Glee - Season Two!

Admittedly I have not drank the Glee Kool-Aid - and adore Rocky horror.
And as expected I was way Underwhelmed.
Nothing seemed "On" - How do you make Rocky Horror Dull?
Well by god they did it.
Admittedly I have not drank the Glee Kool-Aid - and adore Rocky horror.
And as expected I was way Underwhelmed.
Nothing seemed "On" - How do you make Rocky Horror Dull?
Well by god they did it.

That pretty much sums it up. Everything just seemed a bit "off" last night. And yeah, it was a pretty dull Rocky Horror.
Pretty disappointed.

Especially the arrangment of the songs.

Toucha toucha toucha me and Whatever happened to Satuarday night were the only good ones and that seems because they didn't change them that much.
The funny thing is, I was fully prepared to not enjoy the episode. I'm not a Rocky Horror fan, so I was just pretty meh on the whole idea.

I ended up liking it actually. I still think Mercedes as Frank was a bad choice, and I didn't enjoy the modernized version of Sweet Transvestite.

I find though, that I never really feel blown away by Ryan Murphy written episodes, which is pretty much every third one. He tends to go for style instead of substance. It doesn't matter how he gets from point A to point B, only that he does. The consistency and story doesn't matter.

But I take it for what it was, and it was enjoyable. I loved Hot Patootie and Toucha Touch Me. Mostly just because Britt and Santana were adorable, and they're at least fifty percent of the reason I watch lol
Was there a plot last night? Never quite got the point of Barry Bowswick and Meatloaf's characters. Very disappointed, but it was abtacular!:goodvibes
He was in the teasers for next weeks show . . . .

He may have done a few episodes, but I don't think he's coming back. He has been in this band for awhile he said he HATED the mohawk. He cut it for his new Album. Don't think the producers liked it. One interview says, "He'll be back soon, mohaw intact"...odd. I'm guessing he's young and he'll make some bad career choices.
This is the first episode I haven't watched 'cause I am not a fan of Rocy horror. Sounds like I didn't miss much.
This is the first episode I haven't watched 'cause I am not a fan of Rocy horror. Sounds like I didn't miss much.


I love RHPS, but this episode was mediocre. Finn was flat out annoying this episode, and I'm liking his character less and less this season.
I just don't know what it is but I just HATE the songs from the movie it is just like Grease, I hate that one too.
I'm liking his character less and less this season.

Funny because I am liking his character more and more. I hated him with a passion last season, but love him this year.

BTW I agree, the Rocky ep. was not....good. This season has been more hype than anything. They need to get back on track.
Loved tonight's episode soooo much :) It was kinda sad, brought up alot of old wounds from High School cause I was just like Kurt. Loved all the songs, FREE YOUR MIND was the best!!!
I actually can't believe how much I hated the episode tonight.

As a woman, I was ridiculously offended by the blatant sexism running rampant throughout the whole thing. Puck and Artie were acting absolutely deplorably in regards to Britt and Santana. And the fact the writers made the girls swoon over the disgusting behavior was just off the charts rage inducing.

I do like Blaine, I think he'll be an interesting addition to the cast, given they don't make him some sort of paragon of every stereotype RM and Co can think up. I knew about the Karofsky thing, so I saw the kiss coming. But rather than use the cliche of a closeted jock, why not try and educate the audience on taught homophobia instead of the self loathing kind?

I think that would have had some interesting resonance. Someone acting out in the only way they knew how, because that's what they were taught, hate. And getting to the root of that. Not to say the internalized homophobia isn't an issue, because of course it is. But it was the obvious choice, and I really kind of wish they had tried to go in the broader direction.

In any case, it was easily my least favorite episode of the season. Probably right up there in my least liked episodes of the entire series to be honest.
Yeah it was rude and offensive. Prety much from start to finish.
At least it was just not offensive to woman.
I think they even might have offended juvenile facilities.

I am not a PC maniac but they might need a PC person to review the script.

Though I didn't hate One Love version.
Piper I saw you on TWOP last night and was like OMG I know her! :rotfl: But yeah this episode was horrible. This season is just not...good. They should have ended it after last year IMO. They need a female writer or something. If this was the episode that was supposed to adress gay bullying I say it was a major fail. :sad2:
Piper I saw you on TWOP last night and was like OMG I know her! :rotfl: But yeah this episode was horrible. This season is just not...good. They should have ended it after last year IMO. They need a female writer or something. If this was the episode that was supposed to adress gay bullying I say it was a major fail. :sad2:

lol I went on a little bit of a rage rampage last night. I just had such high hopes for the episode, it being written by Brad, who tends to have some really good work under his belt(Journey, Sectionals) from last season.

I give the show credit for trying to address a serious issue. But if you're going to tackle something as serious as the bullying, do it well. Otherwise, don't do it at all. And then don't undermine it by being so disgustingly disrespectful to some of your more popular female characters.

Interesting the differences of perspective. I just watched this episode after getting back into town late last night and LOVED it!

Nothing bad to say about it, actually.

Off to download all of the songs on iTunes actually. For the first time this season . . .
I may be alone here, but I didn't like last night's episode.
I may be alone here, but I didn't like last night's episode.

You're not alone.

It was mediocre at best.

I really wish they could be more consistant with the quality of episodes this season.


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