Your whine of the day...

Another too damn cold post here. I live in the South, what is going on here?

I gave away or donated all of my winter clothes when I left the Pacific Northwest and moved to western TN. Silly me didn't realize that the south get's this cold.
It is too damn cold!!!


Chicago here, and I totally agree. It was -14 in our suburb when I caught the train this morning, and I walked the 1.2 miles from the train station to my office at -9 (not including wind chill, which, according to the online calculator, was -28.78. Glad I didn't know that this morning).
Too damn cold here as well. The cold hurts. I don't like it.

Oh, and I was just told they couldn't approve my time off request for my May Disney trip. So we are going to have to rebook for June most likely. Not happy about it at the moment.

Chicago here, and I totally agree. It was -14 in our suburb when I caught the train this morning, and I walked the 1.2 miles from the train station to my office at -9 (not including wind chill, which, according to the online calculator, was -28.78. Glad I didn't know that this morning).
I do not envy you one bit. I'm in South Jersey and it has been in the teens and twenties here. My mom lives in New Hampshire though and when she left for work this morning her car said it was -22.
1: This weather!

2: I tried to take photos of last night's supermoon, but it was too damn cloudy to take any pics here in Toledo.

3: One of my favorite Website's been having serious trouble since 11 last night. The website is
My brother in law just announced his engagement. They both live in Germany (we’re in the USA) and so our Disney trip is canceled so that we can spend the money going to Germany.

The good thing is, a couple of months ago someone posted that their daughter was refused boarding because her passport was expired/going to expire. I checked mine and was able to renew it last month for ten years. So I can travel without an issue. My husband on the other hand...
Just got back from a cruise ro7nd New Zealand, my body clock is still on New Zealand time and I have a stinking cold
It’s too warm here in the metro Phoenix area. It shouldn’t be 76 F on January 2nd. I’d gladly send 10 degrees of our heat elsewhere.
I'm back at work after being on vacation the last week and half. My personal space heat cannot keep my office warm either.

I used to have an office at a library I worked at that was so cold that I kept a blanket and my winter coat in there year round. The computer they gave me was a dinosaur too. I basically ended up having to try to do all my work at the Reference Desk which wasn’t easy.


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