Something About Nothing ... #12

Me too Mac. We're getting 2 to 3 inches of rain starting later today through Saturday morning. Then some snow showers for Christmas Eve and Day.

Overcast, and sure looks like rain. Getting ready for my lunch time walk. Not too bad inside today. And treats are out. Chocolate and tea, why yes please.

Charade, good luck with shopping, so nice to be it for yourself. And yeah, all the rain. Bah.

Well, some stuff coming on Sunday and Monday. Just in time. Most wrapped, but not the kids stuff. Gotta do that some time.

Wee, is it lunch time yet? Oh boy, a long day. But hoping not a wet home commute.
Looks like Orlando already started to get rain
Feel bad for the visitors that are on vacation there today

It’s not as much fun doing the parks on heavy rain days

It’s 50 here for me and rain
Going to be a very wet day and continue into the night

I can deal with it as it’s not snow
It sure isn’t. Years ago we were staying at HRH along with tropical Storm Fay. The rain hung in for days. Storm just stalled over Orlando. Yuck. The lockers at the parks didn’t work because everyone’s fingerprints were waterlogged!
Never got to enjoy HRH outside areas, like pool.
Good luck with shopping Charade...……

I`m going to enjoy wrapping them up tonight while watching Home Alone 2...…..with a glass of something sparkly I think.....

Well, it is Christmas...……:D

Had a lovely day today...….met up with a load of friends for a Christmas lunch......beautiful restaurant and very festively decorated. We had a private dining room area as there was 24 of us......lovely. One of those days where everyone was in the same festive mood. Food was fabulous too. We did a secret santa and it was a lot of fun...…..

Although these are the friends for the most part that are annoyed I`m not hosting the traditional Boxing night party we usually have.......and a few did tease me half jokingly that we should do it on the Thursday 27th, travel 5 hours back from Scotland and then organise a party for them...….I do adore my friends really...…...of course when I say someone else could do it, they all say no one else can do it quite like us...…..hmmmmm…...I believe them!!!!

Got back mid afternoon and did some trip report as next few days are busy getting organised and a quick church event tomorrow......found out the guy I have to buy for that secret santa is a Dr Who got him a few items from that show that he`ll like...…..I hope!!!

A little rainy and damp today, but not too cold....and looks like weather will be decent to make the journey to the Highlands this weekend...…...I`m thankful it looks like we`ll make it...…..

Have a great Thursday everyone...…..:wave:
MonyK, sorry to hear about your mom. Sounds like a fun trip to Orlando! Esp around Christmas. We went last year (well I went, lol. Met up with a friend late Nov when Christmas decorations were all up. It was beautiful. Esp the resorts.

Schumi yes, I find shopping exhausting too! I did my last push the other day, and did some for myself. Got a pretty pale pink sweater with silver threads running thru, I’m going to wear today for lunch! Lol. I’m once again a lady who lunches!

Squirlz looks like your having lots of fun. Can’t wait to ride that with daughter in April but I get the feeling she’ll obliterate me, she plays video games.

Lynne Chili sounds good. I haven’t made it yet this winter. Tonight having left over meatloaf.
When my late riser was in high school I resorted to the use of a water gun some times lol!

Charade I wrap as I go too! The only problem is sometimes I forget what I’ve already gotten sometimes. The best laid plans........sorry about the sleep in.

Another rainy day, I think I’ve forgotten what the sun looks like. Supposed to have high winds coming in too. But at least I don’t have to shovel. We did buy a snow blower from Costco after a particularly bad winter of back to back snow. Then had to wait 2 yrs for it to snow again to try it out! It doesn’t look like we’ll get snow this winter due to it being an El Niño year. But the mountains are getting it. Which is good, one of my daughters presents is a 2 day pass for one of our local mtns.

Today’s lunch is at the Golf Club, for the Jingle Bell brunch. Yum.
I started to write a post 2 hours ago and fell asleep instead. Now I will be awake for a while.

The mall wasn’t too bad today. I didn’t get much, just socks and a shirt. I had 2 coupons that I wanted to use before they were expired.
B wanted to look for a dress for a school dance in January. She tried on a few that just weren’t right. I happened to find one that was actually out of place on the rack. I think I got some of Lynne’s shopping luck because the dress fit, looked cute, and was on clearance. I also found a coupon online, so ended up spending only $26 on the dress.

Sue - I’m a bit of a nerd when it comes to Christmas shopping. I make a list of what I want to get for each person and then check it off as it is purchased or ordered/received, and then wrapped. The other day I told someone that I wrapped as I bought, and she asked how I remembered who got what. I told her that I labeled the packages. Isn’t that what gift tags are for?

I have to go back out in the rain one more time today. B is going party/sleepover at her dance studio.
Schumi I hate Boxing Day open houses, lol. I’m so exhausted I spend the day comatose on the sofa! Don’t even get out of the pjs o_O And forget about the Boxing Day sales!

Today big windstorm. I just got back home from the Jingle Bell luncheon. Very nice. Glad I wore my buffet pants, lol. There were 10 of us.

On the drive home debris was all over the roads. One friend in my neighbourhood had a tree come down, looks like most of the damage was to the deck.
Got an email from doctors office, my appt this afternoon has been cancelled due to power out. So far our power is still on at our house.
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Ooh sounds scary, Sue. Glad you enjoyed your meal.

Schumi, hope you found something tasty to drink with your movie tonight.

Rain and more rain, heavy bands to pass throughout the night.

We left mall just as was getting too crowded. Happy to hear your shopping was good Charade. And glad you found B a dress she likes at a great price.

Just chilling. And will be happy tomorrow after ensuring little one will be on time for last day of school, and she has a test, crazy. Then older one wants to go out to breakfast. Sounds good to me, as he likes breakfast food, unlike little one.

Have a nice night. Hope all who are soaked from this rain find a dry place and enjoying the rest of the night.
Schumi I hate Boxing Day open houses, lol. I’m so exhausted I spend the day comatose on the sofa! Don’t even get out of the pjs o_O And forget about the Boxing Day sales!

Today big windstorm. I just got back home from the Jingle Bell luncheon. Very nice. Glad I wore my buffet pants, lol. There were 10 of us.

On the drive home debris was all over the roads. One friend in my neighbourhood had a tree come down, looks like most of the damage was to the deck.
Got an email from doctors office, my appt this afternoon has been cancelled due to power out. So far our power is still on at our house.

Oh I love our Boxing Day parties! Even with all the work........but this year with going up to Scotland it’s just on the, I’ll miss it too. We have anywhere up to 35 maybe 40 folks appear and it’s lovely and always so much I’m regretting not having it lol........Everyone brings something and we have a few stay over, so I have help to clear up too......although Tom is fabulous at clearing up as we go along.......and that one friend who loves organising and clearing up!!!

I’m with you on the sales though.......I never go near sales at any time, I hate them, but Boxing Day sales seem to the worst!!!

Hope you don’t have any damage to your home, sounds nasty where you are right now........and hope you kept your power.

Heading out to church hall to get help them get organised........then few things to do and meal out later with friends........this time of year is just so busy! And we always say we don’t do much..........

Have a great Friday.........shortest day’ll be summer before we know it.........:D


Yep, the last Friday before Christmas. Get that shopping done now.

We have power out in the area, as gusts of wind with these downpours. Thankful my lights are on. Flooding Warnings for all today as well.

Wet Friday in store and so dark out right now. Ack, have to give little one some more cheering to get moving.

Have a peaceful Friday homies.

It is a busy time of year, Schumi. Enjoy your lunch with friends, and nice of you to help at church.
Already did everyone do on their shopping and holiday planning?

Have a good start on the weekend

Hope those that work today only have to put in a half day
I am up way too early. I had to pick B up at the dance studio at 7:00. Ugh! It’s still dark out then. She came home and went straight to bed. I have a doctor appointment this morning and then need to stop at the bank. B has a haircut this afternoon. She says she is going to do something different. I will believe that when I see it.

We are supposed to have sun tomorrow, so I should be able to get B’s bookcase. It’s the last present I need to get for Christmas. When she wakes up I need to have her clear off her old bookcase so we can move it to make room for the new one.
Ah, Charade, I am up early even with a day off. Little one was not having it. Party pooper. She did leave for school in a scamper. She is annoyed still has school, when other schools in our area are already off, like B has. And little one is miffed she has a test too. Oh well. At least she will have over a week off starting this afternoon. And I promised her a stop at the jewelry store when she gets home. She is still claiming the necklace I loaned her for the dance was a gift.

Not much today, breakfast with older one, and bringing lunch to my Dsis. Then a stop at the grocery store, and the produce one. Hope not too crowded on this very dreary and wet day. One good thing, it was 60 degrees at 7 this morning. Short sleeve worn, and will leave jacket in the car. Umbrella at the ready. I am thinking of waking older one around an hour or so from now, if he does not get up before. I am getting hungry, and hey, got things to do, places to be, and people to see.
Thanks for the well wishes for my mom. Doing OK so far.

Had whole post typed yesterday and computer went wonky. Anyway done working for the year. Up way too early this am-so much to do before we leave.
Did our family Christmas last evening. Managed to brave the masses and get a few last minute things yesterday afternoon after work (was done at work by 2). DH got me tickets to the Lion King stage production when it comes to town in March-orchestra seats too! So looking forward to it! He knows how much I enjoy Disney's Festival of Lion King at AK (have been known to get up way before family on vacation just so I can catch a show or two before their lazy bones roll out of bed LOL). Kids got their traditional PJ's-oldest kid's PJ's need to be ordered from specialty store to make sure they are long enough, and a bit expensive. Got them for first time last year and she about cried to have PJ bottoms that are long enough! My wrapping consists of lots of gift bags!

Up early paying bills. Don't want to forget anything when we come back as it will be the usual scramble to get stuff ready for school to start.

Summer daughter also in town - middle kid went to dinner with her yesterday, before college kid got home. She came over for a bit last night. Good to see her (staying with another family this time-we aren't in town much for the next week). She is graduating college next May, then off to Germany for an internship. She has taken a heavy class load in college, + the college credit classes in HS to get done a year early.

Laundry about done. Hoping not too windy today as need to repair the plastic around one side of coop as the high winds recently have taken their toll.

Hoping for warmer weather next week in Florida-looks ok so far. Still debating dessert party at Universal.

Hope last day of school goes ok Lynne-mine are off now until January. The boy managed all A's - after the phone call a couple months ago about having a D or F in a class! and of course both girls have A's.

Hope the crowds/traffic isn't too bad for those going out. And yay for good weather for Schumi trip to Scotland.
Sue-hope the power stayed on!
Hey mac, charade, squirlz (nice MiB pic-I am terrible at that ride), tink, robo and everyone else I missed!:wave: Coffee consumed-time to get ready to face the day properly.
Morning Sans family :wave2:



Morning Lynne, Mac, Schumi, Charade, monyk, Sue, Tink, :wave2:

Sounds like everyone is in Christmas mode with shopping, celebrating, lunching, wrapping etc...

Spoke with my sister yesterday who lives in Orlando. She said that it rained yesterday. Her son and grandkids were at Universal yesterday and they will be there today.....she said it’s supposed to be very windy today and cool so might not be a parade as balloons can’t be carried in that wind for sure.....she also told me it was on the news that Universal would be starting HHH earlier this coming year......will be September 6th through November 2nd.....I checked on Universal website and those are the dates posted for HHN 2019.

Hope Pattyw and her family and Squirlz and wife have continued fun on their trips and safe passage home.

Tink so glad to hear you had a great time at Universal......hope your son got your hot water fixed for you.

Monyk hope your mom gets well soon.

Also sending get well wishes to Keisha :hug:

Mac hope they got your lab work posted so you can get your results.

Lynne so nice of you to take your daughter jewelry store shopping. I’am sure she will find something.

Sue hope you did not sustain any damage to your property during the storm.

Off to the store to pick up some ingredients for cookie baking with sister, granddaughter and daughter-in-law tomorrow. Will make up some salads for a lunch tomorrow. We are going to bake cookies for Church Christmas celebration Sunday.

Safe travels to Schumi and all our Sans family who will be traveling to be with their loved ones for Christmas.
Yes Robbie, an extra week of hhn next year!
Think it was Sunday or Monday thread about it started

Not much known except it begins like you said

You have a busy day and hope your tomorrow baking goes smooth

You’ll have a joyful Saturday baking with your family

Wind storm over! Some areas had power out. Happily our neighbourhood kept power. Friends in other areas reported outs. Have to get on the phone to set up another doctor appt.
I walked the dogs around 5ish yesterday just around the block. Trees swaying, one particularly tall one sounded like creaking wood. Eek. I wanted to check on friends house (across the lane from that tree) to make sure everything was ok since they’re out of town. It’s been crazy around various parts of town. In another area the pier broke in half, someone had to be airlifted off.

Schumi I’m sure your gatherings are fabulous! I am always so exhausted Boxing Day all I want to do is be a slug, lol.
Enjoy Scotland and find Jamie for me, lol. Are you watching Outlander?

Lynne, I agree, It IS mean to give a test the last day! Enjoy your jewellery shopping! Guess we aren’t the only part of the world with wind storm. Hope you were ok.

MonyK you’ll love the Lion King show. I went with my girls a few years ago while it was in town. I’ll admit to a tear or 2 escaping when the music started! Enjoy having the kids home!

Charade good luck with the bookcase and haircut. When my daughter says she’s getting something different, she means it, lol. Good thing hair grows! Enjoy next week in Orlando! Will you be there for New Years? We’re heading to Whistler next week. There will be lots of snow. I think, lol!

Mac, yes, I think I’ve got it done, whew! Today have to do some cleaning, and I plan on making my party cracker mix and baking some cookies. Drop off a couple of gifts to friends near by up the lane.

Robo love the cartoons! Good luck with your baking.
Still raining here. I think I am going to be inside for the rest of the day.

I sold my and B’s old cell phones today. Didn’t get a lot, but what I got will be saved for spending money for the Orlando trip. The shop I went to had their own version of the Charlie Brown tree. I just had to take a picture.

As expected B didn’t go too drastic with the haircut. She had about 6 inches cut, but it really brought out the curl.

It looks even curlier from the front.

Already did everyone do on their shopping and holiday planning?
Shopping is done and everything is wrapped. We really don’t have any plans for Christmas. We usually spend it with friends, but this year they are going to her mother’s house. (Her mom is not in good health.) We ate still not sure what we are going to do on Christmas Day.

Ah, Charade, I am up early even with a day off. Little one was not having it. Party pooper. She did leave for school in a scamper. She is annoyed still has school, when other schools in our area are already off, like B has. And little one is miffed she has a test too. Oh well. At least she will have over a week off starting this afternoon. And I promised her a stop at the jewelry store when she gets home. She is still claiming the necklace I loaned her for the dance was a gift.
I am not a morning person, so I try to sleep in whenever I can. B’s school always has mid term exams on the day before break. Well, except for this year.

DH got me tickets to the Lion King stage production when it comes to town in March-orchestra seats too!
Awesome. I would love to see it if it ever comes near me.

Kids got their traditional PJ's-oldest kid's PJ's need to be ordered from specialty store to make sure they are long enough, and a bit expensive. Got them for first time last year and she about cried to have PJ bottoms that are long enough!
I have the opposite problem. I can never find pj bottoms short enough. I pretty much stick to gowns now..

Charade good luck with the bookcase and haircut. When my daughter says she’s getting something different, she means it, lol. Good thing hair grows! Enjoy next week in Orlando! Will you be there for New Years? We’re heading to Whistler next week. There will be lots of snow. I think, lol!
B has only had 2 major haircuts in her life. The first was when she was 4 and decided to give herself a cut. I had to take her to the salon and have it bobbed in order to hide the damage she had done. The second time she was 10 and donated a foot of hair..
I wish I was going to Orlando next week, but actually won’t be going until April.

Well, I said I wasn’t going back out today, but realized that I need to go to the grocery. I can’t decided if I want to go now and get it over with or wait until late tonight when the crowds will be smaller.


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