Halloween, the Paranormal, and anything related redux

It definitely sounds like your family home is haunted. Have you thought about conducting a paranormal investigation at some point in the near future?
I would bet almost anything, that I could be standing right next to you, while you can see the female apparition, and there I am, saying what? Where? Sigh! Maybe one day ....
It is interesting too, that you and your sisters all had their own ghostie friends to play with. And your dog too possibly.
It sounds like your father does believe too that your home is haunted. I am curious to know if he has ever told you specific stories of any experiences that he may have had, or is currently experiencing. This old house must be a lot of fun on Halloween. And all throughout the year as well, I would imagine.
Thank you, I will check that out S. F. Do you have any stories to share that are fictional or not that are of a supernatural or paranormal nature?

I have only seen one thing that I could not explain. And the common explanation is does not check out.

I have explained it before on here. The Paulding Light.
Explained what exactly and where on "here"? TIA

I don't know anymore. But somewhere on the DIS.

The Paulding Lights are a phenomena that you can often see but a source of the light can not be confirmed. It is said to be the ghosts of a train crew that search for a girl or here body that was on the tracks. The lights you see are thier railroad lanterns.
I don't believe that I have heard about that before. If anything, perhaps vaguely. I will have to look into it. Thank you for sharing that information.
~~~~~~~~~~ ZOMBIE ALERT! ~~~~~~~~~~

~~~~~ CDC recommends preparing for zombies! ~~~~~



The midnight hour is upon us. This is the time it is said, that bewitchments and ghoulish merriments take place. So if you like to take a late night stroll, be especially aware of passing by or through especially so any cemeteries. For that is where one will be particularly prone to such other worldly experiences. And if you should find yourself walking along such paths, and start whistling softly to yourself, no matter,for that will do nothing but give ye a false sense of security.

Now if ye will excuse thee, I must be off for a good walk.
It is almost past the witching hour. How have you fared so far? Any dark shadows or creatures cross your path? Or only merely a house cat?
Count your blessings, for the hour is not over yet. And even then, there is the rest of the darkness to contend with. For this is the realm of all elements that do not see daylight. Or that seek anonymity, perhaps even solace in the night.
It definitely sounds like your family home is haunted. Have you thought about conducting a paranormal investigation at some point in the near future?
I would bet almost anything, that I could be standing right next to you, while you can see the female apparition, and there I am, saying what? Where? Sigh! Maybe one day ....
It is interesting too, that you and your sisters all had their own ghostie friends to play with. And your dog too possibly.
It sounds like your father does believe too that your home is haunted. I am curious to know if he has ever told you specific stories of any experiences that he may have had, or is currently experiencing. This old house must be a lot of fun on Halloween. And all throughout the year as well, I would imagine.

It was actually a brother and sister that were younger than me. :) And yes the dog definitely saw things no one else did. lol I think my Dad is finally starting to believe but I rarely speak with him so I have no plans to investigate the house. It is a fun house, it's old and gorgeous and has a lot of stuff going on. lol
That is definitely very interesting.
I am hoping that your father is open to the idea of someone, I have myself in mind of course, to investigate his home. I love old beautiful homes too. Is there a swimming pool? :)
Ummmmmm no, he lives in the mountains in Oregon...no one has swimming pools unless you count the little tiny plastic ones you can buy from Target in the summer....the town he lives in doesn't even have a Target....or Wal-Mart....or mall..or anything like that.
That is definitely very interesting.
I am hoping that your father is open to the idea of someone, I have myself in mind of course, to investigate his home. I love old beautiful homes too. Is there a swimming pool? :)

How would you investigate it?
Use a psychic of course, if you can find one of the genuine variety and not a snake oil salesman. I'd do it, but I'm too far away and am monetarily challenged.
I hope that people are heeding the CDC's precautions and warnings about the T-virus.
There is an anti-dote, however, at present it is not widely available due to greedy pharmaceutical company CEO's.
How would you investigate it?

I would begin with interviewing the homes occupants. Find out if there is any emotional and or chemical dependency issues at hand. I would ask other pertinent questions too, of course. Some people are delusional. Not possessed,nor being targeted by spirits or angry entities. No, it really is in their mind. This is not always the case of course.
I would start out during the day,investigate the home, find out if there are any wiring or plumbing issues, then go from there. If I can eliminate all possible "normal" issues, then I might just have something "paranormal"
Depending upon that research, I would then either accept the case or not. If I was to, then I would need to do more research on the home, the land, and the surrounding area as well. I would also speak with neighbors, if there are any. As well as speak with local historians. Again, the next step taken would all depend upon my findings along the way.
The way I see it, if there are ghosts, they will be present during the day, not just the night. I would investigate during both time frames.
I would not be in total darkness all of the time, that is not safe,nor sensible to me.
Because sometimes what might seem like strange activity, as in possibly paranormal, is really some kind of plumbing problem. Which I am still learning about. It would be great to have a really good plumber on my team, which is all theoretical still.
Because sometimes what might seem like strange activity, as in possibly paranormal, is really some kind of plumbing problem. Which I am still learning about. It would be great to have a really good plumber on my team, which is all theoretical still.

I see, so that vibrations in the pipe cause by flowing water could be ruled out?
Something like that. Plumbers can explain it all so much better from what I can attempt to at this time.
A few days ago, I found myself visiting a very old cemetery in the Town of Sonoma. I did not drive far into it, for the road is very narrow and is not paved. And right as I entered it, as I was looking at the very old head stones, crypts, and enjoying the old countryside, as well as the shade from the many trees, the song Not To Touch the Earth, begins to play. I could not have timed it any better. It was really cool and awesome, because it was so fitting for the environment to which I had just entered. "Not to touch the earth, not to see the sun, nothing left to do but run, run, run, lets run, lets run" .........

I like to visit cemeteries, especially very old ones. They are normally very quiet places, and no one bothers you (After all everyone is dead) They can be very scenic, and serene places. Except in the mornings at some of them, lawn mowers, bull dozer's, weed whackers, I tell ya, it's enough to wake the dead. But then....... they return to their eternal slumber once again.

Not To Touch the Earth is by the Doors. I so love the Doors.



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