Hakuna Matata Team Challenge Hours/Miles

They didn't offer to take us, but they offered to meet up with us!! :upsidedow

They are tracking steps for the team, so when they come back we will be Magical miles ahead of all the other teams!!!
They didn't offer to take us, but they offered to meet up with us!! :upsidedow

They are tracking steps for the team, so when they come back we will be Magical miles ahead of all the other teams!!!

Cool, I do miss them.

Starting next month, which is in a few days we are going to have a new thread about either adding something or subtracting something form our lifestyle plan. Everyone can post from all the teams and maybe each of us can get ideas of what we could change ourselves. It will also give us a group thread to keep up with the fact that we are all part of the same larger team.

Walking Panda:hippie:
Here is something interesting from John Bingham. It's about how being prepared is often more important than having a plan.


When we did the january WDW half in 2006 it was below freezing, in 2007 and 2008 it was beastly hot. Nethier temp extreme was forcasted. We have to be prepared for what ever the day brings.

Prepared Panda:hippie:
Happy Friday, yeah!

I'm here early to vent. I'M SOOOOOO SICK OF SNOW! More on it's way today and this evening. Enough already.
Training for a 30k race at the end of March and I need the time on the road. The treadmill is very hard on my knees. Odd I know.

Enjoy your weekend training, Sue
Happy Friday everyone!! I pulled my calf muscle yesterday - ouch! Thankfully no one was home yesterday when it happened because I think I yelped pretty loudly :blush: Oh well, at least I managed to get in all my hours and mileage in before that. Hopefully it will be better by Saturday morning, otherwise I'm going to skip my run :headache: Anyone have suggestions on how I can make it better - quickly! :goodvibes
Happy Friday everyone!! I pulled my calf muscle yesterday - ouch! Thankfully no one was home yesterday when it happened because I think I yelped pretty loudly :blush: Oh well, at least I managed to get in all my hours and mileage in before that. Hopefully it will be better by Saturday morning, otherwise I'm going to skip my run :headache: Anyone have suggestions on how I can make it better - quickly! :goodvibes

Here are just a few suggestions to help alleviate some discomfort:
Apply ice or a cold pack to the calf area for 15–20 minutes, 4 times a day. Wear a compression Ace bandage around your lower leg to prevent additional swelling.
For pain you can try taking ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin), or acetaminophen (Tylenol).

On a personal note, I hope you feel better soon :hug:!

Wilbur: I'm here early to vent. I'M SOOOOOO SICK OF SNOW! More on it's way today and this evening. Enough already.

Oh, Sue I SOOOOOO understand. I did a 5-miler outside last night and it sure was a challenge on the snow & ice. I had 4-inches of new snow in my driveway to shovel this morning! :sad2:

BunnyFoo do take care of that pulled muscle – follow Donna’s wise advise. :thumbsup2

Quote by Dave McGovern in his book, “The Complete Guide to Racewalking Technique and Training”. p.91

“In a nutshell my mental toughness derives mainly from my hard training, which help me to solidify the belief that my goals will be accomplished..”

Panda glad to hear: "I'm feeling more optimistic today. I did a good 4 mile walk on the tready. I even bumbed the speed up to 12 mpm pace for a bit. I don't want to over due right now but it felt good to stretch out the pace a little."

Hope everyone is over this nasty flu stuff! :flower3:
Good morning team! Saturday looks nice here, so far. Should be warm and sunny, but, of course, windy! Sunday is calling for cold and maybe snow! I am getting cabin fever, but I feel sorry for those whose weather has been far worse than ours has been. Right now I am waiting for the fog to burn off a bit before I go out with the dogs. It is windier than I thought it was going to be today, but it will get worse as the day goes on, so I need to get out in the morning.
Good Morning Team.

Sorry to hear about all the snow most of you are getting. We are scheduled for more tonight. This morning it was 12 degrees and windy (OK, not as bad as Scott and Lynn's wind) when I brought my son to the bus stop. Enough already!!! To make things worse I woke up with another cold today. I really don't understand what is going on with my immune system. I really worry that I messed my body up big time by running the marathon. I am usually a really healthy person, but I have had one cold after another since Jan 22nd. I have to try to find some sugar free zinc and echinachea since I'm trying to avoid sugar these days. My immune system needs something.

Lynn: Good luck with your walk this morning.

Bunnyfoo: I hope the calf muscle feels better soon.

Sue: It is odd that the TM is hard on your knees. Usually it's better than the roads. Are your shoes wearing out? Maybe it's time for some glucoseamine chrondroitin? Good luck.

Dave: Thanks for the Penguin link. It's true being prepared can help in a lot of situations.

Stephanie: Enjoy your time at the race. It sounds like fun.

Have a great day everyone.

Good morning team.

I had a nice workout at the gym, another 4 miles on the tready and then my stretching and cals.

Princesses, I know you guys are getting cabin fever but ya know what, that makes it so much more special when you can get out and get back in touch with that side of you that will never be tame.

For you new members, all the ladies on the WISH are pretty princesses. Only one tenth of one percent of the population has ever completed a half or full marathon. That makes you pretty elite. Your courage and determination sets you apart as well. You are Royalty, don't let anyone tell you different.

Bunny dear, the cure as Donna and Margie said is R.I.C.E.

I'm following that to cure my achillies tendonitis. For the compression part I wear a tight pair of thick walking socks. Thorlos brand are very good for that.

Everyone have an awesome day.

Walking Panda:hippie:
Thanks for the well wishes everyone!!

Donna - I bought an ice pack at the drugstore downstairs this morning and I'm just starting to use it now. Luckily, no one from my group is here today otherwise everyone would wonder why I have my feet up on the desk :rotfl:

Sue - I had problems with my knees and using the TM too. Some of the pain went away after I bought new shoes from the Running Room. They told me I should be changing shoes every 500 miles or so. My doctor also suggested that I go to a physiotherapist. I ended up going to a chiropractor who's an ART practitioner - he's a miracle worker!

Dave - Thanks! I'll check those out the next time I'm at my running store. I think I need a thicker sock anyway since my right shoe has a slightly looser fit than my left. The link to Penguin's blog was pretty interesting. I can only imagine a marathon in the Antarctic would be quite the adventure!
Just popping in to say hi to one of my favorite teams! :goodvibes

Welcome, Sue! I'm glad you found us. Hakuna Matata's pretty cool and laid back. Actually, I hear that the plan was for your team to skip working out today, on account of Feb. 29 not being a real day and all. Good plan! I credit the idea to the Panda. :thumbsup2

Dave: Good news on the 4 TM miles! I can't believe your 12 mpm walk is my run--just another reason to become a walker!

Sue & bunnyfoo: I'm another one who finds the TM tends to stress my knee, so I'm a great believer in R.I.C.E. I have my handy ice pack on as I write, to help keep the knee happy.

One last thing that I've wanted to say forever, as I can't get it out of my mind when I check this team out: "Hare today, goon tomorrow!" Thanks a lot, bunnyfoo!
Dave great news on the paw sounds like it is getting better every day.

Ouch BunnyFoo bummer on the muscle pull. RICE for sure, Is that white long grain or brown???

Sorry you guys are still getting snow, we have been lucky here, warm day today got home early and went for a walk with Lynn and the pups. That was a nice change from a run. Home to get in a six miler or more tomorrow.

Work was 61 hours so got out early today, really messed up workouts and SCUBA class.

For me the TM is just plain boring. Kinda bruises my mind.

Later kids I am going to make macadamia Mango pancakes tomorrow for breakfast.
Good Morning:

Missed everyone for a few days. Have had a headache for a couple of days and that drags me down. :headache: I think the pressure of getting my desk cleared up for vacation and the exctitment:yay: in anticipation is part of it too.

Yesterday I had a day off and spent it with Mianda and friends sewing buy the time I got home I had relaxed so much I was mush. Got to print my boarding passes for tomorrow so I'm up with the plows this morning, Yes it's snowing again.:eek: Today we try to make it to the bridal store for Miranda try on wedding dresses then I pack and get ready :laundy: for tomorrows flight to WDW.

Mark and I plan on some serious walking while down there so I hope to make up for my poor showing this week.

Dave, watch your mail box, sent you and Erica a package.........

Coffee should be ready so I'll checkin later.

Good morning Team.

I'll watch the mail box Denise. You get rid of those darn headaches. We want our pretty princess happy and healthy.

I did a post for the end of the month posting of the team miles/hours totals and combined it with an ADD thread, where people can add their ideas for tweeking their health plan.

Each week we will have an add or a subtract thread to gather ideas. Please go and support that thread with ideas and or comments.

For me it's off to the guym for my miles and stretching. I will be stretching a lot this year to try and regain my flexiability. As I got faster as a racewalker I became as limber as a dry stick by not stretching.

Have an awesome day y'all, be strong.

Stretchy Panda:hippie:
Happy Saturday!

Welcome, Sue! Glad to have you on our team! :flower3:

Okay, I am going to have to pass on being the adult supervision for this group! You guys are too out of control and besides, I want to have fun with you!!! :dance3:

I have 6 miles to do this morning and I'm looking forward to it! It's warm (windy, of course) but we are expecting snow tomorrow, so I want to get out there while I can!

Bunny-foo, I hope your calf is better! Dave, I'm glad to hear you're improving! Cindy, I'm sorry to hear of your string of colds! That sounds discouraging......I don't know if you take a multivitamin on a regular basis, but that was a recommendation that I got from a dr when I was at a particularly stressful point in my life. She said it would help bolster my immune system. That was about 10 years ago and I don't know if that did the trick or not, but I have been sick only a handful of times since then. I suspect your immune system got depleted with the first cold and then it's been hard to work yourself out of the hole.....I hope you get past all this soon!

Scott, sounds like you have a really icky job! It's amazing to me that you can manage to fit in any workouts at all!

I have to get ready to leave for my walk, so I don't have time to address each of you individually, but I am glad you're on my team!!!!! Thanks for keeping up the good work!
Good Morning Kids, got the new bathroom all trimmed out yesterday afternoon, coffee is on and sausage is cooking, pancakes to follow.

Denise, have a great trip to the World, wish we were going but will have to wait till May.

Registering for a 5K St Paddy Day race in Ft Collins today. A guy I work with lives there and said it is a great time.

Windy here, supposed to get rain and snow tonight.
I am up on my feet again! I just finished an easy 2 miles. I have a 5K next Saturday. I want my granddaughter to participate with me. She is 11 and a live wire! If she does it with me, it will be so much easier to keep her over the weekend! :lmao: Plus, she has the energy to do endurance racing, I would love having her as a training partner! :love: :cloud9:

Well, it's off to stretch and hang upside down. I am finding that the inversion table is really good for my back and hip and it's just plain fun!

Happy Weekend,Teammates!:simba:
I am up on my feet again! I just finished an easy 2 miles. I have a 5K next Saturday. I want my granddaughter to participate with me. She is 11 and a live wire! If she does it with me, it will be so much easier to keep her over the weekend! :lmao: Plus, she has the energy to do endurance racing, I would love having her as a training partner! :love: :cloud9:

Well, it's off to stretch and hang upside down. I am finding that the inversion table is really good for my back and hip and it's just plain fun!

Happy Weekend,Teammates!:simba:

Hanging up side down, you are afraid of garlic and fresh veggies HUMMMMMM.... Something we don't know there Connie?

Scampering off now Panda:hippie:
Hanging up side down, you are afraid of garlic and fresh veggies HUMMMMMM.... Something we don't know there Connie?

Scampering off now Panda

No scampering Panda, I am not a Princess of the Darkness! I am a princess of the light! I just happen to be tall for my REAL age, I like to hang upside down on the swing set, and the monkey bars, and the jungle gym, and the inversion table.....:rotfl:


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