Solo: A Star Wars Story

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Kelly Marie Tran had to delete her Instagram after months of harassment from people online about their dislike for The Last Jedi.

I don’t care if you didn’t like a movie. I don’t understand why people do this kind of crap. She was hired for a job and she did it. She is not the reason you didn’t like the film. That’s the ridiculousness of “fans” today.

Another great tweet I saw online is from Rob Yeo...

“These toxic Star Wars fans aren't mad at George Lucas, Rian Johnson or Kelly Marie Tran; they're mad at growing up, because no new Star Wars movie could ever compare to one you saw when you were a ten year old kid.”
Kelly Marie Tran had to delete her Instagram after months of harassment from people online about their dislike for The Last Jedi.

I don’t care if you didn’t like a movie. I don’t understand why people do this kind of crap. She was hired for a job and she did it. She is not the reason you didn’t like the film. That’s the ridiculousness of “fans” today.

Another great tweet I saw online is from Rob Yeo...

“These toxic Star Wars fans aren't mad at George Lucas, Rian Johnson or Kelly Marie Tran; they're mad at growing up, because no new Star Wars movie could ever compare to one you saw when you were a ten year old kid.”

Look... I totally agree with you about Kelly Marie Transfer but think the last quote is as much garbage the other way as the boycott types have been throwing. I like R1, TFA and RotS all better than RotJ, so I think that quote is just b.s.

I don't understand why fans of TLJ can't admit that there are valid reasons people don't like it, and the people who don't like it can't admit that other people could find it very entertaining and excellent to watch.

When you grow up in a blue coastal state and live in a red Bible Belt state you learn this is a really big country with very different people and cultures inhabiting it.

Pop culture us an area where the disagreements are easy to have, frequent, and easy to discuss. Accept that other opinions are valid, enjoy discussing them, but don't minimize the opposite opinion just because it isn't yours.

Just because someone didnt like TLJ doesn't mean they have a Peter Pan complex. Just because they liked TLJ doesn't mean they are liberal nuts. There is a lot of room in they he middle.
Another great tweet I saw online is from Rob Yeo...

“These toxic Star Wars fans aren't mad at George Lucas, Rian Johnson or Kelly Marie Tran; they're mad at growing up, because no new Star Wars movie could ever compare to one you saw when you were a ten year old kid.”

This tweet would make some sense if the FA (also 40 years later) had gotten the same backlash as TLJ.

Hiding behind insults is a common reaction to not understanding some of TLJ fan reactions.

It's also written as if Solo was killing it at the box office, not tanking. Those "toxic" fans apparently matter.

In other words: Grow up and start coming to our glow stick weapon space movies. No just make better stories/characters.
Kelly Marie Tran had to delete her Instagram after months of harassment from people online about their dislike for The Last Jedi.

I don’t care if you didn’t like a movie. I don’t understand why people do this kind of crap. She was hired for a job and she did it. She is not the reason you didn’t like the film. That’s the ridiculousness of “fans” today.

Another great tweet I saw online is from Rob Yeo...

“These toxic Star Wars fans aren't mad at George Lucas, Rian Johnson or Kelly Marie Tran; they're mad at growing up, because no new Star Wars movie could ever compare to one you saw when you were a ten year old kid.”

I saw that and it pissed me off ... and I bet 99.999999% of those people wouldn't say to her face what they wrote her online. No one deserves that.
I don't understand why fans of TLJ can't admit that there are valid reasons people don't like it, and the people who don't like it can't admit that other people could find it very entertaining and excellent to watch.

That is exactly what I hate about social media and the internet and today's climate as a whole - there is often validity to both sides (I know you and I have had a lot of discussions on TLJ on here and I think we do see each other's side, at least a bit)

I feel bad for What Kelly Marie Tran is going through - that isn't right - but lashing out and saying what those that didn't like TLJ isn't valid isn't really right either
Look... I totally agree with you about Kelly Marie Transfer but think the last quote is as much garbage the other way as the boycott types have been throwing. I like R1, TFA and RotS all better than RotJ, so I think that quote is just b.s.

I don't understand why fans of TLJ can't admit that there are valid reasons people don't like it, and the people who don't like it can't admit that other people could find it very entertaining and excellent to watch.

When you grow up in a blue coastal state and live in a red Bible Belt state you learn this is a really big country with very different people and cultures inhabiting it.

Pop culture us an area where the disagreements are easy to have, frequent, and easy to discuss. Accept that other opinions are valid, enjoy discussing them, but don't minimize the opposite opinion just because it isn't yours.

Just because someone didnt like TLJ doesn't mean they have a Peter Pan complex. Just because they liked TLJ doesn't mean they are liberal nuts. There is a lot of room in they he middle.

Respectfully, and just asking the question, is this exactly what Star Trek (Universal/Comcast/Whatever) has been waiting for? Wait for your competitor to toss an egg (debatable), and then strike? Most corporate entities I've seen, strike when the iron is hot, but I've pioneered/lead a different corporate scenario. Make the iron hot by striking. :thumbsup2
Look... I totally agree with you about Kelly Marie Transfer but think the last quote is as much garbage the other way as the boycott types have been throwing. I like R1, TFA and RotS all better than RotJ, so I think that quote is just b.s.

I don't understand why fans of TLJ can't admit that there are valid reasons people don't like it, and the people who don't like it can't admit that other people could find it very entertaining and excellent to watch.

When you grow up in a blue coastal state and live in a red Bible Belt state you learn this is a really big country with very different people and cultures inhabiting it.

Pop culture us an area where the disagreements are easy to have, frequent, and easy to discuss. Accept that other opinions are valid, enjoy discussing them, but don't minimize the opposite opinion just because it isn't yours.

Just because someone didnt like TLJ doesn't mean they have a Peter Pan complex. Just because they liked TLJ doesn't mean they are liberal nuts. There is a lot of room in they he middle.
The quote says these toxic fans. So to be fair I don’t think it’s pointed at reasonable people like yourself who did not like the movie. I don’t really read it as it’s saying there can be no valid criticism of TLJ.
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For the record, I'm as "hardcore" of a Star Wars fan as one can be, but I didn't have a problem with TLJ. You're painting with a broad brush there. Plus, when TLJ made tons of profit, and Solo did not, which movie will they look to as the successful template?

Yes, and you CLEARLY represent EVERY hard core SW fan in existence....Look there was a HUGE drop off from 7 (which was accused of fan service despite it's flaws) to 8. So why is that? Clearly a very large rabid segment of the SW fan pool did have a problem with it, but still watched it (just not as much). But they still cashed in on that group one more time. Many in that group are not buying the merch or going to Solo.

You know how they could have made Solo a billion dollar movie? First 5-10 minutes of the movie could have been total fan service and would have accomplished that and gave everyone a warm and fuzzy. Have Harrison Ford and Billy Dee Williams playing cards and reminiscing (remember we are playing with the timelines here, so just before the events of TFA). They could have been reminiscing about the time that....boom, flashback to the younger guys. Would have been a nod to the fans, and totally something that a Marvel movie would have done (ala Stan Lee Cameo), and they could have sold THAT. Would it have been a cheat? Sure. Would I have paid to see Harrison Ford and Billy Dee Williams talking about the good old days for 2 minutes before the movie started? You bet I would.
Yes, and you CLEARLY represent EVERY hard core SW fan in existence.

I don't. But neither do you. The idea that all hardcore SW fans think alike is a big part of the problem. It was the same with the prequels. There was this idea that everybody hated them, which is simply untrue, and the backlash against those who did like it is strong. I have no problem with people who disliked TLJ (or the prequels) and use cogent film criticism to say why. I don't even mind those who just didn't like the way the story unfolded. I do disagree with those who feel threatened by some kind of message that isn't even really there or act like their childhood was ruined by one bad movie. I think those things are kind of a stretch.

You know how they could have made Solo a billion dollar movie? First 5-10 minutes of the movie could have been total fan service and would have accomplished that and gave everyone a warm and fuzzy.

Solo pretty much is total fan-service though. It's for people who watched The Clone Wars and Rebels. It makes deep references (Teras Kasi! Really?). It is very much a movie for the fans.
I think it's time for a dedicated Star Wars forum on the Dis. There are a bunch of passionate smart fans here and the discussion here has left Solo many times, but there isn't another thread to talk about them.

And from different era/perspectives. We shouldn't have to lobby for this in my opinion.
Look... I totally agree with you about Kelly Marie Transfer but think the last quote is as much garbage the other way as the boycott types have been throwing. I like R1, TFA and RotS all better than RotJ, so I think that quote is just b.s.

I don't understand why fans of TLJ can't admit that there are valid reasons people don't like it, and the people who don't like it can't admit that other people could find it very entertaining and excellent to watch.

When you grow up in a blue coastal state and live in a red Bible Belt state you learn this is a really big country with very different people and cultures inhabiting it.

Pop culture us an area where the disagreements are easy to have, frequent, and easy to discuss. Accept that other opinions are valid, enjoy discussing them, but don't minimize the opposite opinion just because it isn't yours.

Just because someone didnt like TLJ doesn't mean they have a Peter Pan complex. Just because they liked TLJ doesn't mean they are liberal nuts. There is a lot of room in they he middle.
TLJ isn’t perfect that is for sure. I don’t think it’s as bad as the haters think it is of course though.
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This tweet would make some sense if the FA (also 40 years later) had gotten the same backlash as TLJ.

Hiding behind insults is a common reaction to not understanding some of TLJ fan reactions.

It's also written as if Solo was killing it at the box office, not tanking. Those "toxic" fans apparently matter.

In other words: Grow up and start coming to our glow stick weapon space movies. No just make better stories/characters.
TFA did get backlash. Not as much but it did.
TLJ was a horrible Star Wars for me...that’s my personal opinion I was a kid who had every single action figure. That being said I went into solo with no expectations and I’m glad I’s a fun movie just not good Star Wars movie.

TFA was pretty good IMO it set up a lot of great interesting plot lines that TLJ crapped all over.
The Last Jedi is a political movie. That’s why some fans love it and some hate it.

Listen to Rose Tico’s monologue “We’re going to win this war not by fighting what we hate, but saving what we love.”

No, not THAT monologue! The one on Canto Bite.

Now, if you believe Boeing and United Technologies are evil and make money off war then you’re going to say “Rose isn’t being political, she’s speaking The Truth”. And you will sincerely believe that. And you’ll say “I don’t see how anyone can say TLJ was a political movie, I just don’t see it”.

There are other examples I could give from the movie, but that would get this post deleted and I’d get points for being political.

And that proves my point.

The Last Jedi has themes that are directly relevant to politics in America in 2017. If you lean that way you’re not gonna see it as political, you’ll only see it as the truth or as some sign of positive progress. But if you lean the other way these themes will stick out like a sore thumb.

So going back and forth saying whether we liked TLJ is pointless and only tells me who you voted for in 2016.

The point is this: is it wise for Disney to make political movies that drive away half the population?

It depends on what’s most important to them. Fahrenheit 9/11 may be the best movie ever made but a large part of the population would never consider watching it.

I say keep contemporary politics out of Star Wars. Make movies we all can enjoy.
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The Last Jedi is a political movie. That’s why some fans love it and some hate it.

Listen to Rose Tico’s monologue “We’re going to win this war not by fighting what we hate, but saving what we love.”

No, not THAT monologue! The one on Canto Bite.

Now, if you believe Boeing and United Technologies are evil and make money off war then you’re going to say “Rose isn’t being political, she’s speaking The Truth”. And you will sincerely believe that. And you’ll say “I don’t see how anyone can say TLJ was a political movie, I just don’t see it”.

There are other examples I could give from the movie, but that would get this post deleted and I’d get points for being political.

And that proves my point.

The Last Jedi has themes that are directly relevant to politics in America in 2017. If you lean that way you’re not gonna see it as political, you’ll only see it as the truth or as some sign of positive progress. But if you lean the other way these themes will stick out like a sore thumb.

So going back and forth saying whether we liked TLJ is pointless and only tells me who you voted for in 2016.

The point is this: is it wise for Disney to make political movies that drive away half the population?

It depends on what’s most important to them. Fahrenheit 9/11 may be the best movie ever made but a large part of the population would never consider watching it.

I say keep contemporary politics out of Star Wars. Make movies we all can enjoy.

Well, All 6 of the original Star Wars movies had themes that were directly relevant to politics in America at the time. Lucas has made no secret of that. I'm not sure that a general criticism of the military-industrial complex, which is what the Canto-Bight scene is, is all that modern anyway. Movies have been doing that forever, and I don't really think one's current political leanings color that message too much. I wouldn't think most people are pro war profiteering. That said, the movie presents the issue as a necessary evil, as DJ points out, they sell weapons to the bad guys, and the good, which means that without them the Resistance/Rebellion doesn't work. Now, DJ the character is highly critical of both sides, however he's also an unscrupulous character who believes in nothing, and I don't think the film is sending a message to be like him. It is simply saying that one should think about these things a little bit before being so convinced of one's own beliefs. Rose was naive going into that, but she learned something. That's just a character's journey.

I also do not think one's like of TLJ is indicative of their real-life political leanings. I have friends that fall in various pars of the political spectrum who all liked it. They don't have to agree with everything a character says to enjoy a movie and aren't automatically threatened by exposure to an alternate point of view.
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I saw both the Last Jedi and Solo. Solo was quite a ride and I have already preordered it. There were parts of the Last Jedi that I enjoyed and parts I had little patience for. I felt that Finn, Poe's story should have been more In depth. Plus I found out I have little patience for Kylo Ren. I know I am in the minority. I thought if he had an interesting story I would be in but NO.
The Last Jedi is a political movie. That’s why some fans love it and some hate it.

Listen to Rose Tico’s monologue “We’re going to win this war not by fighting what we hate, but saving what we love.”

No, not THAT monologue! The one on Canto Bite.

Now, if you believe Boeing and United Technologies are evil and make money off war then you’re going to say “Rose isn’t being political, she’s speaking The Truth”. And you will sincerely believe that. And you’ll say “I don’t see how anyone can say TLJ was a political movie, I just don’t see it”.

There are other examples I could give from the movie, but that would get this post deleted and I’d get points for being political.

And that proves my point.

The Last Jedi has themes that are directly relevant to politics in America in 2017. If you lean that way you’re not gonna see it as political, you’ll only see it as the truth or as some sign of positive progress. But if you lean the other way these themes will stick out like a sore thumb.

So going back and forth saying whether we liked TLJ is pointless and only tells me who you voted for in 2016.

The point is this: is it wise for Disney to make political movies that drive away half the population?

It depends on what’s most important to them. Fahrenheit 9/11 may be the best movie ever made but a large part of the population would never consider watching it.

I say keep contemporary politics out of Star Wars. Make movies we all can enjoy.

If you don't want politics in your Star Wars movies, then probably can't watch any of the Star Wars movies which have forever had political messages in them ... I enjoyed TLJ (certainly wasn't perfect but I have it in my top 1/2 of Star Wars movies) - but pretty sure knowing that won't tell you who I voted for or what party I am registered with.

I don't think they are making the new movies to be political - I think the goal with the new movies is to move on and capture a new generation of fans. They hoped with TFA awakes to remind everyone what they loved about the original while introducing new characters and the TLJ was to turn things on its end a bit and be able to move forward and not be beholden to the old way. We can argue whether they did a good job with that or not (I think they probably underestimated the hate that would come from some of the old guard and that you kinda need the old guard to help cultivate the love in their kids for Star Wars, etc.) but I don't think they want to simply push a political agenda.
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