break in, just a someone opening a door after the alarm had been set.
I used to work in a bowling alley and when we had tournaments I would be stationed in the back and I would sleep on top of the pinsetters while they were running and pins we getting knocked over.

I used to regularly sleep at a bowling alley. Something like 20 lanes.

I think you guys win.

Also, so many fires. :(

Now as an adult, and mom, I can sleep through a thunderstorm, but all it takes is one of my kids whispering "mom" and I am wide awake.

Same here. Weather doesn't wake me, but all my kid has to do is stare at me. :magnify:
I can fall asleep watching TV, but I hate "white noise."

My dad owned a bar when I was little, and we lived in an apartment over it until I was five. I naturally became a pretty good sleeper.
Before child I could sleep through anything. I once went to a Def Leppard concert when I was 19 and fell asleep (after working a 13 hour waitressing shift immediately prior) I just sat down in the fold out chairs and conked out until the end of the concert!

Now with child... I am lucky if I get 3 hours a night. I can hear her breathing from across the hall and will still get up throughout the night just to check on her...and she is almost 16!! It also doesn't help that my husband snores like a freight train.
I've slept through earthquakes (not that they're necessarily loud), and big thunderstorms which can sometimes shake the whole house. Sometimes I'll get up in the morning, look outside and realize there was a storm (leaves and tree branches blown to the ground.) This astounds DW who will inform me she thought the whole house might blow away.;)

The classic "slept through it" story for me was a guy at an AC/DC concert who "fell asleep"(passed out) during the show. He slept through most of the show but finally came around when they did "For Those About To Rock We Salute You"...when they shot off the cannon.:rotfl2:
I slept through almost the Miss saigon show in London’s West end. Granted I was jetlagged. Woke up at the end when the helicopter flys in. Freaked me out as i for a moment forgot where I was.
In 1972 we were visiting relatives in Texas and I slept through a hurricane. Didn't even realize it had happened!


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