ACTIVE Topper'n'Tags SEE POST 693 pg 47

I can totally tell that Mickey is flocked. He is soo flockin' cool!

I am loving the angel spots too.
awesome, guys!!!

Hannah and Wall-E got their things...everything is great and the kiddos ROCK!! :thumbsup2 :thumbsup2 :thumbsup2
Here's my kidcot group.... let me know if I need to add anything. The photomat-type thing is the size for the kidcot lanyard as indicated in the photo and there are two paperclips to keep it in place.


Makes wish I pushed the Kidcot stuff on my boys a little more. I shouldn't have taken no for an answer. ;)

Very nice! Love the paper clip idea.
I don't know if I get the kidcot or not..but I'm so stealing that idea!!! I pushed the kidcot on the kids..but they didn't collect all the pieces..they were too worried about getting their hands into/onto everything....

I hope to have my stuff finished and photographed tonight..and in the mail Saturday!!! :) I have my ideas for Safari.. they just need to work..they better work.... or you are going to have some flingin' letters headed your way AWM!
Thanks! We've done kidcot a couple of times, the first time we didn't collect everything. However, in July they collected everything and started a world showcase mask. Haven't figured out what on earth to do with that!

Everything is done and bagged. I'll get it labeled tonight and in the mail tomorrow.
WOW!!! Those are AMAZING guys, I have got to come up with something good for mine...

I just found out that my in-laws are coming this weekend...:scared1: FIL I can deal with, his girlfriend however is a fruitcake. Guess I'll try and hide in my scrap room all weekend.

how i just love all the new stuff. i can't even decided which one i love the most! great job ladies!
Does anyone want my Indiana Jones Angel Spot...with the fruitcake and my FIL here I'm looking to unload a few things and this one has me stumped...

Does anyone want my Indiana Jones Angel Spot...with the fruitcake and my FIL here I'm looking to unload a few things and this one has me stumped...


:hug: Sorry about the fruitcake.

I'll take it along with the Railroad one I told I would take. Need to go fix that angel list.
Working with what I have here, I will be changing the Railroad to Mickey's House. [I actually have photos of that this time.]
I can make more of the Pooh's Playful Spots if those in that group would like it. The only double would be Momx3boys.

I'm going to go fret over Indy right now. Let me know what you all think about the MK group.
Thanks for taking those from me...I forgot you said you'd do the railroad too. So just mousekeeping for me right? I should be able to handle that...

My frontierland and safari are packed and ready.. I'll be postal on Monday...
now onto the Seasonal/holiday swap.. and I'm 4 squares short of the one paper... so I'm going to go look for it tomorrow.. if not I'll have something different on mine..but you can't pass up 12 sheets of paper for 1.00 and only coming up 2 sheets short... so, yippee!!! :)
Here is Mickey's House - The one tag is plain on purpose, it is a journaling tag. I still need to put the ribbon on the rest of the tags & then bag them up.

This is Indiana Jones. It is supposed to look like the sign in front of the theater, minus the Indy guy. It printed out really bad. I still need to finish hand sewing the rest of the toppers, the Indiana Jones part is glazed and pop dotted. The mats are all done.

Because the topper is atypical, do you think it needs a tag or something?
Those are great! I don't think I am in the Indy grp, but here is my opinon anyway. NO!!!!! You do not need to add anything. Yes, the size is not the usual 8x2, but between the hand sewing and the glaze you have enough.
Wow! I'm gone 5 days and look at all you guys have done!!!!! I feel bad that I wasn't around to help, but it looks like everything has an angel. If I'm wrong, let me know and I'll help. How wonderful of everyone to jump in and get all those groups done. You gals are the BEST!!!:thumbsup2 Everything I've seen posted looks wonderful.


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