Your whine of the day...

I'm going to six flags tomorrow with a group of 7 friends. I am the largest ride chicken and the scariest thing at WDW I will go on is Space Mountain...not looking forward to spending most of the day standing around alone/ holding bags.
My divorce was final yesterday. My ex-mother in law did not send my daughter a birthday card (in October) nor did she send a Christmas card. I’m not asking for anything extravagant. Just some kind of recognition that she is still the child’s grandmother. My daughter is only eleven yrs old.

That bugs me, in addition to the fact that she had to guilt my ex into seeing her at all on Christmas Eve. He had originally promised her that would be their day together, then changed his mind and told me he wasn’t going to see her.
I'm so sorry. This is not ok.
I finally feel like I’m making progress at physical therapy and then I pull a muscle in the calf on my bad leg. I had moved from the walker to a cane and now I’m back to the walker.

My other whine is that we had another family over to watch our mutual alma mater’s bowl game and the other mom would not stop talking. I normally like to talk to her but this time the constant chatter was exhausting and annoying.
Here's my whine for today.

I bought a pair of Lee Rider jeans two weeks ago. I kept the tag. They fit great.

I go to buy a pair today and I see they have Lee Rider khaki pants. So using the tag to compare from the jeans I bought, I buy a pair. Same size, same wording on the tag, everything the same.

They don't fit. I can't even get them buttoned.
THE WORST! I've done this a few times myself.Can wear one pair and the other just sits there.Just hate that.
I know I live up north and in Canada but I'm cold very cold .....didn't help our furnace wasn't working this morning when we got up this morning...brrr. -28 C without the windchill is crazy weather. We just got a new furnace installed 3 weeks ago too!
I’m sure it’s because your exterior venting has frosted up. If you haven’t resolved it already, go out and clear the frost and ice away from both the air intake and exhaust. Turn the electrical switch (in your basement near the furnace) off and back on and it should fire right up for you. Stay warm! :wave2:
View attachment 289736 I miss this little guy 6 months ago today I saw him for the last time

We may be losing one of our cats soon :sad1: Monster is 17 and we found out on Wednesday that very suddenly, her kidneys are failing. She is also severely anemic, she's gone hyperthyroid again (she's been on thyroid meds for a few years, but recently has refused to take her pill), and within a matter of days she lost a lot of weight, bringing her down to 4.8 lbs. Today is day 2 of 3 at the vets' office for IV fluids - basically "kitty dialysis." She comes home at night, wearing a cone of shame that makes her bump into everything, and a bandage around her leg to keep her from chewing her IV port. We probably will also have to give her fluids by needle 2x per week for the rest of her life. She's still pretty feisty - they reported yesterday that she was hissing and spitting, which they like to see because they feel it means she's still got a fighting spirit - she runs and jumps, her heart is strong, eyes clear, etc. We feel like we have to give her a chance, but we also wonder if we're doing the right thing. This is the lousy part of having pets. You always know that this day is going to come, but it's a punch in the gut when it does.

To top it off, I'm stressed and overtired, and my 2-year-old is also overtired but won't take a nap. He never naps anymore. Unfortunately, I really need him to take a nap right now especially because I need a break.

:grouphug: to you both. We just went through a roller coaster of problems, thinking they were fixed, and then finally losing our guinea pig this week, so I'm especially sympathetic to your posts.

We really need a "sympathy" or "hug" button - so we can acknowledge sad posts with "liking" them.
My divorce was final yesterday. My ex-mother in law did not send my daughter a birthday card (in October) nor did she send a Christmas card. I’m not asking for anything extravagant. Just some kind of recognition that she is still the child’s grandmother. My daughter is only eleven yrs old.

That bugs me, in addition to the fact that she had to guilt my ex into seeing her at all on Christmas Eve. He had originally promised her that would be their day together, then changed his mind and told me he wasn’t going to see her.

I would contact the grandmother and inquire if she is now changing the relationship she has with her grandchild. As a mother, you have a right to know what to expect and can help your child understand accordingly.
:grouphug: to you both. We just went through a roller coaster of problems, thinking they were fixed, and then finally losing our guinea pig this week, so I'm especially sympathetic to your posts.

We really need a "sympathy" or "hug" button - so we can acknowledge sad posts with "liking" them.

I agree, too. And thank you for the hug. We said goodbye to Monster yesterday. After her 3 days of IV fluids at the vet, we tried to do the under-the-skin fluids at home, but she fought us something awful and even though we got it in her, it didn't help. She hadn't eaten anything since Monday afternoon; she'd go and look at her food, then walk away. She lost even more weight, so she was definitely anorexic (from what I read, once they're in that state, there's no bringing them back). We found her sitting in the bathtub quite often. So my mom and DH took her yesterday morning and the vet said that at this point, it was the right thing to do. I'm trying to tell myself that because she wasn't eating in the first place, it was only a matter of days before she was gone anyway. Somehow the house feels a little emptier without her. DH picked out a little black urn with paw prints on it for her ashes, which we have to go pick up next weekend.

And now we need to watch out for our other cat, Dio. He's 10 years old; Monster has been here his whole life, and now he's alone. We noticed that he's got patches of hair missing on his legs, which could be from allergies or stress. Our money is on stress. And he's hanging out with us a lot more than usual. My mom is antsy to put all of Monster's things away, but DH and I are trying to leave them be for a while, as her scent might comfort him.

This stinks.
:( @apirateslifeforme, I'm sorry to hear about Monster.

And I agree it's hard on the other pets who miss them. One of my two cats particularly liked the guinea pig and tried to comfort him when he was sick. She's been a little mopey, and the vet said sometimes it's a week or two, and to give her extra attention.
We have plans to go out tonight, and it SHOULD be fun. However, I dread it so much because it is going to be so cold. :cold:
The weather always seem to get ugly just when I want to wear a cute cocktail dress and strappy heels. Why is that? :sad2: I'm 0-for-3 so far this party-season having to fall back on black tights and boots...
My whine for today actually was yesterday. Our cell service (same service for many years) has been getting worse and worse over the past year. Especially for dh who drives a truck, is all over the country and has to have reliable service. He called our provider who actually told him he may have to change providers, so we did yesterday.

Had to have ds and dd, who are on our plan, to meet us up there and the plan was to just switch everyone’s phones over. Well, of course, the phones were not unlocked and we had trouble getting them to unlock them and then dh and ds’s phones were “too old” and blah blah blah. Anyway we all ended up with new phones.

Loving the new phones. Hating and whining about having to pay for them over however long it will be. Ugh! Oh well, ds pays his and dd will start paying her’s in about 6 months. But DANG.

and then paying for new cases because of course no one’s old case would fit. And somehow she talked dh into buying a wireless charger.

Then I get home and realize they didn’t credit us the $80 for dd’s trade in!! So back up there I have to go.
I agree, too. And thank you for the hug. We said goodbye to Monster yesterday. After her 3 days of IV fluids at the vet, we tried to do the under-the-skin fluids at home, but she fought us something awful and even though we got it in her, it didn't help. She hadn't eaten anything since Monday afternoon; she'd go and look at her food, then walk away. She lost even more weight, so she was definitely anorexic (from what I read, once they're in that state, there's no bringing them back). We found her sitting in the bathtub quite often. So my mom and DH took her yesterday morning and the vet said that at this point, it was the right thing to do. I'm trying to tell myself that because she wasn't eating in the first place, it was only a matter of days before she was gone anyway. Somehow the house feels a little emptier without her. DH picked out a little black urn with paw prints on it for her ashes, which we have to go pick up next weekend.

And now we need to watch out for our other cat, Dio. He's 10 years old; Monster has been here his whole life, and now he's alone. We noticed that he's got patches of hair missing on his legs, which could be from allergies or stress. Our money is on stress. And he's hanging out with us a lot more than usual. My mom is antsy to put all of Monster's things away, but DH and I are trying to leave them be for a while, as her scent might comfort him.

This stinks.

I'm sorry to hear about Monster. :hug: It does stink. We lost our sweet Potter last September, at the age of 17. He just ran down... couldn't eat, couldn't drink, didn't use the litter box, and his hind legs stopped working. He was so sick and sad... so while I, too, was sad, I knew that the vet was right, putting him to sleep was the kind, responsible, loving thing to do. We still have Weasley, Potter's brother. Weasley missed Potter SO MUCH at the beginning! The first night, Weasley prowled the house all night, meowling for Potter. I slept on the couch with him for a few nights, and then we decided to let Weasley sleep with us. He's happier now, follows us around the house, and has turned into a big lap cat. We all still miss Potter, though... sweetest kitty I've ever owned!
I have a sick kitty who is having tummy problems and his trips to the litter box STINK. We went to the vet yesterday and it's an overgrowth of some naturally occurring bacteria. Just like what can happen to humans. Got some meds and just have to let them work, but dang it, this stinks... literally.

And now I have NO hot water. Seems the hot water pipes are freezing in multiple buildings. So right now I am boiling water to try and wash some dishes since I had a FULL load in the dishwasher I was going to run tonight. No idea when it will be fixed. They are trying, but it's 13 degrees here at the moment and isn't supposed to get above freezing all week. Add in old buildings with limited insulation and you have frozen pipes. At least I have water at all I guess.

It's all little things, but my anxiety has been bad of late just generally so it feels like so much more. I am nearly in tears at the moment from it. Which is silly. It's not the end of the world. I will survive. But it feels like something much much worse.
I'm back at work after being on vacation the last week and half. My personal space heat cannot keep my office warm either.


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