DDC XXXIV: The Original Home Of The DISDads!!!

So now you want to know if I'm working or not... normally you guys get mad when I say I'm not working... 😉
Delaware is now under a "stay at home" order as well. So, I'm just doing what they tell me to do.
Them roads ain't gonna fix themselves!
If it's any consolation, the data is showing that states that lock down sooner are doing much better controlling the virus than those that have been slow to act.
You'll still get it... just hopefully not at the same time as everyone else.
My understanding is it's not preventative, but delayed. You don't want to overwhelm your medical system.
This sounds like a Who's On First routine.
It turns out that right now they have one work position washed down and plastic wrapped. When the 2nd crew (when we start crewed staffing rotations... which should be soon) takes over, they'll sit at that position and the position the 1st crew was at will be washed and quarantined. That will change every four days, probably.
Well, I'm working. But from home. Spent last week getting set up with a VPN to make it work.
Fix my roads virtually!

Actually... I think that's what happens, anyways.
Want me to get you a shovel to lean on?
With a La-Z-Boy recliner attached.
Morning all,

Well the commute this morning was hell, freaking cat kept jumping out in front of me, had too many stops and starts.

Have a good one all!

If it's any consolation, the data is showing that states that lock down sooner are doing much better controlling the virus than those that have been slow to act.

Exactly, the whole idea of shutting things down and sending people home has been great. It sucks but it works.
Image result for shirley temple gif
Them roads ain't gonna fix themselves!

I wish they would. It would make my job easier.

You'll still get it... just hopefully not at the same time as everyone else.
My understanding is it's not preventative, but delayed. You don't want to overwhelm your medical system.

I understand the idea of not overwhelming the hospitals. I don't get the idea that everyone will get the virus, though. The flu goes around every year, but not everyone gets that, right?

It turns out that right now they have one work position washed down and plastic wrapped. When the 2nd crew (when we start crewed staffing rotations... which should be soon) takes over, they'll sit at that position and the position the 1st crew was at will be washed and quarantined. That will change every four days, probably.

Ok, I see what you're saying. We're all just making this up as we go.

Fix my roads virtually!

Actually... I think that's what happens, anyways.


With a La-Z-Boy recliner attached.

I like this idea!

Well the commute this morning was hell, freaking cat kept jumping out in front of me, had too many stops and starts.

:rotfl: I'm going to make my front hallway a toll road. Maybe that will keep the kids out.
So other than myself and Tenor, who's working today? And if you are, from where?
I am from home and office, but since the office is only a couple of minute walk from the house it is no big difference. Less people in the office than at home and if I get tired of being here I have a greenhouse that needs cleaning in preparation for planting research trials (hopefully).

You'll still get it... just hopefully not at the same time as everyone else.
My understanding is it's not preventative, but delayed. You don't want to overwhelm your medical system.

I think that is the general idea. Lots of crud we are all exposed to everyday. Sometimes you get something, sometimes you don't.

Unless you are married then you don't get something...:rolleyes:

You would have thought I made a suggestion everyone walk down main street naked at noon.

Please, no. Not my coworkers:scared: :scared1:. Not enough eye bleach to get that image out.
Well the commute this morning was hell, freaking cat kept jumping out in front of me, had too many stops and starts.
Where's a dog when you want one?
Today I think I will stare at a computer screen,,,
This is different from your usual, how?
I wish they would. It would make my job easier.
It would make your job redundant.

Well... more redundant.
I understand the idea of not overwhelming the hospitals. I don't get the idea that everyone will get the virus, though. The flu goes around every year, but not everyone gets that, right?
If the flu (or COVID19) peters out before everyone is infected then yes.
A gets infected. B is in isolation.
A gets better (or dies... either way, won't transmit anymore.)
B never comes in contact with A. B never gets the virus.

And yet... this virus won't just disappear. There are billions of people, with many coming into contact with others who then contact others and so on...
Ok, I see what you're saying. We're all just making this up as we go.
I am from home and office, but since the office is only a couple of minute walk from the house it is no big difference.
Well, that's convenient!
if I get tired of being here I have a greenhouse that needs cleaning in preparation for planting research trials (hopefully).
I've always wanted a greenhouse... but since I have a brown thumb (I kill everything I touch), it's probably just as well I don't.
Sometimes you get something, sometimes you don't.

Unless you are married then you don't get something...:rolleyes:

Wait... why am I laughing?
Evening chaps from a Sunny but quiet London. Ol' BoJo is addressing the nation this evening, I doubt it's to tell us all what a great job we've been doing on keeping us apart. Cue the next wave of panic buying. on the plus side (literally) , Disney+ launches tomorrow.

Perspective? I don't remember the panic, hoarding, social distancing/ work home/ schools out. I hope this doesn't get worse.
I think it is more its potential to spread. I read a report that Corona is something like 8 times more contagious, if someone with SARS stood in a room, they would infect 5 people. With COVID, its 26. the exponential threat is driving the lockdowns, to take the pain now rather than collapse the healthcare system. I honestly don't think governments would be effectively shutting down the economy without good reason mate.
I've heard ketamine works well as a tranquilizer.
Does it come in Gummy Bear form?
So other than myself and Tenor, who's working today? And if you are, from where?
Yep, I'm in (virtually) I'm playing the "No, you can't afford that" role at work today, which is always fun.

Have a great evening chaps
I think it is more its potential to spread. I read a report that Corona is something like 8 times more contagious, if someone with SARS stood in a room, they would infect 5 people. With COVID, its 26. the exponential threat is driving the lockdowns, to take the pain now rather than collapse the healthcare system. I honestly don't think governments would be effectively shutting down the economy without good reason mate.

I'm not in the conspiracy theory side that thinks this was planned. And I agree, I can't imagine government doing this intentionally. But, we also know government had done some fairly horrific and inhumane practices over the years in the name of safety. Obviously, one death is too many. Does the potential for deaths justify taking away our freedoms? We will see what the numbers are.
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Morning chaps from a Sunny Lockdown London. Disney + started to day, so that will help. As previously discussed, we are starting the EPCOT "Dinners around the World" initiative with the kids today.

So today's restaurant is from Mexico, and the kids have named it....


So we have shrimp and steak burritos for dinner, with a Mexican soundtrack and interesting facts from Mexico by the kids.


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