Crazy things you've heard people say about Covid-19

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That's not likely not being transparent. It's far more likely China shared new information as they obtained it.
IMO Chinese leadership did everything in their power not only not to be transparent, but to be as opaque as possible for as long as possible. It's their MO to keep their people in the dark about as much as possible in order to maintain their positions of power and control.

I don't agree with them either. There's no chance that I would eat anything from one of them, but they're not the reason the US is currently in our situation. Blaming China serves no purpose, but to deflect from the US' failure to control the virus. It's not China's responsibility to protect the US. We actually pay politicians to do that.
Where I am bitter with China over the virus is if they had been more forthcoming sooner and raised the alarm with other countries more quickly it would have meant that much more time scientists everywhere would have had to be seriously working toward solutions. Time is of the essence, China leadership squandered it on behalf of the world to serve their own agendas. To say that the U.S. has bungled our own response is a serious understatement.
Last week I was working with a childhood friend that I have much respect for even though we openly see some things differently.

He said with confidence, "Watch. After the election this whole covid thing will magically go away." My sister has heard the same statement incessantly for months from a co-worker (this one is the token office slacker).

Beside all the gaping holes originally pointed out around the quote, I'm now curious what the rationale would be for pushing the election to a later date, especially by the supposed target. Who'd want to postpone the magical disappearance of Covid and why?

Who'd want to postpone the magical disappearance of Covid and why? Amazon, Facebook, Walmart, etc. COVID is a moneymaker.... Also, King Cuomo's sick way of balancing one of the worst deficits in NY history. 38K for every body that expired of Covid-19 adds up when you send all your sick elderly to nursing homes. No payment when you died on the naval ship or temporary hospital, that's why they remained empty.
Who'd want to postpone the magical disappearance of Covid and why? Amazon, Facebook, Walmart, etc. COVID is a moneymaker.... Also, King Cuomo's sick way of balancing one of the worst deficits in NY history. 38K for every body that expired of Covid-19 adds up when you send all your sick elderly to nursing homes. No payment when you died on the naval ship or temporary hospital, that's why they remained empty.

I’ve got a new favorite
Who'd want to postpone the magical disappearance of Covid and why? Amazon, Facebook, Walmart, etc. COVID is a moneymaker.... Also, King Cuomo's sick way of balancing one of the worst deficits in NY history. 38K for every body that expired of Covid-19 adds up when you send all your sick elderly to nursing homes. No payment when you died on the naval ship or temporary hospital, that's why they remained empty.

While I don't disagree with all your theories, you do have to work on your presentation.

Let's remember that the people saying the virus escaped or was released from a Chinese lab were labeled as crazy conspiracy nuts at first.
If that's the case he just demolished the hippocratic oath.
There was much less known about the novel coronavirus at that point. Remember when the question remained how likely transmission could happen off groceries? What if that turned out to be a considerable source of spread; how helpful would it have been to advise masks if people could catch it off contaminated surfaces brought into their home?

And there were many variables epidemiologists were juggling at that time, not just fomites vs person-to-person but things like fecal aerosols, viability, mask types/settings, etc. There was a bunch of question marks around the efficacy of public mask usage and an anticipated mask shortage. Confidence has grown month by month to the point now the highest risks are understood to be person-to-person, indoors, and exposure type/duration.

There was confirmation of anticipated mask shortage for healthcare frontlines while no confirmation that masks were going to benefit the public. What statement should Fauci have made at that point that would've been properly comprehended by the masses and do more good than harm?
There was confirmation of anticipated mask shortage for healthcare frontlines while no confirmation that masks were going to benefit the public. What statement should Fauci have made at that point that would've been properly comprehended by the masses and do more good than harm?

If you go back and refer to his statement about not recommending masks, he clearly insinuated he intentionally deceived the public so healthcare workers could stockpile PPE. Why do that if he didn't have some idea that masks would be needed at some point?

What should he have said? Maybe something in the range of "a bandana or shirt wrapped around your face will be as efficient as a mask." Instead he has given anti-maskers reason to doubt the need for them.

Like I said before, Fauci is supposed to be the leading expert in this country. To say he didn't know this was extremely contagious is implying he is incompetent. It would be like hiring a lawyer that doesn't have a clear understanding of the law.
If you go back and refer to his statement about not recommending masks, he clearly insinuated he intentionally deceived the public so healthcare workers could stockpile PPE. Why do that if he didn't have some idea that masks would be needed at some point?

What should he have said? Maybe something in the range of "a bandana or shirt wrapped around your face will be as efficient as a mask." Instead he has given anti-maskers reason to doubt the need for them.

Like I said before, Fauci is supposed to be the leading expert in this country. To say he didn't know this was extremely contagious is implying he is incompetent. It would be like hiring a lawyer that doesn't have a clear understanding of the law.
Think about the black plague. What use would it have been to advise masks if the majority of transmission was vector borne from fleas. Even though masks wcould've helped if a minority of transmissions were pneumonically spread, they would have had little effect overall without understanding the fleas impact.

Basically the same situation with C19 but instead of fleas, it was the high possibility of fomite transmission among others. There was this huge gap where the puzzle pieces weren't aligning, and we now know that to be asymptomatic spread. But before understanding that better the gap could've just as easily been filled by fomite transmission. Something weird was going on with transmission... that's all that was known at that point.

Fauci could have 'erred on the side of caution' and advised masks BUT at that point there wasn't strong confidence that masks could significantly limit spread while there was knowledge that shortages loomed for the crucial frontline health workers. (ETA- Do we really think most people would've constructed homemade masks at the height of panic... or hoarded the best they could find for their family? There were already vendors hoarding warehouses of PPE to gouge on Ebay & Amazon.)

He's not omnipotent but guy knows his stuff. There's layers and layers of knowledge and experience revolving around epidemiology in his head. To me this one episode doesn't discredit his entire body of knowledge. I'm definitely not seeing a lack of integrity.
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Okay, fair enough. I just don't remember hearing controversy about other location-based names in the past (Zika, West Nile, Spanish Flu, Ebola, etc. etc. ) so I wondered why this was so politicized. I see what you both are saying though.
It all depends on who is saying it. Current leader, bad. Previous leader, OK.
Where I am bitter with China over the virus is if they had been more forthcoming sooner and raised the alarm with other countries more quickly it would have meant that much more time scientists everywhere would have had to be seriously working toward solutions. Time is of the essence, China leadership squandered it on behalf of the world to serve their own agendas. To say that the U.S. has bungled our own response is a serious understatement.

Regarding the US’s response, I’ll add that the stock indexes are almost back to pre-pandemic, or even better than pre-pandemic, levels. That’s pretty much all one needs to know right now for some people in high public positions.
It all depends on who is saying it. Current leader, bad. Previous leader, OK.
This isn't new. Similar conversations happened around the naming MERS, and those were continuations of previous arguments.
Here's both sides of the argument being discussed back in 2015:
"Fact: It has been scientifically proven that children perform better scholastically when they are alive."

And then a couple of days ago, the same person who posted the above on their social media account also posted a bunch of photos of their family on a road trip...and photos of their almost-zero-immune-system kid rolling around in a creek bed.

I just love it when people preach yet are total hypocrites in their personal lives.
If you go back and refer to his statement about not recommending masks, he clearly insinuated he intentionally deceived the public so healthcare workers could stockpile PPE
Some people inferred, nobody, including Fauci, "insinuated" anything.
Why do that if he didn't have some idea that masks would be needed at some point?
Brand new - hence, novel coronavirus - disease. Fauci and all experts provide recommendations based on what is known at the time. As more information is forthcoming, Fauci and other epidemiology experts update their advice.
Like I said before, Fauci is supposed to be the leading expert in this country. To say he didn't know this was extremely contagious is implying he is incompetent.
Some people inferring (however misguidedly) is also not is also not the same as the speaker implying something.
It all depends on who is saying it. Current leader, bad. Previous leader, OK.
It all depends on who is saying it. Current leader, bad. Previous leader Private citizen who happens to be better liked and more popular than current leader (and arguably a better person), OK.

Fixed it for you
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