Something About Nothing............ #14

Guess what I found in my mailbox today! Yep, the missing magic band.

View attachment 526120Ive already opened it, checked it out, and linked it to our account. Dh is going to be so surprised.

B made a pavlova a few years ago while working on a Girl Scout badge. It turned out pretty good. Her's was NZ inspired - topped with kiwi fruit.

That must be very frustrating. I would have thought that families cold do things together.

Today feels like fall here. I cam home and opened windows.

B's school is supposed to start posting numbers soon. I continue to pray that they stay low.

That's really surprising. Mine is open but being very restrictive.

I have manage to call B by the cat's name and vice versa.

Well, today is payday, so I guess that means I need to pay some bills. Woo-hoo.

Glad you got your magic band ok.......that is good news.......

I like kiwi fruit mixed with passion fruit and mango for pavlova......or blackberries and dark fruits together or plain strawberry......lush dessert!

Lemon gin tonight again......just a small one.........:rolleyes1
Yum.... comfort food time! I made homemade beef stew for dinner tonight.

And the chicken was a big success.........not sure why he`s never done it before on the barbie......this is the before had been marinading all night and all day today.
What kind of wet marinade did you make? I usually make my jerk seasoning as a dry rub. That looks terrific! I do spatchcock my chickens for the smoker, but I've never tried it on the grill. I'll have to try it.
B's school is supposed to start posting numbers soon. I continue to pray that they stay low.
I hope they stay low for you too.
That's really surprising. Mine is open but being very restrictive.
Mine is open too, but they meet you at the door to take your temp before letting you in.
Lemon gin tonight again......just a small one.........
I have to find these gins you keep posting pics of! They look divine!
Wow, that chicken looks amazing..... 😲

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It was very nice.......

What kind of wet marinade did you make? I usually make my jerk seasoning as a dry rub. That looks terrific! I do spatchcock my chickens for the smoker, but I've never tried it on the grill. I'll have to try it.

I have to find these gins you keep posting pics of! They look divine!

Oh goodness, there`s a question.......I never, ever follow a recipe but use what I have and it can vary every time.....but the basics are lots of Scotch Bonnet Chillies....I do use other hotter chillies if I have them, but that`s my favourite for Jerk chicken.......garlic, green onions, oil, brown sugar, pineapple juice but that`s usually crushed pineapple, lime juice, ginger, cinammon, Allspice, a little nutmeg, Thyme, vinegar and soy sauce......sometimes a little treacle too. I have added chinese five spice on occasion which sounds odd, but it is very nice and a teeny tiny amount though. Please don`t ask measurements, as I haven`t a clue :duck:.......but it`s all blended together and I make more than I need so we have some sauce to add to the plate.......always a hit, it is really, really good!

I`m not fond of dry rubs, so this is better for us.

Yep, those gins are lovely, very refreshing.....we actually both hate that you`d ever guess!

Both of us are shattered tonight......think all the apple picking tired us out today.

Had some rain tonight.....weird, it lasted about 15 seconds then went off. But, we did think we may get thunder and lightning as there was a weird light earlier.....looked very yellow and green, but no storm ensued. Quite disappointing.

Still warm though........
Morning all. Lovely evening at DS & DIL. Their new home is beautiful and such a great location backing onto the canal and a golf course beyond so sitting out in their garden is very peaceful with an occasional barge gliding past. Food was yum and likely the last bbq we will have this year.

Lots of chat about our trips and outings together and looking to the future and remaining positive - my son is very like me - we don’t verbalise our feelings often and Kev and DIL are more at ease with sharing their feelings and concerns. No news for her yet on her position with VA but she has started applying for other positions now.

Strange weather this morning - like sea mist rolling past though we are many miles from the coast. Very hot yesterday and a tiny amount of rain in the night must have caused it. Still warm though.

Grocery shopping delivery due soon and after that a few jobs then planning a walk before collecting the children from school. Thinking easy bolognese meal for tonight. Waiting for Lynne’s camel 🐪 picture x
I think our weather is changing slightly......bit cooler today and one of my friends who lives up North sent me an image of grey skies this morning.......we have some sunshine, but not as warm as yesterday as it was boiling hot.....and we loved it!

Not sure of plans today.....won`t be much. No Wednesday lunch with the gang today.......there would have been 8 of us, but limit is six now. Do have to pop into our big town, despite giving us the portrait session as a birthday gift, she still sent me a cheque for my birthday and one for our anniversary have to go pay them in as she will keep asking if we`ve done it yet.

Got an email this morning from the owners of the cottage we have booked next month.....recommending booking restaurants we would like to visit......heck!!! I still don`t know what we`re having for dinner tonight! I will however book one for our first night, there`s a place we have been to before last time we were in that area, and still the same owners so we`ll go back there. The rest will take care of itself......can`t even begin to imagine how folks plan things so far out.

I`m thinking parma ham and something for lunch.........:scratchin





Have a wonderful Wednesday.........


Ah yes, a very good morning to Julie and Schumi. A very hump of a Wednesday, so camel is here, enjoying breakfast. Yep, the thought of food, not only made the camel hungry, but gave it thoughts of Disney with Schumi having to make advanced dining reservations. LoL

And so, seems Julie had a quite lovely night, and a food delivery. Dinner sounds good. Did you see that headless horseman in that fog this morning? :laughing:

Have no idea what dinner will be. Last night, it was pork and chicken, as picky eater will not even eat a very lean center cut pork chop. No matter, the rest of us enjoyed both. Made it with some stir fry sauce, tossed in some red peppers and the rest of our broccoli. One pan meal. Yup, preferred on a week day.

Lastly, with a tea in my cup, sending a wish to each and every homie, that all get over this hump of a day, and get ready to cheer for Friday will be here, in two more days.:rockband:

:banana: And ooh, not to forget: Safe travels today and have lots of enjoyment in the motherland, Elsa. Will be nice if we do get together when you are at the dark side.

Woot! Safe coming up flight, Elsa! Awesome you are already in route.

Charade, nice light. Hope B’s college virus numbers are dropping. Ever since little one’s closed the campus, have not followed their virus numbers.

And McK, ack, 42 was the temp outside. Our inside thermometer showed 62. Hot shower, sweat clothes on. Just decided I was too cool, and just turned the heater on. Sigh. Fall is coming way too fast.

And ended up with that boring waffles. They were tasty though, as added some chocolate sauce and the rest of the strawberries.

Yo, homies:
AE22A3FE-EF6A-4A79-B2AB-A229434006D3.jpeg ::yes::
Super busy morning here, but finally settling down so I can check up on here. I had to be at the garbage company office early to get new garbage and recycling cans. Would you believe the garbage men threw my lid away? Can't have a can without a lid, as the raccoons/skunks/squirrels (not sure which) have already gotten into it. Ugh!

I'm now puppy sitting my mom's little guy, who is only 8 months old. A chiweenie and full of all kinds of spunk. LOL! He gets along with my two dogs well, although I foresee nap time in the crates soon.

but it`s all blended together and I make more than I need so we have some sauce to add to the plate.......always a hit, it is really, really good!
It sounds good. We like a dry rub and I put it under the skin so it melts into the meat when the fat renders. MMM, makes me hungry! But I do also like a good wet marinade, I've never made a wet jerk seasoning one.
Yep, those gins are lovely, very refreshing.....we actually both hate that you`d ever guess!
They look good, and I do like gin. I haven't been having too many cocktails lately, but I'm also bored of what we have here to mix with. Hubby and I are going to do the brewery tour next week, I finally got tickets. They made a chocolate stout last year in collaboration with Hershey (Yuengling and Hershey are both from PA) and they are supposed to be bottling it soon. I'm hoping they'll have some ready when we go so we can sample it. They had it on tap at certain places last year, but we don't go to bars so I didn't try it. But apparently it was so popular that they decided to bottle it.
Thanks Lynne! Just landed in Chicago so only one more plane standing in my way! And yes looking forward to saying hello at the dark side!!!
Have a wonderful time!!
And McK, ack, 42 was the temp outside.
Ugh, I know! It was soooo cold at 5:45 this morning when I took the dogs out. Plus it was so dark so it made it feel so much colder. You'll be in the warm sun next week! Bring some back to PA for me, will you?
Thanks Lynne! Just landed in Chicago so only one more plane standing in my way! And yes looking forward to saying hello at the dark side!!!

:cheer2: Have a wonderful trip Elsa......hope it`s perfect for you.......:wave2:

Super busy morning here, but finally settling down so I can check up on here. I had to be at the garbage company office early to get new garbage and recycling cans. Would you believe the garbage men threw my lid away? Can't have a can without a lid, as the raccoons/skunks/squirrels (not sure which) have already gotten into it. Ugh!

I'm now puppy sitting my mom's little guy, who is only 8 months old. A chiweenie and full of all kinds of spunk. LOL! He gets along with my two dogs well, although I foresee nap time in the crates soon.

It sounds good. We like a dry rub and I put it under the skin so it melts into the meat when the fat renders. MMM, makes me hungry! But I do also like a good wet marinade, I've never made a wet jerk seasoning one.

They look good, and I do like gin. I haven't been having too many cocktails lately, but I'm also bored of what we have here to mix with. Hubby and I are going to do the brewery tour next week, I finally got tickets. They made a chocolate stout last year in collaboration with Hershey (Yuengling and Hershey are both from PA) and they are supposed to be bottling it soon. I'm hoping they'll have some ready when we go so we can sample it. They had it on tap at certain places last year, but we don't go to bars so I didn't try it. But apparently it was so popular that they decided to bottle it.

Have a wonderful time!!

Ugh, I know! It was soooo cold at 5:45 this morning when I took the dogs out. Plus it was so dark so it made it feel so much colder. You'll be in the warm sun next week! Bring some back to PA for me, will you?

No idea what a chiweenie is???

You`d like the wet rub, I much prefer it to a dry rub. We do sometimes do dry rubs on ribs, but prefer a sticky sauce to cook them in.......

Yes, pitch black when I came downstairs just before 6 this morning, first morning I`ve put the under cabinet lights on in the kitchen and our outdoor lights were still on.......winter is certainly on the way.

I wish I did like things like beers, stouts and ales, but cannot get the taste for any of them. Tom likes a good ale....all except Guinness. That`s the devils drink! and cocktails for me with the odd bottle of lager thrown in now and again if I`m slumming it apparently....... 😉

Ended up making Chicken Piccata was lovely, with parmentier potatoes and carrots. Too full for dessert tonight. I know some folks have dessert every night, but we mostly don`t.

I have made dark chocolate and a smaller amount of white chocolate cookies to go with a nice pot of tea. Kyle doesn`t like white chocolate so he grimaced when I showed him them first......he thought that was all I`d made.....he loves dark chocolate.

Spent the afternoon with a friend who came round for coffee. She is one of the Wednesday lunch group, so we had a small get together just the two of us. Think we chatted the day away. Tom went down to his man shed and pottered about there all afternoon.

Another quiet night ahead.......although been hearing a lot of gunfire so I`m guessing the farmers are out dealing with vermin. Unusual this time of night.......

Time for tea and cookies.
Hubby and I are going to do the brewery tour next week, I finally got tickets. They made a chocolate stout last year in collaboration with Hershey (Yuengling and Hershey are both from PA) and they are supposed to be bottling it soon. I'm hoping they'll have some ready when we go so we can sample it. They had it on tap at certain places last year, but we don't go to bars so I didn't try it. But apparently it was so popular that they decided to bottle it.

That actually sounds amazing! We cannot purchase Yuengling in Wisconsin, although I heard rumors we might soon.
My neighbors son attends Ohio State, and he normally brings some back for us.
Ya, we have a not so nice name for that beer. :-)

Oh, I think the dog is a cross of a Chihuahua and Dachshund. Probably a very little guy, and cute. Have fun with him, McK. My brother had a Chihuahua mix, and he was all of 9 pounds. He was a cute looking pup, and lived almost 20 years. Though I am sure he was not crossed with a dachshund. More like a terrier. He was white with some black, and had that Chihuahua face, and long hair.
No idea what a chiweenie is???
Oh, I think the dog is a cross of a Chihuahua and Dachshund. Probably a very little guy, and cute
Yep, on all accounts! Although he's just about as big as my Chihuahua at eight months, but LOOONNGG. I think he'll be a bit bigger than my little guy, who is about 7 lbs.

winter is certainly on the way.
Brrr.... It even smells like Fall outside now. It did warm up to about 70, but it will be a little warmer tomorrow.
I wish I did like things like beers, stouts and ales, but cannot get the taste for any of them. Tom likes a good ale....all except Guinness. That`s the devils drink!
I like dark beer; stouts, porter, dunkel. I LOVE Guinness, lol! I don't like IPA's... way too bitter for me. There are a lot of smaller breweries around here that seem to make a lot of IPA's.
That actually sounds amazing! We cannot purchase Yuengling in Wisconsin, although I heard rumors we might soon.
I can't wait to try it! Everyone that I spoke with who had it last year absolutely loved it. It's seasonal, like their Oktoberfest, so I'm hoping it will be a regular thing now.
You may be in luck, since Yuengling is now partnered with Molson Coors and will be shipping farther. If you see the chocolate beer out there, grab it! When they had it on tap here, it sold out quickly.
Ya, we have a not so nice name for that beer.
LOL, I can imagine, and think of about three off the top of my head too. LOL!
Have fun with him, McK.
Thanks, I am. He'll be going home soon though.


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