Something About Nothing............ #14

Looks like several of us have rain today. We are currently experiencing thunderstorms. Good thing I don’t have any outdoor plans today.

Hi RAPstar. Good to see you again.

I think she is, but even more excited for the Disney trip. I’ve planned a couple of things she doesn’t know about.

I went to Nashville once many years ago. We like to visit Gatlinburg,TN.

What a pain. When will you know for sure?

Okay, time to get up and do something productive. Almost forgot, my sister has informed me that she and my niece will be arriving on May 9. Fortunately they have a hotel room for the first 2 nights and will only be staying with us for 2 nights. I’m a little annoyed because I had planned to take the 10th off work so I could clean the house.

On a more positive note, I found this pin on the Shop Disney website and purchased 2 for me and B.

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How lovely you have some nice surprises for her, she`ll be so happy I`m sure.

I do love a good thunderstorm!!

Wow...I blinked and it was Saturday! It is bright sunny but cool Saturday here. No record breaking temps hitting here yet.

It's my first full weekend off since before March. And I'm sitting with my coffee enjoying a leisurely Saturday morning. I have a few things I want to do this weekend, but trying to NOT do too much. I am trying to keep it a leisurely weekend. A little cleaning/tidying. I need to color the sparkles in my hair - REALLY need to do that ;). As long as a few other things as well. I am hoping to fit in a little baking as well. I have my sourdough starter out and already rising to be made into yummy somethings.

Dh picked up his new truck and is happy with it. He has had to work with the dealership over a few minor issues with it. He knows his OCD is on overdrive with it right OMG :scratchin I'm ready for the " truck saga" is be done lol. But he's happy so that's all that matters at the end of the day!

I just wanted to pop in and say hi!

Have a great day everyone!

Nice to enjoy a peaceful weekend as you`ve been working so hard. Enjoy it and yes, don`t do too much.

That`s what I baked last night, I do like sourdough for breakfast with avocado and bacon, also made lemon and blueberry slices.....yep, I was not made for dieting!!!

Glad your husband is happy with the new vehicle, yes, it`s all that matters if they`re happy.

We did have Chinese food delivered and it was lush!! We are full so no need for snacks tonight, but I am enjoying a large gin with fizzy lemonade, ice and loads of lemon slices, Tom is having a beer and we`re going to watch John Wick. We were supposed to start earlier but we had a visitor and they stayed for an hour or so, would rather see them than watch tv of course.

Rain finally went off, as it started getting dark, least it`s a bit warmer out there, but not by much.

Tomorrow us in the UK are getting our first test of their emergency alert system on our mobile phones......first time we`ve had such a system to alert us to danger to life situations around us. Interesting.

Cosy Saturday night here.
What a cute pin Charade. It is getting close. I have the date and time little one’s graduation ceremony is. Have to see how many tickets she gets. The university is so large, they do the graduation ceremonies over two days. So she finally told me which day it is.

Funny, met a bunch of my extended family on my father’s side at the memorial service and lunch we had in memory of my cousin, as many of my relatives thought my kids were much younger than they are. And when looking for my sister, as we entered almost late, little one remarked they all look old. Well yeah, my dad was second to last of the nine kids, and each had a lot of kids. And many of my first cousins are in their 70’s and 80’s, though a few are closer to my age. Even though she passed in February, losing your mom, older sister, and grand mom is so sad for her immediate family line. There was over 100 there, and we were all related, give one or two. Was good to see all, as we used to catch up when easily 120 or more would show up for 4th of July pot luck, assigned items family brings afternoon. And once you started to come, you were assigned items to bring. But after my aunt and uncle where we used to have it, five years ago, sold the home, and my widowed aunt moved into a retirement place. And so, no more do we get together, unless a wedding or funeral. Sad in some ways, though I am not close to most of my first, second, third and even fourth cousins.

And talking of phone flashes. So far, I’ve had three warning of severe weather later today. Thunderstorm, with damaging winds warnings. From a look at weather radar, looks like light green blobs passed North of us about half hour ago, and a line of yellow, with blobs of red inside that line looks like it’s heading more North of me. But it does look rather long, so maybe we will be rocking and rolling with rain before the day ends. I think we will get some rain, as trees have their leaves inside out, and when we we out later this afternoon, the air certainly has that feel with a breeze. But after wearing my slacks and blouse for the service, was glad to be in shorts and an English football jersey. Was warm feeling even with it barely 70 by the time we got home, after some shopping we needed, after we changed when we got home mid afternoon from the service.

Now, since lunch was sandwiches and salsa, fruit and vegetables trays, not sure what all want for dinner. Maybe burgers on the grill, as picked up some ground sirloin at the fancy grocery we went to. Eh, still early for a weekend dinner time, so I guess when the first says they are hungry, meal type decision will start.

Hope all have a wonderful weekend, and a good night’s sleep. I took a quick nap, and now have a headache. Took some medicine and started my teapot. Hopefully both will make my headache go away. May snack on some crackers and cheese. Sigh. Thought taking a nap would make me feel refreshed.
Hey all, between the cute disney pin, new ride, graduation & trip planning, appears we’re a busy bunch indeed.

Carole - Things do change here as to covid protocols mid May Due to declining numbers. No idea if that applies to the vaxx rules for visitors to the US Or not.

in general, we try to follow our dr’s suggestions based upon our personal health issues. Well, not quite, over the past few years, he said traveling wasn’t a great idea. LOL as if, otherwise, we do try to pick and choose wisely and avail ourselves of whatever tools that seem prudent to stay healthy.
Hey all, between the cute disney pin, new ride, graduation & trip planning, appears we’re a busy bunch indeed.

Carole - Things do change here as to covid protocols mid May Due to declining numbers. No idea if that applies to the vaxx rules for visitors to the US Or not.

in general, we try to follow our dr’s suggestions based upon our personal health issues. Well, not quite, over the past few years, he said traveling wasn’t a great idea. LOL as if, otherwise, we do try to pick and choose wisely and avail ourselves of whatever tools that seem prudent to stay healthy.

Yes, we`re being told Mid May the ban on non vaxxed folks from the UK will be over. There were ways to get around that ruling by going through the Caribbean, something we did consider way back if they hadn`t lifted the travel ban.

The lifting of this doesn`t affect us as we`re all vaccinated as required, but all the folks that were complaining they wouldn`t/couldn`t take the vax will then be able to travel.

Only difference for us is we now won`t need to upload our proof of vaccination anymore.....took about 5 seconds max....not exactly a hardship for us. Anything to

I always argued, like anything, it`s their country, their rules......we always play by them and happy to do so ::yes::

Another wonderful late sleep this morning, slept till just before 8ish...nice!!!

Going to watch some of the London Marathon this morning on tv, we have a few folks we know running it, not that we`ll see them of course, far too many folks and some of them are Kyle`s friends. You have to apply to run it as it`s so popular and it`s a lottery if you get in or not, he applied but his name wasn`t drawn out this time. He applied again for next year a few days ago....fingers crossed!!!

No plans to go out today, I have a few things to catch up on around the house and going to do some baking, some for us and will hand some into Kyle`s work as we have around 35 eggs to use up, yes, farmer dropped more in yesterday, so Eggs Benedict for breakfast this morning. They are beautiful eggs though, bright orange yolks and tasty, usually I don`t eat a lot of eggs, but I am tempted with these ones.

Diced beef slow cooked in ale and beef stock for dinner tonight, just popped it in the slow cooker after it had been soaking in ale overnight, I love the aroma when it starts to cook after an hour or so, delicious.

Also plan to call one of my cousins in LI, haven`t chatted for a couple of weeks so will get a call in today to her and catch up on all family news there.

So, nice lazy-ish Sunday....all nice jobs to do including baking and no doubt some 70`s/80`s music in the background.




Happy Sunday :D

Ah the rain came yesterday. Mom, what’s that noise? Well, since my phone warned of lightning in the area, and also informed of moderate rain to fall in 5 minutes, it’s thunder. And so, we did get that windy thunderstorms giving us about three quarters inches of rain last night. And it rained throughout the night, as still drizzling out there right now. But phone says will stop in 30 minutes. Then a partly cloudy Sunday for us. And cooler. 67 the high. And a little windy today, so will feel a little breezy while feeling a bit sticky with the humidity around. So a drying out day for me.

Alarm set, trash out to the curb tonight, as neighborhood will sound of trash trucks early tomorrow morning. Thus a day to relax and get the trash out. That’s my plan. May go to see my sister again. Will see what she is up to today. Other than little one wants to shop at that Swedish store, not much on my agenda. Did put in a drive up order at a store near it. And phone said order ready late last night. So, will tell her after our look at that store, we can drive up and get my order at the other store. As the fact I heard her online in the wee hours this morning, we will be going around a later lunchtime. But where those stores are, there’s lots of places to eat, sit down and fast food places. So I can see her wanting to eat while we are in the area where those two stores are. And that area is nearer to the huge mall, so we can hop on the highway to that mall easily from that area if she doesn’t want to eat near the stores.

Super duper lazy Sunday. A wish to all. Older one works, so I should hear him first. DH and I had our cheesy and red pepper scrambled eggs, with toast. Then he’s ready to go be a good son. So I will have a nice quiet house for a few hours.

Birds are chirping loudly outside my windows since about an hour ago, and the train whistle is also loud this morning. Traffic heard too. Okay, not so quiet. But relaxing morning for me. 😊
spend it wisely, I’ve slept in and not even produced any sort breakfast yet today. Dinner chicken wings, thinking on making two different varieties Today. the family whines if they don’t make an appearance almost weekly here, like to switch it up a bit As to the prep but, they always insist on some done just dry seasoned.

Could just be me, always find it difficult to just pack a backpack PP for short trips. File it under I like my stuffs I guess. That & fitting toiletries in a quart size bag.

charade - did you see? Yikes.

I always argued, like anything, it`s their country, their rules......we always play by them and happy to do so ::yes::
It does tends to make life easier to not sweat the small stuff.

lol to the $/grocery meme. It’s at the point I don’t even look at the receipts until I balance the books. If I’m going to go into sticker shock, might as well only be one day per month
he applied but his name wasn`t drawn out this time. He applied again for next year a few days ago....fingers crossed!!!
Good luck to Kyle, I was surprised to see how far out the registration process starts.
Ah the rain came yesterday. Mom, what’s that noise? Well, since my phone warned of lightning in the area, and also informed of moderate rain to fall in 5 minutes, it’s thunder.
We had it blow thru two nights ago. had phone on silent, so no Warning there…the dog crawling of my head as I slept was all I needed to know lol. Some very loud boomers, no Winds or damage here as with the two big storms last week At least.

I took up Jr’s car for his storm damage last week while he was at work. So busy it took almost a month for an appt. They told me they were every busier than usual, deluged with various repairs due to storm One guy wound up with total loss via a large, wind blown branch. Can only imagine that sort of devastation in the Midwest storms.:sad2:

Got lucky and the specialist the body shop called in (who does that “plunger’ thing) was able to work his magic vs the several thousand $ repair it would cost traditionally. surprised it didn’t crack the clear coat, no need to have repainted. Did have to replace the rubber stripping around the window. Looks brand new to me now. What would we do without skilled craftsmen? :)

I’ve explored the store, just never bought a thing at IKEA. There’s one near the hotel we often park for longer trips at the airport, good to kill time that evening. The one thing that did catch my eye last visit was a stack of cow hides. :scratchin Not sure if meant to be rugs or wall hanging.
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spend it wisely, I’ve slept in and not even produced any sort breakfast yet today. Dinner chicken wings, thinking on making two different varieties Today. the family whines if they don’t make an appearance almost weekly here, like to switch it up a bit As to the prep but, they always insist on some done just dry seasoned.

Could just be me, always find it difficult to just pack a backpack PP for short trips. File it under I like my stuffs I guess. That & fitting toiletries in a quart size bag.

charade - did you see? Yikes.

It does tends to make life easier to not sweat the small stuff.

lol to the $/grocery meme. It’s at the point I don’t even look at the receipts until I balance the books. If I’m going to go into sticker shock, might as well only be one day per month

Good luck to Kyle, I was surprised to see how far out the registration process starts.

We had it blow thru two nights ago. had phone on silent, so no Warning there…the dog crawling of my head as I slept was all I needed to know lol. Some very loud boomers, no Winds or damage here as with the two big storms last week At least.

I took up Jr’s car for his storm damage last week while he was at work. So busy it took almost a month for an appt. They told me they were every busier than usual, deluged with various repairs due to storm One guy wound up with total loss via a large, wind blown branch. Can only imagine that sort of devastation in the Midwest storms.:sad2:

Got lucky and the specialist the body shop called in (who does that “plunger’ thing) was able to work his magic vs the several thousand $ repair it would cost traditionally. surprised it didn’t crack the clear coat, no need to have repainted. Did have to replace the rubber stripping around the window. Looks brand new to me now. What would we do without skilled craftsmen? :)

I’ve explored the store, just never bought a thing at IKEA. There’s one near the hotel we often park for longer trips at the airport, good to kill time that evening. The one thing that did catch my eye last visit was a stack of cow hides. :scratchin Not sure if meant to be rugs or wall hanging.

lol....that was quite impressive with the dragon!!

We really should keep receipts, but we never do......we spend far too much on food......but we have to eat and we do like the nicer things, so that`s that. So, yes, appropriate meme!! Yes, some things are not worth getting flustered over.

I was surprised to hear he could register a year ahead to run marathons, I think we might be in Orlando when he hears if he has been succesful for next year, but no one holds out much hope as it is so popular. The marathon he is running in October he did register just after the same one last year, so I guess you have to be organised. He has a full calendar apparently from June onwards with half marathons and 10K runs.

Glad you got your boy`s car sorted, I`ve been meaning to ask if it was fixed. Yes, we do need those skilled craftmen for sure.

Food sounds always!! :thumbsup2

This has been a quiet and lovely Sunday here. Sun was shining all day but chilly outside, so we never ventured out. Watched the marathon and as predicted, didn`t see one person we knew, would have been a miracle if we did.

Spent some time baking which is always nice, chatted on the phone to a few folks including my American cousin and the day passed nicely.

Dinner was delicious, one of our favourite winter dishes and will keep us going all evening, no need for anything else except a cuppa later.

Trying not to snooze now as only a couple of hours till bedtime.......
It's Sunday night and another work day on the horizon. It was a quiet / relaxing Sunday.

We did head out for our usual grocery haul. We didn't need much this it went relatively fast. I did slip out on my own while the boys went to a local car show. I had to stop at the drugstore to pick up something, and I also made a stop at HomeSense/Homegoods. I did come home with some new hangers. I finally picked up some of those hangers with the velvet to help stop clothing from slipping off. Yup, it has taken me until now to buy them :o

I did get some baking in this weekend. I did bake a couple loaves of bread, and I currently have cinnamon buns in the oven. I got 2 pans - one I'm baking off tonight for us, and the other one I have in the fridge to bake off tomorrow morning to take into work for everyone to eat.

Forecast is calling for rain tomorrow. It feels super chilly out tonight. I wouldn't be surprised if we see a rain/snow mix.

Well I should get going. I can smell the rolls and should check on them.

I hope everyone has a great sleep counting sheep.
I should be sleeping, but am wide awake. I just submitted another assignment. I have 3 left.

I have the date and time little one’s graduation ceremony is. Have to see how many tickets she gets. The university is so large, they do the graduation ceremonies over two days. So she finally told me which day it is.
Our school also does 2 ceremonies. One is called the degree completion ceremony. This is done by school and is the one where you are called by name and walk across the stage. Fortunately my ceremony and B’s are at different times. The main commencement ceremony for everyone is held Friday night. No walking or name recognition, but if the weather is good we should have fireworks.

Your family sounds similar to mine. My mom was the oldest of 10. I have lost count as to how many cousins, second cousins, etc. I have.
He applied again for next year a few days ago....fingers crossed!!!
Wow, I’m surprised you can register so far out. Hope he gets to race next year.
charade - did you see? Yikes.
I did see that. Scary stuff. I am glad no one was injured. I wonder how this will affect Fantasmic when I go. I heard that they might use a projected dragon.
I’ve explored the store, just never bought a thing at IKEA.
We used to have a dining set from IKEA. It was a table and 4 chairs for only $130. It lasted 6 years then the chairs started coming apart. I feel we got our money’s worth though. The table was still good so I sold it during the pandemic to a woman who was going to use it for a homeschool desk.
I finally picked up some of those hangers with the velvet to help stop clothing from slipping off. Yup, it has taken me until now to buy them
I love those hangers. I replaced all of the hangers in my closet with them.

I suppose I should try to get some sleep now.
It's Sunday night and another work day on the horizon. It was a quiet / relaxing Sunday.

We did head out for our usual grocery haul. We didn't need much this it went relatively fast. I did slip out on my own while the boys went to a local car show. I had to stop at the drugstore to pick up something, and I also made a stop at HomeSense/Homegoods. I did come home with some new hangers. I finally picked up some of those hangers with the velvet to help stop clothing from slipping off. Yup, it has taken me until now to buy them :o

I did get some baking in this weekend. I did bake a couple loaves of bread, and I currently have cinnamon buns in the oven. I got 2 pans - one I'm baking off tonight for us, and the other one I have in the fridge to bake off tomorrow morning to take into work for everyone to eat.

Forecast is calling for rain tomorrow. It feels super chilly out tonight. I wouldn't be surprised if we see a rain/snow mix.

Well I should get going. I can smell the rolls and should check on them.

I hope everyone has a great sleep counting sheep.

Glad you did have a nice relaxing weekend....I always think of baking or cooking as relaxing, although I know other folks don`t at times. I don`t think I`ve ever baked a whole tray of cinnamon buns. I have made them as Danish Pastries, they are so time consuming to prepare though, but gorgeous!

I love those velvet or padded hangers, you`re right they are ideal for clothes. But....I have a husband who did not like them. I had bought all purple ones for me and black ones for him, but he prefers traditional hangers.......he never thought to mention that when I was ordering the black ones all went to the charity store. I like mine ::yes::

How is your daughter doing now, it`s been a few weeks since her surgery, I hope she`s feeling back to normal by now.

I should be sleeping, but am wide awake. I just submitted another assignment. I have 3 left.

Our school also does 2 ceremonies. One is called the degree completion ceremony. This is done by school and is the one where you are called by name and walk across the stage. Fortunately my ceremony and B’s are at different times. The main commencement ceremony for everyone is held Friday night. No walking or name recognition, but if the weather is good we should have fireworks.

Your family sounds similar to mine. My mom was the oldest of 10. I have lost count as to how many cousins, second cousins, etc. I have.

Wow, I’m surprised you can register so far out. Hope he gets to race next year.

I did see that. Scary stuff. I am glad no one was injured. I wonder how this will affect Fantasmic when I go. I heard that they might use a projected dragon.

We used to have a dining set from IKEA. It was a table and 4 chairs for only $130. It lasted 6 years then the chairs started coming apart. I feel we got our money’s worth though. The table was still good so I sold it during the pandemic to a woman who was going to use it for a homeschool desk.

I love those hangers. I replaced all of the hangers in my closet with them.

I suppose I should try to get some sleep now.

Yes, I knew nothing of the world of marathons and running till he took up running 18 months ago. But, it is well organised as I`ve discovered. Yes, we`d all love him to get into that one although him and a few others are also looking at the NY marathon in a year or so. He`s very fast so he`ll make the time needed easily.

Oh gosh cousins, yes. My dad was from a Catholic family so I have cousins galore. He had the least children of all his siblings, one sibling had 14 kids. Mum`s family all had less but I still have a fair amount of cousins on that side too. It`s nice though and even nicer we all kind of keep in touch somehow, some more than others of course as we are all spread out over the world.

I think winter has returned.

It`s cool, very cool and the winds last night were so reminiscent of a winter`s evening as it howled around us. But, makes it all very cosy for me......I don`t mind nights like that when we`re all tucked in with nowhere to go.

Sun is hiding behind some dark clouds with the occasional burst of brightness so far but winds will be around all day and spots of rain. We`re out this morning for an appointment then a lunch we were going to miss, but decided to go.......peer pressure wins out there!! It`ll be nice though, nothing fancy as it`s in a tearoom, so some very nice sandwiches to choose from.

Had the weirdest of dreams last night, very vivid as always, but so many of them I remembered this morning....Tom was thrilled to hear them :rotfl: I think my brain has gone into overdrive right now. One included someone who used to do my hair about 20 years ago and a broken down bus that started off as a train in an underground/dark city that broke down!!

Chicken breasts stuffed with Brie and a little cranberry sauce and wrapped in bacon for dinner tonight, little baby potatoes and steamed carrots for dinner tonight, the chicken breasts are rather large so maybe one between two of us might be enough when I think of it.

But, a very happy Monday here......:-)




Have lovely Monday :D
Ooh a clear sky to see those trash trucks clearly. And a clearing overnight gives us at 40 degrees this morning. Cooler. Pants are still in the drawer for sure. A weather week more like the mid of March. 59 to a single 64, then rest of the next 7 days is hovering around 60 as the high temp. Not even getting to 60 today. 59 the high. And Sweatshirt jacket or even my lightweight winter jacket, for lunchtime walk today. Though with wall to wall sunny day as said by weather news, so will be rocking my shades.

Sigh. Time of year we get to see that greenery around, but still get those cooler days. Hence we don’t plant new until at least toward end of May. And still use our house heater.

Thus, back to that routine week day. Up in the predawn hour. Tea and a throw on, May turn the heater up a little. We do like it a little cooler to sleep. Guess we turned it down too much.

And so, that Monday, yawn, feeling. Was nice to have that bonus day weekend, and car is good to drive for another year.

Tea and screen. Happy that telework has been allowed, with one day a week in the office. So nice on that back after a weekend to not have to get moving as fast, and not on the road. And so far, thankfully have had not many issues with screen at a different address.

Thus, as we start the last week day week in April, have a most April feeling Marvelous Monday. And a good morning feeling too.

I so need more tea.
It's that Monday morning feeling :surfweb: I tend to look at the positive side of it, that I'm healthy enough to actually be able to work...and have 2 jobs - when some people don't even have one.

Cool, crisp overcast day today. No rain yet, but I won't complain if we get some. We could use the rain.

I baked off the other pan of cinnamon buns for the work crew here...they are already gone! That stuff doesn't last long here. I didn't have one, but the compliments and thank you's has me thinking they were pretty yummy.

I think it will be a quiet day at work today. I don't have much to catch up on here at my full-time job. I will probably be shredding some paper to fill my day today.

I'm a little blue today - tomorrow would have been our travel day to Orlando :sad: Sigh. Hopefully soon, we will be planning that trip again. But yes...I'm a little sad I'm not packing and getting excited to by flying out.

He applied again for next year a few days ago....fingers crossed!!!
Keeping fingers crossed for him too. That would be amazing if he would get picked to run in that!
Got lucky and the specialist the body shop called in (who does that “plunger’ thing) was able to work his magic vs the several thousand $ repair it would cost traditionally. surprised it didn’t crack the clear coat, no need to have repainted. Did have to replace the rubber stripping around the window. Looks brand new to me now. What would we do without skilled craftsmen? :)
DH had that done last year on the truck. We had a severe storm with marble to golf ball size hail hit. The truck looked horrible. The rest of our vehicles were ok...but his truck :eek: It was amazing -no one could tell after the tech got done working on it. And dh is OCD about his vehicles. I'm glad you got it done. DH has to wait months for his repair to happen.
I should be sleeping, but am wide awake. I just submitted another assignment. I have 3 left.
That count down is on!!!! Hopefully those last 3 go smoothly for you.
How is your daughter doing now, it`s been a few weeks since her surgery, I hope she`s feeling back to normal by now.
She is doing good. She has some digestive issues yet - but for the most part - she has recovered great! One time the meal she eats is perfectly fine. She will have it as left overs the next day - and :confused: her system doesn't like it almost immediately. Hopefully with time, that will go away.
Sigh. Time of year we get to see that greenery around, but still get those cooler days. Hence we don’t plant new until at least toward end of May. And still use our house heater.
It sounds like it is almost that perfect time of the year. I can't wait for things to turn green here. I did notice that my lilac tree is starting to bud!!!!

Well, I should track down more papers to shuffle around.

Have a great day everyone!
Oh Pumpkin, I’m sorry you had to cancel your trip tomorrow. But at least you can reschedule another time. Yep, I’m liking seeing all the green starting, as just enough South of you, we get greenery starting first. Love a lilac tree, as a kid, liked running around the white one we had. It got huge. I haven’t tried to plant one at my home.

Charade, it did that to me, then fixed itself. Guess a glitch happening when you look at your likes. Hope you are doing well, and almost done with your classes. I think little one’s finals are next week, with one exam and one to hand in a final paper. Can’t believe next week is May starting. Time is flying.

Pasta lunch, as what little one wanted. Fine with me. Glad I had my sweatshirt jacket, that has a good. Windy enough, felt cool on my lunchtime walk. Dragged the trash cans back, glad they are all empty now.

Hope all are enjoying this Monday.
Am I hallucinating or has the DISboards started time traveling?

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lol....that`s funny!

It's that Monday morning feeling :surfweb: I tend to look at the positive side of it, that I'm healthy enough to actually be able to work...and have 2 jobs - when some people don't even have one.

Cool, crisp overcast day today. No rain yet, but I won't complain if we get some. We could use the rain.

I baked off the other pan of cinnamon buns for the work crew here...they are already gone! That stuff doesn't last long here. I didn't have one, but the compliments and thank you's has me thinking they were pretty yummy.

I think it will be a quiet day at work today. I don't have much to catch up on here at my full-time job. I will probably be shredding some paper to fill my day today.

I'm a little blue today - tomorrow would have been our travel day to Orlando :sad: Sigh. Hopefully soon, we will be planning that trip again. But yes...I'm a little sad I'm not packing and getting excited to by flying out.

Keeping fingers crossed for him too. That would be amazing if he would get picked to run in that!

DH had that done last year on the truck. We had a severe storm with marble to golf ball size hail hit. The truck looked horrible. The rest of our vehicles were ok...but his truck :eek: It was amazing -no one could tell after the tech got done working on it. And dh is OCD about his vehicles. I'm glad you got it done. DH has to wait months for his repair to happen.

That count down is on!!!! Hopefully those last 3 go smoothly for you.

She is doing good. She has some digestive issues yet - but for the most part - she has recovered great! One time the meal she eats is perfectly fine. She will have it as left overs the next day - and :confused: her system doesn't like it almost immediately. Hopefully with time, that will go away.

It sounds like it is almost that perfect time of the year. I can't wait for things to turn green here. I did notice that my lilac tree is starting to bud!!!!

Well, I should track down more papers to shuffle around.

Have a great day everyone!

I remember when you mentioned a while back you had cancelled your trip around this time, I did wonder if it was close. You know you`ll be back.....but not easy. We had 5 trips postponed during covid, none of them were fun. Our friends at the RP/SF kept telling us, they`re just postponed.......but at the know.

Glad your daughter is improving, that`s weird with the food being repeated. But, as long as she is generally well, sounds like it`s been a big success.

Things turning beautifully green here already, even though it`s cool, we have very fertile and damp soil, so things to do grow by this time of year. Trees are filling up with lush green leaves and plants are getting there, our gardener is talking about planting some things over the next few days which is good to hear.

Did have a nice little lunch in the tea shop, 9 of us altogether, so many pots of tea and some lovely little finger sandwiches and little tasty treats including some gorgeous strawberry macarons!! But, not too filling thankfully. It`s a beautiful little place, very traditionally English and they`ve already started decorating the whole place for our King`s Coronation which is so nice to see.

And yes, two of the ladies did ask casually if was doing any shopping this should have seen their faces when I said Of course I`ll pick them up a few things.

Ended up sharing one chicken breast between two of us as they were huge and very nice they were too. We did have a few baking treats left over that I baked and didn`t give away with a pot of tea afterwards.

Might go have another pot of tea actually....... 🫖
Nothing interesting to report today. Today was just an average day.

I'm a little blue today - tomorrow would have been our travel day to Orlando
I sympathize. I am planning a makeup trip for the one I had to cancel last year.

Hope you are doing well, and almost done with your classes. I think little one’s finals are next week, with one exam and one to hand in a final paper.
One project and 2 essays and I am done. I texted B today and she told me she is already finished with her bowling class. Her professor has already posted grades. She just has to turn in her final history project and she is done.

lol....that`s funny!
I once got an email from the future. It’s blurry, but the date is January 14, 2035.

I should start on my next essay, but it’s almost 9:00. I’ll start tomorrow.
I'm a little blue today - tomorrow would have been our travel day to Orlando :sad: Sigh. Hopefully soon, we will be planning that trip again. But yes...I'm a little sad I'm not packing and getting excited to by flying out.
Sigh, that is the pits. Best thing to do is start planning that next one. :flower3: They always seem so far away, then you blink & there they are!
Nothing interesting to report today. Today was just an average day.

I sympathize. I am planning a makeup trip for the one I had to cancel last year.

One project and 2 essays and I am done. I texted B today and she told me she is already finished with her bowling class. Her professor has already posted grades. She just has to turn in her final history project and she is done.

I once got an email from the future. It’s blurry, but the date is January 14, 2035.

View attachment 755909
I should start on my next essay, but it’s almost 9:00. I’ll start tomorrow.

lol......I almost never notice dates on emails and things, but I think maybe I`d notice a date like that.

Glad you`re about done with work and can look forward to both graduations!

Sigh, that is the pits. Best thing to do is start planning that next one. :flower3: They always seem so far away, then you blink & there they are!

That was our mantra 3 years ago when the travel ban came into place. Keep planning, move the flights and so was the best way for us for sure.

Another cold and chilly start here this morning we have a real feel of 28F, but the sun is shining which is quite deceiving as you gaze out of the windows, it looks as if it should be really isn`t.

Heading out to do a little shopping this morning, we don`t really need much food wise but I do need to get some birthday cards and gifts for folks when we`re away. I don`t have too many to get, one nephew, 2 cousins and 2 friends, some are just cards but two friends I will get gifts for them, nephew is just a gift card in with the birthday card.

Haven`t decided what`s for dinner tonight yet, will pick something up when we`re out, I`m feeling smoked salmon and shrimp maybe. Make some bread and salad and we`re sorted, lunch is out again......but breakfast is avocado on sourdough with lots and lots of tea.




Happy Tuesday :-)
Ooh, I’m cool this morning too, but at least 10 degrees warmer than Schumi was this morning. 38 degrees said my outside thermometer by my front door. Cool feeling in my book, with wind making it feel cooler than it is. Though also with humid feeling air. And a repeat of yesterday’s weather. Full day of sun, and 59 degrees the high. So repeat of clothes for my lunchtime walk today.

And today, a day Mac can enjoy a meal at Taco Bell. After all, a Taco Tuesday is today, Mac. Hope those cats are behaving and not waking you up early today, and you are feeling well.

So give a yay, as today is a day to enjoy that small sandwich, with can be a hard shell taco, or soft one, and filled with whatever you are in the mood for. Including those, soft ones seen at breakfast. Yeah, the one advertised by that other coffee and donut shop is a breakfast one. Oh my. Thus, you can have a taco at any meal, or snack, as a hoping you have a most Terrific 🌮 Taco Tuesday.


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