A very merry (and pink) birthday trip report

I LOVE LOVE the first two photos of rosebug and the one with eeyore.

I have an under active thyroid so know it is not pleasant at the beginning :hug:
Another lovely day! Rosebug looks like a proper princess in her tower sitting in the DLH window! She is adorable! Can't wait for more!
Starts at 11:30am I think? We caught them about 12pm. :thumbsup2

thank you so much. I'm making a list where and when to be, so info is very useful.

I'm enjoying your TR so much. And Rosebug looks so lovely :hug:
I LOVE LOVE the first two photos of rosebug and the one with eeyore.

I have an under active thyroid so know it is not pleasant at the beginning :hug:

Thank you! They think she has had it for at least 2.5 years; they diagnosed her in August last year and still can't get her meds level. We were right when we thought she was off during holiday; got the letter this morning to say she is still under active and we have to increase her medication. :sad1: I know that once they get her level she will be fine. She is coping better than we are tbh! The joys of being a parent!

Rosebug's grandma LOVES Eeyore too! We have to get her that photo printed and framed!
Thank you to everyone for the lovely comments about our trip and Rosebug! :flower3:

Working on day 3 now!
Day 3 - part 1:

Today was a much more chilled day; with nothing much planned apart from seeing the Parade and Dreams again. We cancelled our reservation at Inventions for this evening as I just thought it would be a waste of money to go again when neither Rosebug or me ate much, so we decided to either get room service after Dreams or a Casey's hotdog and just do as we wish throughout the day.

We started off with our lovely breakfast; we were sat in the middle section between Inventions and California Grill which had a lovely view but also was towered over by the Castle Club breakfast - so we could see their characters roaming around etc. Talk about rubbing it in! ;)

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We filled up on croissants and pain au chocolat; yoghurt; ham and bread; cups of tea and DH had a hot breakfast again before popping back to our room to get wrapped up.

We then wandered into the park and spent the first part around Main Street and Fantasyland. First stop was a meet with Minnie and Duffy which was fab; as Rosebug had been asking when she could cuddle Duffy again.

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After our cuddles we rode the carousel; Snow White; Peter Pan and Pinocchio and headed down to the Princess Pavillion for the first time this trip with a mild panic that we still hadn't met Aurora and our little girl had asked again if her favourite princess would be looking for her to give her a cuddle. princess: There was a bit of a queue, and Rosebug was cold so I sent the pair of them onto "It's a Small World" whilst I stood in the queue (phew) and chatted to some families (DH tells me off because I will talk to anyone!)
When they finished their first looooonnnnngggg ride around hell; sorry "It's a Small World" I was still in the queue, and the CM asked Rosebug if she would like to ride again - so she immediately said yes and DH's torture continued. Apparently she spent the whole ride asking him which country each section was; and did the same the second time round and he was like "It's Holland....STILL!" Although the Peru/Poo thing was allegedly still hilarious... :crazy2:

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Just as they finished their second ride it was our turn to go in and we had the choice of Snow White or Cinderella. We had already met Snow White twice, so Rosebug opted for Cinderella who remembered her from her restaurant on Monday, which made Rosebug grin from ear to ear. They chatted for a bit about their beautiful dresses and posed for a very sweet photo:

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We asked Rosebug what she would like to do next and surprise, surprise she decided she wanted to go on Pirates of the Caribbean again. pirate: We have had a bit of a giggle trying to get the most ridiculous photo of us on this ride and today's photo was pretty stupid. DH outdid himself!

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After we had a wander round we headed back towards Fantasyland and bumped into Tweedle Dum & Dee. Tweedle Dee had no queue but also very little people around him; yet Tweedle Dum had a big, managed queue? :confused3 We waited a few seconds until it was our turn to meet Dee, and had a lovely bit of interaction when he tried to steal her tiara.

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After a photo and an autograph we decided against seeing Dum as there was still a massive queue and went for another wander; deciding to head down to Cowboy Cookout for some lunch. It is such a shame that this is no longer a character meal; it was nicely full and had live music; food was as good as we remembered and the atmosphere was great - just crying out for Woody and Jessie!

Once we finished our lunch we continued at our slow pace just soaking up the atmosphere and then noticed a few people waiting at the Jungle meet - so we lined up just as we noticed King Louie heading down. Rosebug thinks he is fantastic because he reminds her of her daddy. She said to him "You have the same beard as my daddy. Are you twins?!" :rotfl2: Which made me giggle and she got a high 5 off Louie!

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She then asked if she could go and see the Dragon again; she had been acting out a scenario everytime we went in where as soon as the dragon stirred she would make us run out screaming shouting "Run for your lives! He's going to eat us!" So this time, as we ran out I screamed and hid - poor baby thought I had been gobbled up. She burst out laughing when I popped out and said "Mammy; that was mean. I thought you were dead!" :lmao: Such a morbid child!

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As Rosebug was dressed as Aurora again today she wanted to go upstairs in the Castle; so we spent some more time telling her story and looking out at our favourite view: Fantasyland!

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After this she climbed the beanstalk; rode the teacups and asked if she could go and see if Aurora was "home" this time. So we went off to the Princess Pavillion again. This time the choice was Ariel or Snow White (again!) So we went for Ariel, and this time she remembered Rosbeug from the meet in the Studios. It is little things like this which really make the magic for little ones I think!

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We then rode Casey Junior again; I love hearing Rosebug's squeals of delight on this ride and this time we got some photos of her squealing!

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I then demanded sweet things so we had a walk up Main Street and popped into the Boardwalk Candy Palace to buy fudge. And lots of it, especially because it was buy 3 get the 4th free. Rosebug chose a Mickey pink/white marshmallow and we then headed down to the disabled area near the Castle for the parade.

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Day 3 - part 2:

And then - the most anticipated part of our holiday. Cafe Fantasia for.... MICKEY WAFFLES!!!! And boy were they worth the build up and expense:

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We had a lovely (expensive) hour eating and warming up with cups of tea and coffee and then headed up to our room to get wrapped up for Dreams. We made itback into the park 10 minutes before Dreams was about to start; grabbed some hotdogs and chicken nuggets to have after the show and got a perfect spot outside Caseys; standing on the wallbehind the seating area. We couldn't see the left hand side of the display but we had no-one in front of us blocking our view and it was so stress free and magical! I will admit that I cried; at the show; at Rosebug's reaction and her shouting out of every character as they popped up. It was simply amazing!

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We were out of the park minutes after the show ended and back in our room; we ate our supper and I packed; before an early night - sad that it was our last night in our wonderful room with our wonderful view. I kept the curtains open again so we could fall asleep looking at the lit up hotel! pixiedust:
That last night when you know you have to go home tomorrow is not a good feeling! I did laugh at Rosebug's reaction to you hiding when you went to see the dragon though :rotfl2: Thank you for sharing your TR :)
She does sound quite grim at times. She once told the waiter in Pizza Hut that she was "a dead lady today!" and when he looked confused shewent on to say "Yes. The man I loved killed me for my inheritance!" I had to explain that she had been watching "The Corpse Bride!" :rotfl2:

Day 4 to follow...
She does sound quite grim at times. She once told the waiter in Pizza Hut that she was "a dead lady today!" and when he looked confused shewent on to say "Yes. The man I loved killed me for my inheritance!" I had to explain that she had been watching "The Corpse Bride!" :rotfl2:

Day 4 to follow...

oh my goodness this made me laugh out loud :rotfl2: :rotfl:
Thanks everyone!

My bath is run, the wine is open and the child is at her grandma's so thought I would quickly finish off my TR with day 4...


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