Eclipse on Monday being allowed into the park with welder glasses?

Basically you shouldn't look at the sun ever-not on the 21st or any other day of the year. The sun isnt more damaging during the eclipse than any other day its just that most people wont stare into the sun on your average day while they might do so during the eclipse.

Though I will say that I have, many times in my life, looked at the sun for a brief moment and I am not blind. I dont think its the momentary glance that is the problem. its staring at it for 5 or more minutes waiting for that cool totality halo.
Thank you! No one seems to know this! People are walking around like magical death rays are going to shoot out if the sun just during the eclipse. Nope. Those death rays shoot out of the sun every day. I can't believe that people are so keyed up over this. I've seen several eclipses, most at school. Never went blind. No blind spots or anything. And we never had glasses. We made pinhole viewers.
Yeah, I get that. I get that the brightness that forces you to squint and turn away will not be present and you will be able to stare away. But I had heard it only takes seconds to cause damage. I was wondering if that was true.

I am not an ophthalmologist so I have no scientific data driven argument here, just a little experiential knowledge that may be worth less than nothing. I have looked at the sun before for several seconds at a stretch and it has never damaged me. I even remember looking at an eclipse when I was kids for a maybe 10- 20 seconds-I was trying to figure out why my viewing box craft that I had made wasnt working- lol-kids.
We do not have interior hallways. When you leave the classroom you go outside. You have to go outside to go to the bathroom. Classes are not in 1 building but rather there are pods of 3 classroom that are connected and every other pod has a bathroom for boys and girls attached to it-but even if your pod has an attached bathroom room can only enter it by going outside.

The thing is we cant let kids pee their pants and we cant really even tell them no if they say that they really need to go to the bathroom. They are 8-they go all the time! If the school is that concerned then they should close the school for the day.

Very interesting school setup! Is it a pain in the winter when it's freezing cold and icy?
Very interesting school setup! Is it a pain in the winter when it's freezing cold and icy?

It doesn't actually get freezing cold and icy here. My son wears basketball shorts year round and nothing heavier than a hoodie. All of the schools around her have exterior hallways. We dont have tiles to walk on between classrooms we have grass and trees. It's a perk of the nice weather.
It was stated in an article that Disney did not want to supply glasses due to liability issues. They are leaving it to parents to monitor children. If anyone was terribly worried, they could head back to the hotel and stay inside during the eclipse, or bring glasses of their own for the kids. Not sure how long it is required to not look at the sun, a couple hours? Anyone know?

They are buying themselves liability issues. They can head back to the hotel, but you know how that will work, you will try to get out of the park, get stuck somewhere, crowds, buses etc and some kid is gonna end up looking at the sun. What you going to do when your kid is trying to look even though you said no? Put your hands over their eyes. Not going to work. Glasses are sold out everywhere so not that simple to just get glasses.
Having a blurry spot in one eye myself, from an ******* kid who decided it would be funny to shine a laser pointer in my eye, yes, I'd consider there's a good chance that looking at the sun during the eclipse will do damage. It might not show up right away, but it can lead to issues later on. It's just stupid to look at it. When you used the film negatives or dark glasses, you were not protecting your eyes from all of the harmful rays. The so-called 'eclipse' glasses? I don't trust them either - but I would run them past the list here:
I'm going to go out on a limb and guess you didn't have on eclipse level eye protection when that happened. I've said many times that of course you shouldn't look at the eclipse with out any protection.

But no if you wear some protection outside that is stronger than sunglasses you are not going blind. If you were we'd have millions blind now from past eclipse. Why do people fail to acknowledge that?

Others feel free to buy in to the hysteria. I'm not. This is my 3rd or 4th eclipse and no damage yet. I'll take reasonable precautions and go view it with my family. We are making a day of it in a local park
Yeah, I get that. I get that the brightness that forces you to squint and turn away will not be present and you will be able to stare away. But I had heard it only takes seconds to cause damage. I was wondering if that was true.

My understanding is it takes very little time. Normally you can't really look at the sun, with it like this, you can stare at it.
we found an old mechanic shop that has welder glasses with several glass sheets that are certified to view the eclipse.
To clarify... does it say shade "14"? I hear most welders do not use that shade because it's too dark.
I'm going to go out on a limb and guess you didn't have on eclipse level eye protection when that happened. I've said many times that of course you shouldn't look at the eclipse with out any protection.

But no if you wear some protection outside that is stronger than sunglasses you are not going blind. If you were we'd have millions blind now from past eclipse. Why do people fail to acknowledge that?

Others feel free to buy in to the hysteria. I'm not. This is my 3rd or 4th eclipse and no damage yet. I'll take reasonable precautions and go view it with my family. We are making a day of it in a local park

Not hysteria, IMO, just not seeing anything beneficial based on the risks taken. The mention of the eye injury was to show that I understand how easy it is to get an eye injury, and that they can be permanent.

An eye injury doesn't mean you have to go blind, BTW. That's silly. But you could increase your chances of developing other conditions, life changing ones. Not worth the risk, IMO, to see an eclipse directly. But others can disagree, as we are all free to take our own risks, and live with them.
Yes, frankly I'm surprised Disney world isn't closing or didn't do like schools and get glasses for the people. For the price people pay for Disney and all the kids there, its just insanely stupid of them to risk people losing their eyesight. Kids are going to look at the sun, especially when it isn't super bright and I can guarantee there will be at least a few kids that have permanent damage from it walking around Disney.

Closing the parks would be counterproductive, though, because it would force guests to entertain themselves at their resort where virtually every activity is outdoors. So instead of guests having the option of booking a meal or a FP for an indoor attraction or seeking out a show or character meet & greet to keep the kids out of the sun during the eclipse, you leave them with the choice between watching TV in the room or heading down to the pool.
They are buying themselves liability issues. They can head back to the hotel, but you know how that will work, you will try to get out of the park, get stuck somewhere, crowds, buses etc and some kid is gonna end up looking at the sun. What you going to do when your kid is trying to look even though you said no? Put your hands over their eyes. Not going to work. Glasses are sold out everywhere so not that simple to just get glasses.

Are some kids that dumb? Are parents that dumb? They can't entertain or keep a kid safe for 20 minutes? If you're that worried that you can't keep your kid from looking up at the eclipse, then go into a freakin' gift shop.

Myself, I give kids more credit. Eclipses have happened for centuries. As AngiTN has pointed out, we are not surrounded by a bunch of blind morons. Being outside while the eclipse happens is not going to make you blind. Looking at it without proper UVA/UVB and infrared protection can do damage to your eyes. Damage to the retina can cause blindness, and unsafe eyewear can lead to cataracts, eye growths, and even cancers in the eye, which might not show up for years. Myself, I don't trust the so-called eclipse glasses that are being sold. Unless you've got a spectrophotometer handy, you can't really say those glasses you bought are really safe. They could be knock-offs. Anyone can print the brand and ISO on a piece of cardboard and throw in some dark plastic or glass. Scammers have had plenty of time to make the product and now they're raking in $$$. But that's just my opinion.
Its more like an hour plus, not 20 minutes. And you don't think everyone else is going to have the same idea? BTW, a total eclipse like this in a certain place is like every 30 years or so. Its not like its all that common. And yes, people have damaged their eyes.

Are some kids that dumb? Are parents that dumb? They can't entertain or keep a kid safe for 20 minutes? If you're that worried that you can't keep your kid from looking up at the eclipse, then go into a freakin' gift shop.

Myself, I give kids more credit. Eclipses have happened for centuries. As AngiTN has pointed out, we are not surrounded by a bunch of blind morons. Being outside while the eclipse happens is not going to make you blind. Looking at it without proper UVA/UVB and infrared protection can do damage to your eyes. Damage to the retina can cause blindness, and unsafe eyewear can lead to cataracts, eye growths, and even cancers in the eye, which might not show up for years. Myself, I don't trust the so-called eclipse glasses that are being sold. Unless you've got a spectrophotometer handy, you can't really say those glasses you bought are really safe. They could be knock-offs. Anyone can print the brand and ISO on a piece of cardboard and throw in some dark plastic or glass. Scammers have had plenty of time to make the product and now they're raking in $$$. But that's just my opinion.
Hello! We were one of the many families who purchased eclipse certified glasses on amazon that turned out to be fake.

Did you by chance purchase a multi pack?

We purchased a 16 pack 2 months ago and had a mixture of bad ones mixed with good ones. The first one we opened was a dud, seriously bad when test viewing, so we assumed they were all bad. However, when we kept opening the rest, we saw that they were manufactured in various places: Paper Optics/TN, England, China, etc. Because they were mixed manufacturers with duds in the lot, Amazon recalled them. But it doesn't mean they were all bad. Hope this helps someone!
Yes, frankly I'm surprised Disney world isn't closing or didn't do like schools and get glasses for the people. For the price people pay for Disney and all the kids there, its just insanely stupid of them to risk people losing their eyesight. Kids are going to look at the sun, especially when it isn't super bright and I can guarantee there will be at least a few kids that have permanent damage from it walking around Disney.
Seriously suggesting Disney should close due to the eclipse? You are joking right? What happened to personal responsibility? Did I miss the sign requiring anyone go to the park on Monday? Geeze
It's not like aliens are blocking the sun and waving. From Disney you'll see some of the sun blocked briefly then it's business as usual. I guarantee most people at Disney will be there and when it's over go "that's it? It wasn't that great"

It's special because it doesn't happen very often but it's not that serious of an event.

Disney in no way should close the park or be looked down upon for not providing hundreds of thousands of people with some glasses they'll use for a few minutes. And just like with FP's, there's still going to be a ton of people in the parks that have no clue an eclipse is even going to happen.

If someone wants to try to stare at the sun long enough to damage their eyes, then that's on them lol. Kids and adults alike no not to stare at the sun, an eclipse happening isn't going to all of a sudden make them forget that
Did you by chance purchase a multi pack?

We purchased a 16 pack 2 months ago and had a mixture of bad ones mixed with good ones. The first one we opened was a dud, seriously bad when test viewing, so we assumed they were all bad. However, when we kept opening the rest, we saw that they were manufactured in various places: Paper Optics/TN, England, China, etc. Because they were mixed manufacturers with duds in the lot, Amazon recalled them. But it doesn't mean they were all bad. Hope this helps someone!
Yes ours were recalled But we made welder glasses , see 1st post for my older kiddos. Me and the three littles will be using our fast pass!
Its more like an hour plus, not 20 minutes. And you don't think everyone else is going to have the same idea? BTW, a total eclipse like this in a certain place is like every 30 years or so. Its not like its all that common. And yes, people have damaged their eyes.

The next one in the US is less than 7 years away.
Yes ours were recalled But we made welder glasses , see 1st post for my older kiddos. Me and the three littles will be using our fast pass!

I saw them, they look great :) However, thought you'd want the info in case security doesn't allow the homemade ones thru. My concern would be that the glass doesn't appear to be safely framed in proper material.
Its more like an hour plus, not 20 minutes. And you don't think everyone else is going to have the same idea? BTW, a total eclipse like this in a certain place is like every 30 years or so. Its not like its all that common. And yes, people have damaged their eyes.

An hour plus of what? Most of it will be too bright for a kid to even think of looking at it, unless some dumb parent directs him to do so. What % is Orlando even going to experience? And no, I don't think everyone is going to rush to a gift shop to get away from the eclipse. Most people raise smart kids and don't need to hide them.


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