Wk of Jan 21--WISH Walking/Running Club

Hello all! I enjoy reading all your posts; it's nice to know people are keeping up with the running even after marathon weekend is over for 2007.

I went to the Y after dropping the kids at school this morning and did 3 miles on the treadmill. I really hate the treadmill and 3 miles is about all I can stand! Luckily tomorrow is supposed to be sunny and mild, so I'm hoping for a long run out in the fresh air.

Happy weekend, all!
I just got back. Decided to hit the treadmill instead of the track. I guess I would rather walk in place with a nice view than walk around the track 36 times to make my 4 miles.

So, I did 4 miles in 59min. Felt good and spent lots of time stretching. I will consider it a succesful LW for this week!

This weekend will be rest days. With dh gone, I have no babysitting available. I already reserved times in the babysitting room at the gym so that I don't blow off all of next week.

Happy Weekend,
Kevin - (with apologies to Craig) that class is horrible! I loved undergrad finance but grad school finance OMG :eek:
Just popping in to keep that post count up. I mean, uh, because I was reminded of a story when I read a PM, yeah, that's it. :rotfl2:

The other night, I got from one of my HS cross teammates. We only exchange X-mas cards these days, as I keep losing her e-mail. :blush:

Anyway, I am always down on myslef because if I ever met my HS coach or teammates, I'd be embarrassed to tell tehm my pace. My friend e-mailed me, as she had gotten my CHristmas card right before the marathon. (I told her about finishing last year, no time or goal time for this year) SHe had a co-worker training for WDW. He told her that it was horrible hot. SHe commented that she'd be thrilled just to make it in 7 hours. :eek: She was a senior when I was a freshman and solid varsity, someone I looked up to. It really made me feel like Ihad accomplished something. While I have known that, it's just the whole pace things and HS insecurities that nag you sometimes. (You know, stuff that you tell others is meaningless that you have a hard time telling yourself.) That was priceless! Really made me feel good tot hink that one of those HS peole was impressed by "just" finishing. :cloud9:

Have a great weekend all! Tiem to print another map, wake up my sick dh adn tell him it's time to go play with his sister. I'd give anything for a night a home. *sigh*
Good evening team.....well I am depressed....I think.....:confused3

I just got back from the gym and used a different treadmill cause the one I usually use was being used....is that a sentence...anyhu...I could not come close to the pace I was keeping on the other machine....does that make sense?? I made sure it was on miles but my pace wasn't even close....I honestly forget my milage but I was about 4MPH instead of the 6.2MPH I was keeping on the other machine.....I couldn't use a different machine to check which one might actually be right cause the gym was packed but wow....does any of this make sense??? I do walk at a very fast pace so I don't get it. Anyways I am taking a rest day tomorrow but will check a different machine on Sunday. I am so upset, I thought I was doing a great pace...if the second one is right I am doing horribly....sorry for whining....I will stop now.

Hope you all have a awesome evening, I am curling tonight so I can drown my sorrows in a mudslide after the game:yay:

Good evening team.....well I am depressed....I think.....:confused3

I just got back from the gym and used a different treadmill cause the one I usually use was being used....is that a sentence...anyhu...I could not come close to the pace I was keeping on the other machine....does that make sense?? I made sure it was on miles but my pace wasn't even close....I honestly forget my milage but I was about 4MPH instead of the 6.2MPH I was keeping on the other machine.....I couldn't use a different machine to check which one might actually be right cause the gym was packed but wow....does any of this make sense??? I do walk at a very fast pace so I don't get it. Anyways I am taking a rest day tomorrow but will check a different machine on Sunday. I am so upset, I thought I was doing a great pace...if the second one is right I am doing horribly....sorry for whining....I will stop now.

Hope you all have a awesome evening, I am curling tonight so I can drown my sorrows in a mudslide after the game:yay:


What is your pace on the street?
I had the same problem too. On a TM at the YMCA I could run at a 6.5, but at the other gym I have started to go to I do a 7 or 8 (8 when I am pushing it). My pace is around a 9MPM on the road so I go with the faster TM....
Are you walking or running at a 6.2? That is faster than a 10 MPM. I know I can run that, but do not think I could walk it. AND I don't know much about race walking though.
If the 4 is correct, that is still an AWESOME pace. But, I would also let the gym know of the differences.
Hi Team!

Just thought I'd mention that I received official approval at work for my time off next January. I am planning on doing the full, and DH will probably do the half:cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:

Only something like 352 days to go!

In the meantime I have finally started putting in the steps this week. Slow but sure on the treadmill.

Ran into a little problem with my cross training though....


:scared1: :eek: :scared1: :eek:

We were dog sitting last week for DH's co-worker's beautiful white husky. I had crated her in the front bedroom and for the first time ever, she unlatched her kennel and escaped. Fortunately I had the bedroom door shut. Unfortunately she totally destroyed my Total Gym. I'm just glad the bedroom door was shut!!
Hi Team!

:scared1: :eek: :scared1: :eek:

We were dog sitting last week for DH's co-worker's beautiful white husky. I had crated her in the front bedroom and for the first time ever, she unlatched her kennel and escaped. Fortunately I had the bedroom door shut. Unfortunately she totally destroyed my Total Gym. I'm just glad the bedroom door was shut!!

Congrats on being able to come down next year. :cheer2: :cheer2:

I might have to do bad things to the dog if that happened to me. :scared1: Although it would give me an excuse to relax for a little bit.

OMG PAT!!! I would have been one irritated person if that happened to me (and I love dogs!). My dog is chewer, but I don't think she would chew up a Total Gym!!!

So I was able to get in 30 minutes on the Y treadmill tonight. I was AWESOME... When I jumped off the go get my daughter from swim class, I totally felt like I could do another 30. I don't think I have EVER said that!

I am little bummed tho. There is a swim meet at the Y by my house tomorrow. And it will be so crowded with people, that I don't even want to go. Family members usually migrate to the workout area (not supposed to) and the kids find the indoor track and goof off on it. I ran the track once during a swim meet and it wasn't fun. So I can either run on my home treadmill (no fun) or do nothing. I guess it will be my treadmill. A cold snap is currently hitting us and the wind picked up. It is supposed to last all weekend, so there is no way I will be outside!!!

I am getting excited about my 1/2 Marathon in May. The final stretch is through Lambeau Field where the Green Bay Packers play and apparently it is a mandatory practice day. So if the Packers start hooting and holloring for me, I will consider then my replacement WISH team.

Have a great weekend all!

Enjoy the run and finish in Lambeau. That should be pretty darn cool. I assume a run in Green Bay will be pretty flat in the Fox River Valley.


Your post was very insightful and thoughtul. You are Scott are a lot younger than I am (young whipersnappers:mad: ), but it's part of human nature to compare yourself against some standard. If we didn't we wouldn't be striving, not trying to achieve something, not trying to stretch ourselves. About the only outdoor vice I don't have is mountain climbing (beyond Colorado's 12', 13's and 14'ers which is just steep hiking), who climb to find out if they have it inside to get up there, but I understand. In the words of Peter Ustinov, the one and only Captain Blackbeard, "your modern life has gotten small." I think in many ways we're all out there seeing if we still have the innards to do the bigger things that we humans used to have to do to survive.

In your case you compare yourself to what you, and your friends and teammates could run in high school. In my case I compare myself to the times I ran in my late 20's when I was the fittest and fastest I ever was. Sadly we'll never meet those standards, but on most day's I'm okay with that. Yes, occasionally I feel old and sad about not being able to do everything with the elan I used to have. On other days I look in the mirror and yes, I see a 50 year old man, but I'm proud that he refuses to act his age, is still running marathons, surfing, acting irresponsibly, and one day he'll ignore his wife's wishes and buy that Ducati, the red Ducati.

It's lovely that your ex-teammate recognizes that as well. I think you've done very for yourself, and as I posted right after the race, anyone who got around the course and across the finish on January 7 in Orlando did themself proud. In those conditions we all had a million reasons to stop. You didn't.

Finally, if you want to really feel humble, you and Scott are invited to visit us on any Patriot's Day, a Monday in mid-April. The Boston Marathon course goes by about 2 miles from our house. Wellesley is the half way point of the course, so to see the elite men we show up 60 minutes after the start of the race. At about 63 to 65 minutes you'll see the lead pack come towards you and then ZOOOOOOOM go right by. They are doing every mile at about 4:50 per mile, all 26 miles. It alternately makes you want to go out and train for your next race, and never pull on your running shoes again since you've seen a standard which not 100 people in the world can ever achieve.

Best to you, Scott, and all the training gang.

For anyone that has experience at the Flying Pig marathon, can you drive downtown the morning of the event and park, or should you get a hotel within walking distance. I just priced hotels, and it seems pretty steep. I don't know if getting away from downtown is an option.
Craig, yes the course is pretty flat. The map says there is one area that has a gradual incline for about a mile (I think). But nothing too difficult. Should be fun, as long as it doesn't rain! If it does rain, it may very likely be my first long rain run.
Texa - :welcome:

Pat - Oh, no!! That dog sure did a number on your equipment! :scared1: There would have been a few choice words flying around if that was my puppy! Glad to hear you'll be able to make it in January! I'm still trying to get up the nerve to ask my boss for that time off. I'm thinking I'll wait until later on next month, so hopefully he will have forgotten how crazy it can get in January. :laughing:

Well, DH and I got out and did a quick little 30-minute walk around the neighborhood. Not to make y'all jealous or anything, but it's a beautiful 55 degrees outside right now. Gorgeous walking weather! :)

The Boston Marathon course goes by about 2 miles from our house. Wellesley is the half way point of the course, so to see the elite men we show up 60 minutes after the start of the race. At about 63 to 65 minutes you'll see the lead pack come towards you and then ZOOOOOOOM go right by. They are doing every mile at about 4:50 per mile, all 26 miles.

Wow, Craig, that is so cool!

HOPEFULLY, :thumbsup2 we will be at Boston this year. DH qualified and is currently in training, unfortunately he has to make an around the world trip business trip to Japan, China and Germany over 14 days in February and another 8 day trip in March. I hope he likes hotel treadmills!:confused:

We will see how things work out in the next 8 weeks. I really hope he decides to do it, I would love for him to have this experience and to see it myself. :woohoo:

Denny--You can definitely get downtown the morning of the Flying Pig. Last year we parked at Great American Ballpark and walked to the start, we got there around 5:30 am. From what Stephen and I can remember, the only roads that are closed are right by Paul Brown Stadium and the Ohio River, it's fairly easy to get around.

I'm sure that hotel prices are steep marathon weekend! The best (and safest) place to stay on 75 South is off exit 15--Sharon Rd and off exit 19--Union Centre Rd. All of 275 (the loop around Cincinnati) is safe, but may be a bit confusing as you will have to navigate 2 highways in an area you are unfamiliar with. If you do stay off 275, 275 merges with 75 S between exits 15 and 16 and then take that all the way to the 2nd St. exit. There wasn't hardly any traffic on 75 last year and we made it downtown quickly.

Let me know if you have any more questions!
Yay! :yay: After a week of being :sick: I was finally able to get out and walk! Did 1.4 miles! Man, that used to be a great WISH report. Now that you guys are all marathoners it doesn't sound too exciting. ;) But I'm excited!!! :woohoo:
Doing my "Shirt Run" tomorrow.....It is basicly a 15 mile run to get in the Mangum Track Club. I get a T-shirt and pizza for it...I will take my camra and take pics...but there will be pics posted on the tricharlotte site I bet.

Christa- best WISHes for a healthy 15 miles! I spent some time today checking out what your shirt run was. Can't wait to see pics of you with your new shirt! :cool2:
Good Morning All.

Terri: I hope all goes well with the achilles. Don't get discouraged no matter what the diagnosis.

Stephanie: Good luck on the 18 miler. Based on you times from last week I'm sure you'll breeze right through.

Craig: Congrats on the new gig. I'm sure you're excited. How about the high altitude training? Should make a sea level race a snap!

Monte: Feel better soon.

Kim: I only know that 6.2 on my home TM is moving pretty good. Anything above 4 or 4.2 and a have to run. Either way, don't get down about your pace. That will come. The important thing is that you're putting the steps in and doing what you need to do.

Pat: Yikes!! That's one krazy kanine! Good thing the bedroom door was closed.

Well, I had a pretty decent long run yesterday morning. It was about 18 degrees out and I wasn't looking forward to 8 miles on the TM. I took the DD's up to the bus stop and discovered there was no wind and it didn't really feel that bad. So I layered up a bit and got in 8.12 miles at an average pace of 8.39 mi/min. Even felt pretty decent after.

I'm heading for the gym this morning for some XT on the bike and then some rest on Sunday.

Good weekend to everyone.
Good Morning TEAM: :surfweb:

I had my 60 min yoga x-training class yesterday. It felt good to stretch and spend some time with relaxing meditation. I needed it.

Carrie- Congratulations on having a little personal mental breakthrough. You should try to keep that feeling/thought and internalize it. You are doing great, and remember the only person you are competing with is yourself. But it is nice to get those external confirmations every now and then. Listen to Craig, as always he is so much more eloquent than I.

Kim- Don't be depressed you're still doing great. Listen to Christa, and see what you do on the road. That's probably the more accurate guage of your pace. Plus, that's what you'll have to do at Disney. However, there's nothing wrong with walking 4 mph. When I started walking last January, I started at 3 mph, and worked up from there. 4mph is still 15 min miles, and that is still ahead of the sweepers. Don't be depressed at all, you're doing great! BTW, you don't ever have to apologize for whining here. That's part of what this TEAM is all about. Having a group you can use as a sounding board when you're down.

Pat- Whoa, that gym is destroyed. I hope everything works out for you.

Jen- The Packers are in Green right? Yeah, they're definitely a replacement WISH team. That sounds like a pretty cool half. Good luck with your training in the cold this weekend. Have fun on the TM.

Craig- I love your posts and your spirit. I wish I could have met you at Disney. In the back of my mind, I dream of someday qualifying for the Boston marathon. It may be a lifelong goal I never achieve, but, as you say, it's nice to see if I have the innards to achieve such a goal. Congratulations on the summer teaching in Colorado. A little extra money for going back home? Not too bad at all... that will pay for your next race now, won't it.

Denny- Talk to Krista and Steve about the Flying Pig. I think they said that they drive in the morning of the race.

TXAng- Great job on your walk. 55 degrees sounds very nice!

Colleen- That is so cool your DH has qualified for Boston. I hope he decides to run and you get to experience it too. We definitely would need a report of that one.

Dena- 1.4 miles is AWESOME! Never belittle your accomplishments. You're doing great. You got out there and walked 1.4 miles, and your pregnant. Great for you. I'm so glad you are continuing to exercise during your pregnancy. You are going to be ready for that 5K at Disney in Janaury.

Christa- Good luck with the Shirt Run. Have fun!!!

Mike- Great job on the 8 miles around 8:30mpm. You are moving out there!!! WTG!

OK, I've eaten my Clif Bar, drank my coffee, and caught up with my teammates. Now I guess I need to gear up, layer up, and head outside for my LR. Oooh, it's going to be cold... :cold:


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