My MDE is overloaded; IT wants to create 2nd account and transfer only current items.

You can make a gmail account
You can then forward that gmail account to any other email account you'd like, including your original yahoo account. So the final result will be unchanged for you, once you have the forward done
Start with the Website Support number found on the website (407) 939-4357

Thank you! I'll call today, and I'll have to work on figuring out how to forward my new gmail account that I made this morning. I've been told I should have gmail instead of yahoo (not really sure why, maybe it's just more trendy now?), but I don't really want to deal with changing everything right now and I didn't think (although I am not super tech savvy) I could forward all of my yahoo to my new gmail.
Thank you! I'll call today, and I'll have to work on figuring out how to forward my new gmail account that I made this morning. I've been told I should have gmail instead of yahoo (not really sure why, maybe it's just more trendy now?), but I don't really want to deal with changing everything right now and I didn't think (although I am not super tech savvy) I could forward all of my yahoo to my new gmail.
Yeah, I'm with you. I wouldn't want to change at this point either.
As to the forward, if you google "how do I foward my gmail to another account" you'll get step by step instructions
Yeah, I'm with you. I wouldn't want to change at this point either.
As to the forward, if you google "how do I foward my gmail to another account" you'll get step by step instructions

Thanks again! What a PITA I didn’t need in addition to planning a relatively late scheduled trip! I’m going to call this afternoon, I don’t have enough time now and who knows how long this could take! Then I have what is shaping up to be a long call to make to DSS as well- the things we do to plan what should be a relaxing vacation :rotfl2:!
I have seen others mention a problem with magic bands in MDE, so thought I'd give this as an FYI...

I was getting the error that my Magic Band order "couldn't be retrieved" for several weeks. We do have several prior trips (although only 1/year so not as many trips as others here have) and lots of old tickets, magic bands, FPs and ADRs in my account so assumed I'd need to go the ceate-a-new-email route. I called Disney IT and it turned out to be a problem with my upcoming resort reservations. I have three that overlap (waiting for flights to be released so we can pick the dates that are cheapest for flying) and the resort reservations couldn't refresh for some reason. They were able to do a "hard refresh" of my resort reservations and now the magic band orders are there.
I have seen others mention a problem with magic bands in MDE, so thought I'd give this as an FYI...

I was getting the error that my Magic Band order "couldn't be retrieved" for several weeks. We do have several prior trips (although only 1/year so not as many trips as others here have) and lots of old tickets, magic bands, FPs and ADRs in my account so assumed I'd need to go the ceate-a-new-email route. I called Disney IT and it turned out to be a problem with my upcoming resort reservations. I have three that overlap (waiting for flights to be released so we can pick the dates that are cheapest for flying) and the resort reservations couldn't refresh for some reason. They were able to do a "hard refresh" of my resort reservations and now the magic band orders are there.
This is a great reminder.
Don't go in to it assuming you'll have to create a new account.
It's possible they will be able to fix it without that.
if they do tell someone that there is no other way to fix it, I'm here to tell everyone I did it and lived to tell about it
Hopefully it goes as smoothly for everyone else.
I have seen others mention a problem with magic bands in MDE, so thought I'd give this as an FYI...

I was getting the error that my Magic Band order "couldn't be retrieved" for several weeks. We do have several prior trips (although only 1/year so not as many trips as others here have) and lots of old tickets, magic bands, FPs and ADRs in my account so assumed I'd need to go the ceate-a-new-email route. I called Disney IT and it turned out to be a problem with my upcoming resort reservations. I have three that overlap (waiting for flights to be released so we can pick the dates that are cheapest for flying) and the resort reservations couldn't refresh for some reason. They were able to do a "hard refresh" of my resort reservations and now the magic band orders are there.

This is a great reminder.
Don't go in to it assuming you'll have to create a new account.
It's possible they will be able to fix it without that.
if they do tell someone that there is no other way to fix it, I'm here to tell everyone I did it and lived to tell about it
Hopefully it goes as smoothly for everyone else.

Good point, I can always hope. I'm going to try calling now...
Well, I don't know what to think. I called and got a woman who was very brusque and spoke like she was sure of herself, but she really didn't seem to know all that much and honestly wasn't all that helpful. (well, unless what she told me will happen actually does, but I'm skeptical). She told me this is a known issue, and they are having problems because it is intermittent, this making it hard to pin down and solve. Initially she tried something to see if she could "re-populate" my magic band orders, and that did not work. So she did an IM type of thing with a different team, and they did respond. Then she was going to have me tell her and then she would tell them what color and what I wanted on each magic band! Like the telephone game! This is for 3 different resort stays for 6 people each, plus my AP band. I didn't even know what to say at first, I just stuttered around and finally said that I wasn't prepared to do that right now and I wanted to be able to see the orders in my MDE account like I have for every other trip and then choose how to customize them myself. She paused a second, then said that she understood and continued messaging with the other team. She then said that they would email me when they were finished repopulating all of my MB orders, and to stay out of my MDE account until I got that email. So I then asked her how long that might take, since I've been stalking MDE for a few different ADRs and such, as well as checking to make sure they don't release AP discounts beyond June 10, and checking different resort availability, etc. In other words, I don't want to have to stay out of MDE account for days on end, and based on past experience when I've been told they will email me when something is finished it has been days or weeks, not hours. Anyway, of course she couldn't tell me how long and must have thought I was nuts that I didn't want to be not allowed into my account for a long period of time! So i'm going to give it tonight, and call back tomorrow if I haven't gotten an email by then. She also worried me because she kept saying how this comes and goes with everyone. For me it has not come and gone, since it stopped showing me my MBs for customization I have not seen them since. In fact, I have only ever seen the AP one. After I made the resort reservations I never saw the MBs for those stays. Hopefully that doesn't matter, I just hate it when they focus on something that isn't exactly correct. It hasn't been intermittent in my account, it has been consistent that I can't see them, but it has had 2 different ways of wording the error message. So we shall see.... She never even mentioned the overloaded account or needing another account at all, and I (luckily) wasn't dumb enough to bring it up. I didn't get a good feeling with her, it I got someone who seemed great I might have broached the subject. She did thank me for calling yet another pne of these issues to their attention. Awesome, so glad to help o_O.
Boy, what a mess. Try this number
It is the phone number that they told me to call in the email I got when they told that they were going to have to build me a new account. It was in response to my inquiry about my issues with seeing my Magic Bands.
And at this point, I can't remember now if I sent a message on the website or if I called and someone took my info (like they did yours). This was back in January and I simply can't remember back that far (getting old sucks y'all)
Well, I guess I have to eat crow. I got an email just before noon today that said my issue with MDE was all taken care of, and when i logged out and back in again all of my magic band orders were there and ready for customization! So they were able to fix the problem, and while it wasn't as fast as right after the phone call, it was less than 24 hours. I have to admit I did get into my MDE account this AM to check to see if it was fixed and to check for some ADRs, (and it hadn't been fixed then), but luckily that didn't seem to cause a problem with them fixing it. Now I'm crossing my fingers it lasts!
So I was able to see all my 42 associated MB's/cards a month or so ago (most that I have deactivated and a few of them are old room keys from back before they even got MB's!). A couple of weeks ago decided I should customize MB's for our trip in late April - have family that don't have MB's. Imagine my surprised to find nothing at all for anyone under MB's! Called in to IT and was told it was a known issue, they'd open a ticket to fix it and a supervisor could send out the MBs. Still haven't received them. :headache: But here's the thing - I can see all my MB's on my phone and then I can see all of my bands plus friend and family on my ipad app but none at all on my PC or thru rather thru any browser which is where you have to order MB's. If it were database related I wouldn't think you should be able to see it whether browser or app......

Last October spent over an hour at BC front desk who was confused because there seemed to be multiples of me plus all the people ever associated with my account or people that I've made a reservation for. Like pages of us. Only one of each of us was on my MDE views. It's definitely a messed up system. Things that were there suddenly gone without every doing a thing in MDE. Poof in a couple of weeks.
I DID IT! Success!!! MDE #2!

Got the nerve up to call IT today, 407.939.7765 (and 407.939.4357 I think?), to have the new account created and all future items and tickets transferred over from my MDE account. Assuming you need this done (yes, I get that alot of people do not - that's great for them but I do me), my thoughts:

1. Be choosy with the CM you pick for this LONG, scary call. Just hang up and call again if the person doesn't sound like they've heard of this. (Along with FOP FP for mid-April that I cannot lose, my family has dozens of tickets worth $$$$ so moving them between accounts is scary to me.) Second try I got fantastic CM "Raven." She clearly already knew about this problem/project, and was able to hold my hand the whole time (took about 2 hours (you don't have to stay on the call - they'll email you when done and you can email back if any problems)).

2. The CM you are talking with doesn't actually do the transferring (a 'back room' person does), but she sets it up with you (you have to go to your computer and set up a new MDE with never used email - she checks that your email address has never been used in any way with disney). Don't do this before you call - wait until they tell you to set it up (I know it shouldn't matter, but that's what she said - maybe it ruins their search for it being used previously?). I liked staying on with her (I did so for about 40 minutes) because after they got all of 1 person's tickets transferred (you can watch both your old and new accounts as they work on your computer) one was missing. Raven was able to tell me not to worry - normal - they go through at end, etc.... But she did message the back room person (Carlos) and by the time I got back 2 hours later all is there - all the many park tickets, ADRs, FP, MBs, friends/family and hotel ressies were there. You do have to set up your credit card again (to make future ADRs, and charge to resort, and re-do PIN).

3. I'm using a new gmail email (its free) for the new MDE account. I set up gmail to forward all emails to my regular very old (not gmail) account (i.e., the email that my prior MDE account was linked to).

4. You get an email when they are done transferring (if you can't stay on the call, or even if you do). You can't call back the CM you spoke with (like you can with resort reservation CMs sometimes), but in the email they tell you to email them back if anything is missing/wrong. I.e., you can email back the 'back room' person who did the transferring (or maybe its the dept. generally, I don't know).

5. FYI: They'll ask you which MBs you want transferred over, and which people you want to remain linked to. (They knew to move the AP card, so they are smarter than me - I didn't think of that.) They'll re-do the invites automatically (say, between you and your spouse or whoever you linked to in past).

6. She said its a known 'situation' (that MDE accounts fill up and stop working well), and they are trying to "increase the stress limit."

7. Raven said it took her 4 tries to even open my MDE (at the start of our call) - computer couldnt even find it before 'timing out' the first 3 times - because it was so overloaded, so she was sure I was a good candidate for a new MDE account. She did say mine wasn't the worst at all - she said many local people have more in their MDE accounts. (Raven used far more fancy IT words than I'm writing here.)

Its great! I can see my MBs, and for the 1st time since they added the modify resort ressie online: I CAN! (I tried it just for fun - canceled out before actually modifying.) I could only cancel all these years.

I survived it and (if you also need this), you can too! :)
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So I was able to see all my 42 associated MB's/cards a month or so ago (most that I have deactivated and a few of them are old room keys from back before they even got MB's!). A couple of weeks ago decided I should customize MB's for our trip in late April - have family that don't have MB's. Imagine my surprised to find nothing at all for anyone under MB's! Called in to IT and was told it was a known issue, they'd open a ticket to fix it and a supervisor could send out the MBs. Still haven't received them. :headache: But here's the thing - I can see all my MB's on my phone and then I can see all of my bands plus friend and family on my ipad app but none at all on my PC or thru rather thru any browser which is where you have to order MB's. If it were database related I wouldn't think you should be able to see it whether browser or app......

Last October spent over an hour at BC front desk who was confused because there seemed to be multiples of me plus all the people ever associated with my account or people that I've made a reservation for. Like pages of us. Only one of each of us was on my MDE views. It's definitely a messed up system. Things that were there suddenly gone without every doing a thing in MDE. Poof in a couple of weeks.

This is what caused me to call IT a month or 2 ago (and start this thread): I couldn't see any MBs/cards on the desktop site, but could see them on my phone app. But I couldn't customize MB for my upcoming trip. (FYI: IT can customize the MB for you if you call. I.e., even if you don't get a new MDE like I did.)

After a long time on hold (CM calling escalation team) they told me I had to do a new MDE. Apparently not every one has to, but many do. That sounded ridiculous so I started this thread - and the awesome Dis community had heard of it - AngiTN has done it successfully - and so I went ahead. (And it has been very interesting to hear from the tech savvy people about what it is that's messed up in MDE.)
This is what caused me to call IT a month or 2 ago (and start this thread): I couldn't see any MBs/cards on the desktop site, but could see them on my phone app. But I couldn't customize MB for my upcoming trip. (FYI: IT can customize the MB for you if you call. I.e., even if you don't get a new MDE like I did.)

After a long time on hold (CM calling escalation team) they told me I had to do a new MDE. Apparently not every one has to, but many do. That sounded ridiculous so I started this thread - and the awesome Dis community had heard of it - AngiTN has done it successfully - and so I went ahead. (And it has been very interesting to hear from the tech savvy people about what it is that's messed up in MDE.)

Thanks for your blow by blow description of your experience with IT on this. Even without knowing Raven's "fancy IT words", you captured enough of the essence to adequately pass on valuable information. Thanks for that! You also added credence to a couple of my suspicions - namely that the issue of MBs randomly not working isn't (and never was) actually about the number of MB on an account but instead a much larger issue of how they've cobbled their systems together.

Again, I appreciate the update.

Yay! So glad it went well for you. Funny how they had all but 1 person moved to your new account. They moved all but DGD's AP to my new account. Got her moved no problem
After reading the recent posts, it makes me think I may still have this in my future and whatever they did differently to get my MB customization orders to show up in MDE might just be a temporary band aid. But we'll see, maybe it is something different :confused3. It just makes me wonder since what first happened was I could't see my MBs I needed to customize, and then the entire rest of my MBs would disappear and then show back up randomly, with the orders never again reappearing until they repopulated them this AM. This sounds what you all said was happening when you had to get a new account. I'll also add I have never been able to change a resort reservation on line, but I got the impression that wasn't that unusual and really more like par for the course for most people.
Each item/issue in and of itself is not a problem. But they are signs that trouble is brewing. So no, a number of bands isn't THE problem but one of many problems and does seem to be the final straw that finally makes the accounts go belly up, so to speak. My first issue was the inability to change my reservations. I'm not sure why exactly. I was able to change my reservations once upon a time. Suddenly that ability went away. I called about it some time ago and they actually tried to tell me that I was never supposed to be able to change reservations online, that the ability was never available for some accounts. But the ability did return with the new account so I still think somehow it was all connected. Probably as mentioned above, cobbled together systems, which work as predicted sometimes, and don't others. There are just so many band aids in place, there is one stacked on top of another.
What's kinda funny is when they asked which MBs I wanted to transfer, I said none - we'll just start new (we have 4 onsite reservations between April and August this year, so 4 MBs x4 people is plenty). But they did transfer last August's - so in my MDE2 we already have 20 MBs/cards already! (5 MB/cards each: 2 from 8/17 onsite stays; AP ticket card; AP MB we haven't yet customized - b/c couldn't due to MDE overload; Pop for next week). Already refilling fast. (I know I can decline by DS - disabled, and the reason we go to WDW so much - LOVES receiving them in the mail.)
What's kinda funny is when they asked which MBs I wanted to transfer, I said none - we'll just start new (we have 4 onsite reservations between April and August this year, so 4 MBs x4 people is plenty). But they did transfer last August's - so in my MDE2 we already have 20 MBs/cards already! (5 MB/cards each: 2 from 8/17 onsite stays; AP ticket card; AP MB we haven't yet customized - b/c couldn't due to MDE overload; Pop for next week). Already refilling fast. (I know I can decline by DS - disabled, and the reason we go to WDW so much - LOVES receiving them in the mail.)

I doubt the MB's are really the issue. It was just the first thing they or front desk CM's blamed.
I doubt the MB's are really the issue. It was just the first thing they or front desk CM's blamed.

Agreed. The magic bands have always been the scapegoat - they are the most visible part of the MyMagic+ initiative. Almost from day 1, resort CMs were blaming MBs for anything and everything that went wrong. I suspect that when the bands were first rolled out, and a guest had issues with the things not working, the attempts to fix the problem involved going to the front desk where the CM either called the IT folks or, eventually, was given a transaction that would try to refresh everything. Either way, though, it always required a MB number to straighten it out. That, of course, quickly led to resort CMs concluding that the MBs were to blame for all issues. And sharing that "information" with guests.

And voila! Any urban myth is born!

I know that Magic Bands in and of themselves probably aren't the issue. But I'll ask the question anyway -

I got 3 Magic Bands last year. I deactivated all of the older ones in my MDE account.

Can the older ones be "deleted" rather than "deactivated" by Disney IT? Or wouldn't that help?

I'm not at the point of needing to have my account recreated. I normally only take 1 trip a year, so I don't have as many things in my Disney account history as some other people. But if deleting the old Magic Bands would help, I don't see any reason not to have it done.


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