Your whine of the day...

I am sick. I make it through the week, not feeling well but doing okay, but then the weekend hits and I end up just collapsing. I then spend the whole weekend sleeping and dreading Monday.
I agree, too. And thank you for the hug. We said goodbye to Monster yesterday. After her 3 days of IV fluids at the vet, we tried to do the under-the-skin fluids at home, but she fought us something awful and even though we got it in her, it didn't help. She hadn't eaten anything since Monday afternoon; she'd go and look at her food, then walk away. She lost even more weight, so she was definitely anorexic (from what I read, once they're in that state, there's no bringing them back). We found her sitting in the bathtub quite often. So my mom and DH took her yesterday morning and the vet said that at this point, it was the right thing to do. I'm trying to tell myself that because she wasn't eating in the first place, it was only a matter of days before she was gone anyway. Somehow the house feels a little emptier without her. DH picked out a little black urn with paw prints on it for her ashes, which we have to go pick up next weekend.

And now we need to watch out for our other cat, Dio. He's 10 years old; Monster has been here his whole life, and now he's alone. We noticed that he's got patches of hair missing on his legs, which could be from allergies or stress. Our money is on stress. And he's hanging out with us a lot more than usual. My mom is antsy to put all of Monster's things away, but DH and I are trying to leave them be for a while, as her scent might comfort him.

This stinks.
I'm sorry.
Whine of the day: I'm still sick. I feel like I have been sick on and off since Halloween. I wish this stuff would just go away.
I am sick. I make it through the week, not feeling well but doing okay, but then the weekend hits and I end up just collapsing. I then spend the whole weekend sleeping and dreading Monday.

:hug: That is no fun.
My whine is that I am applying for internships for my graduate program and I have to write TEN personalized cover letters...I am finding this a stressful task.
So now, not only am I sick, but I slipped on the ice this morning and caught myself, doing something to my back. I can barely walk. Only laying flat on my back and not moving seems to be painless. If I sneeze (remember, I am sick lol) I want to scream. Ugh. I quit.
Freezing rain/sleet coming down here and my dog is gonna need help out in the yard later. My deck is currently a sheet of ice.
So now, not only am I sick, but I slipped on the ice this morning and caught myself, doing something to my back. I can barely walk. Only laying flat on my back and not moving seems to be painless. If I sneeze (remember, I am sick lol) I want to scream. Ugh. I quit.
Ugh. When it rains it pours. I hope you feel better soon!
Our DVR receiver got messed up....technician came today and as suspected the box needed to be replaced. There goes nearly 2 years worth of recordings including over 50 Christmas movies I was excited to watch with the cold weather here :sad::sad::sad::sad::sad:

It's the 4th time (though this is over years worth) we've had a situation requiring a new box which wiped out all our recordings (as the recordings are only stored on the boxes).

I know a tv show or a movie isn't that important but it's the knowledge that for a good chunk of those things I'll never get to see (as re-airing would be rare).

But the only silver lining is a new box means the winter olympics won't have a problem being recorded but still...:sad1::sad1:


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