My MDE is overloaded; IT wants to create 2nd account and transfer only current items.

No programmer would say that. That's what their non-programming managers say. Maybe that's just my experience.

He doesn't know how they use this data; whether for metrics or analytics and offloading it to cold storage (archiving) removes its value. It's easy to say 'its easy to fix' when you haven't fully contemplated the problem and potential use-case scenarios.

Does not matter how they use it if it freezes the system because there is "too much data", then there definitely is a solution to it other then trashing the account and starting a new one. That does not even make sense. Companies deal with this kind of stuff all the time. They CAN program an archive into it. Are you a programmer? Because my husband has been doing this and doing it very well for over 2 decades. If you are a programmer then tell us the fix.
This is going to get a bit technical (and probably long) but bear with me, or ignore me and move on.

So I am a Computer Scientist. My early work was in database systems - which, 40 years ago when I started in this business, was a very new specialty. Trends and companies have come and gone, but the fact remains there are really only so many ways (like 3) that large databases can be implemented.
While I don't have any direct knowledge of how Disney has chosen to architect the MyMagic+ initiative, I have spoken with a number of Disney IT folks (well former Disney IT folks, since they had all been outsourced) and nearly went to work for one of Disney's original outsourcing partners to work on the Disney account. That, 40+ years of systems experience and my own experiences with Disney's systems, gives me at least a modicum of insight into some of the issues here.

Mostly, the issues appear to be of Disney's own making, or rather of their inaction (think "penny pinching"). The core of the specific issue reported here is the fact that Disney does not have one cohesive system, but rather a multitude of disparate systems that were created at various times for various purposes, using a number of different technologies and tools. If you've ever had the opportunity (I have) to peek around the front desk counter and look at the reservation system the CM is using to check you in at your hotel, you'll immediately have a flashback to the late 1970s/early 1980s. Nothing at all state of the art about those systems. I can only imagine what the backend database engine is.

Overall Systems Approach
Each of Disney's systems, hotel reservations, ADRs, FP ticketing, etc, are pretty obviously individual systems and have little similarity to one another. Likely they each use a different underlying technology (whatever was popular at the time it was built). This makes it very difficult to integrate them into one cohesive unit - which is exactly what Disney tried to do with MyMagic+. But instead of integrating them at the foundational level ($$$$$$$) they chose to try to mask the issues by putting up a nice, modern user interface for the consumer to see ($) and build bridges and interfaces between the various systems behind the scenes. In all of computing history, this strategy had never actually worked for longer than about 2-3 years before things start to fall apart. I've seen it tried and fail in some of the largest and most tech savvy companies (Disney doesn't fit in that later category). It always ends up costing far more in the long run - both in dollars and in customer satisfaction.

Database Issues

The problem here with corruption of data and the inability to just "delete old data", is one of the by-products of using "glueware" (software designed to transfer data back and forth between two disparate systems without changing either of them). The database concept of "referential integrity" comes into play big-time under these circumstances. For any database to be useful, the data stored must be as correct and current as possible. It just doesn't work well if some necessary piece of information suddenly goes missing.

Database management systems generally work by storing a data item only once and providing the necessary links (called pointers) to and from all the places that information is needed. Within a given database, it's pretty difficult for these pointers to become corrupted. The database management system is specifically designed to prevent that from happening. At this point, several decades of work has gone into the theory and application of database systems. Enterprise level data engines are very solid. But only within their own framework.

When a company decides to glue multiple systems (and their underlying databases) together, they quickly run into referential integrity problems. Pointers (links) to/from data in multiple databases using different database engines have to be maintained "by hand" - neither database engine can do the job alone. Which means, that if I have an MDE profile in db1, linked to a hotel reservation in db2, I can very easily screw things up if I delete the reservation, but don't remove the link to it from the MDE profile. It's that possibility of data corruption that leads companies that are using glueware to enforce referential integrity by absolutely forbidding data that is involved in these cross platform relationships from ever being deleted. It seems so simple, until the data volume become unwieldy and corruption starts to occur anyway.

The reservation system probably couldn't care less if a canceled reservation was deleted, other than from a historical/analytic perspective (how many reservations were canceled in 2017?) But if the reservation goes away and the MDE profile isn't updated properly, the whole system begins to spiral out of control and will eventually collapse into a pile of useless goo. Having more than two databases involved only increases the potential problems exponentially.

So there is technical issue at play here. But reality is Disney could solve the problem by either massively redoing ALL of the systems involved or by specifically creating a cleanup process and systems that would remove unnecessary data from MDE profiles. But it appears they've chosen, for the present at least, to opt for the simple (for them) option of making their guests suffer.

Because, it is, of course, all our fault.


Exactly. It can be fixed but they are too cheap to pay for it. Like I said, you get what you pay for.
Does not matter how they use it if it freezes the system because there is "too much data", then there definitely is a solution to it other then trashing the account and starting a new one. That does not even make sense. Companies deal with this kind of stuff all the time. They CAN program an archive into it. Are you a programmer? Because my husband has been doing this and doing it very well for over 2 decades. If you are a programmer then tell us the fix.

I'm a lead Software Engineer, working with similar types of data in a different industry (promotional sales). Obviously the problem can be fixed - my point was that unless you are intimate with the solution design; it's impossible to say what the fix might be. "Archive the data!" might not be plausible for Disney's use-case of that data - but then... it might be plausible. It's not the type of problem you can solve with zero experience working with the system at hand.

I'm surprised your husband with two decades of experience would ignorantly say "They can archive the data, that would fix it"
Sorry I didn't read all pages.

I had so many mb's my cl cm at gf in December "cleaned up" my account by deleting many bands. I had dozens for each of us. Even though there were marked "inactive", they still caused problems.

it was easy for the resort to do because I didn't have to sit there or wait on a phone. I just asked later and was told "all set". :)
So - I wouldn’t want to change our Disney account - as it’s also our DVC account etc. but could we create a new disneh junk email and have our existing account moved to that and make/keep the ‘new’ account in the email we have used for years? I mean - surely there is a way to change the email account that is used for MDE login?
Sorry I didn't read all pages.

I had so many mb's my cl cm at gf in December "cleaned up" my account by deleting many bands. I had dozens for each of us. Even though there were marked "inactive", they still caused problems.

it was easy for the resort to do because I didn't have to sit there or wait on a phone. I just asked later and was told "all set". :)

Was it Sherry?
I’m having the same problem. Made a resort reservation for this summer and the option to order magic bands wasn’t there. I’m also having trouble making dining reservations. I was able to make some that I don’t want to lose. I’d rather not create a new email account, but I will if it fixes things. From what I understand, my existing reservation, tickets and ADRs would be transferred over if I create a new account right? I can’t afford to lose these ADRs that I’ve worked so hard for!
All I can report is I didn't loose anything when they moved my stuff over from one account to the other. They captured everything current, lost nothing. They did most everything except the magic bands while I was on the phone with them. It wasn't necessary for me to sit on the phone while they moved those.

I can't say they can't loose anything. However, if you will take screen shots or otherwise save everything you have and work with them as they move things over I bet they will get everything. Then go over it all to make sure it's all there.
I'm a lead Software Engineer, working with similar types of data in a different industry (promotional sales). Obviously the problem can be fixed - my point was that unless you are intimate with the solution design; it's impossible to say what the fix might be. "Archive the data!" might not be plausible for Disney's use-case of that data - but then... it might be plausible. It's not the type of problem you can solve with zero experience working with the system at hand.

I'm surprised your husband with two decades of experience would ignorantly say "They can archive the data, that would fix it"

He did say that was a fix. Maybe the system he works on(and has created most of it for what he does) is not as jacked up as Disney's system.
I'm certain. No 2 systems are created identically.

Correct! And to reiterate my previous point, the foundational problem here is that this is NOT a single system. There are multiple systems, each with their own purpose, structure and architecture, built over several decades, that are being glued together. It's difficult at best and there are always unintended consequences when this approach is used. What might be a simple solution to this problem in one portion of the now glued together mess of interdependent systems, could destroy the integrity of another function and render that system incapable of meeting it's intended purpose.

Not being an apologist for Disney here. Just the opposite - I think Disney has made some very poor (borderline incompetent) decisions when it comes to their IT. This situation is just another in a long list of IT failures to perform as promised, and it's caused largely by not taking the time ($$) and spending the money to think things through and do things right from the get go.

Stepping back down from my soapbox again popcorn::

There are multiple systems, each with their own purpose, structure and architecture, built over several decades, that are being glued together. It's difficult at best and there are always unintended consequences when this approach is used. What might be a simple solution to this problem in one portion of the now glued together mess of interdependent systems, could destroy the integrity of another function and render that system incapable of meeting it's intended purpose.

This was my point, but articulated much better than I cared to invest time composing! Summary: An outsider to saying "archive the data, that'll fix it" is just straight up ignorant.

If it was that simple, it would have been done.

The company I work for faces similar challenges and it usually comes down to the corporate suits not wanting to spend money (and more importantly: time) to do it properly; so they'll take one of the cheaper proposals - even it means bad user experience in some cases.
Yes! You too huh?

Yes, she did ours when we were having trouble. I mentioned that I had deleted them but that we were still having problems and that the solution given by Disney was to create a new account. She explained all the inactive bands still show up and she would delete them individually. Everything has worked fine since then.

She is a fabulous CM!!
Correct! And to reiterate my previous point, the foundational problem here is that this is NOT a single system. There are multiple systems, each with their own purpose, structure and architecture, built over several decades, that are being glued together. It's difficult at best and there are always unintended consequences when this approach is used. What might be a simple solution to this problem in one portion of the now glued together mess of interdependent systems, could destroy the integrity of another function and render that system incapable of meeting it's intended purpose.

Not being an apologist for Disney here. Just the opposite - I think Disney has made some very poor (borderline incompetent) decisions when it comes to their IT. This situation is just another in a long list of IT failures to perform as promised, and it's caused largely by not taking the time ($$) and spending the money to think things through and do things right from the get go.

Stepping back down from my soapbox again popcorn::


Disney is too big of a company to have made such a mess of their IT. Especially since they intentionally went "cheap" and are now out sourcing. But there is always a solution. They just need to get on it.
I may be in the minority, but since magicbands and FPs+ started DW and I have only had 2 trips to WDW (out of 5 trips total since 2008). Now all our trips in the past have only been 4 or 5 days - no split stays but all at EPCOT resorts. I can count all the ADRs we've ever had on both hands, and the normal 3 FP+ per day at the parks - all for just 2 people.

When we scheduled our 3rd trip, I noticed that the option to customize our MBs no longer appears when logging into MDE. Even going to the Magicbands and Cards page didn't allow customizing and I eventually called to have it fixed. I don't think mentions of not being able to customize magicbands is a sign of MDE overload, but it does suggest there is a problem somewhere in the system that was introduced recently (within the last 6 months).
I may be in the minority, but since magicbands and FPs+ started DW and I have only had 2 trips to WDW (out of 5 trips total since 2008). Now all our trips in the past have only been 4 or 5 days - no split stays but all at EPCOT resorts. I can count all the ADRs we've ever had on both hands, and the normal 3 FP+ per day at the parks - all for just 2 people.

When we scheduled our 3rd trip, I noticed that the option to customize our MBs no longer appears when logging into MDE. Even going to the Magicbands and Cards page didn't allow customizing and I eventually called to have it fixed. I don't think mentions of not being able to customize magicbands is a sign of MDE overload, but it does suggest there is a problem somewhere in the system that was introduced recently (within the last 6 months).

I think that the website and app are glitchy in this area at best. Keep trying to get in - for me - the list of MBs to customize kept
Changing - I had 5 rooms worth and sometimes it would show 2 and other times 4 and when a I was lucky - all 5!!

I do have a fairly full MDE account and I do wonder if some of my troubles are because of this. I am the owner of 12 family members and 4 of us take multiple (often split stay) trips / year..
I had magic band issues this trip too. I added a special band and it caused all my others to stop working (including the one issued for the stay that wouldn't open my door). Front desk ended up working on it and I told them they could just delete any bands marked inactive on my account. By the time I made it up to my room all my good bands worked again. This was at Animal Kingdom Lodge.
I didn't read this whole thread, so sorry if this is in there somewhere. I think this is happening to me - I cannot see any of my magic bands that I should be able to customize. I have an AP one and 3 way split stay coming up, so there should be 4 showing that could be customized. I probably have 20-30 old ones for me, plus all of those for my husband and 4 kids, and a few friends and family. Most were inactive, but still showed. I can intermittently see all of the old ones, but haven't been able to see the ones that need customized for quite a few days now, and never since I booked the split stay. So that was a long winded way to get to a question!

If I understand correctly I have to get a new email address to solve this? I only have one personal one that I have used for years, I really didn't want to juggle 2 and I can't forward my current one to the best of my knowledge (yahoo). So have people been simply making a new gmail one or something and only using it for your new MDE account? I know it's small in the grand scheme, but it irritates me. I don't want to have to check a second account to see if I get emails from disney, and I do very much want to see all of my emails from disney in case I get something fun, or an elusive PIN code (which I never get), or have a problem I need to check on. Am i missing something? Second, what number do I call at disney to fix this? I imagine my personalization day is very soon, so I need to call ASAP. Most of our MBs are the old style, so I would like to customize the new ones and get new colors in the magic band 2 type.

Thanks in advance!
I didn't read this whole thread, so sorry if this is in there somewhere. I think this is happening to me - I cannot see any of my magic bands that I should be able to customize. I have an AP one and 3 way split stay coming up, so there should be 4 showing that could be customized. I probably have 20-30 old ones for me, plus all of those for my husband and 4 kids, and a few friends and family. Most were inactive, but still showed. I can intermittently see all of the old ones, but haven't been able to see the ones that need customized for quite a few days now, and never since I booked the split stay. So that was a long winded way to get to a question!

If I understand correctly I have to get a new email address to solve this? I only have one personal one that I have used for years, I really didn't want to juggle 2 and I can't forward my current one to the best of my knowledge (yahoo). So have people been simply making a new gmail one or something and only using it for your new MDE account? I know it's small in the grand scheme, but it irritates me. I don't want to have to check a second account to see if I get emails from disney, and I do very much want to see all of my emails from disney in case I get something fun, or an elusive PIN code (which I never get), or have a problem I need to check on. Am i missing something? Second, what number do I call at disney to fix this? I imagine my personalization day is very soon, so I need to call ASAP. Most of our MBs are the old style, so I would like to customize the new ones and get new colors in the magic band 2 type.

Thanks in advance!
You can make a gmail account
You can then forward that gmail account to any other email account you'd like, including your original yahoo account. So the final result will be unchanged for you, once you have the forward done
Start with the Website Support number found on the website (407) 939-4357


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