SSRMonkey Trip Report--I'm kind of a big deal

We made it home last night around 11. We hit some snow in the worst state ever (WV), but it cleared up and we had smooth sailing until the snow belt in PA.

It was a bit strange that Chloe was very happy to see us. She must be mellowing out a little in her old age.

Today, Koala and I are trying to adjust to the change in temperature (it's only about 19 degrees here today), so we settled into the couch with our hoodies and a good book. We hope our next trip will be in May...we have to call member services to book it tomorrow. Until then, you can keep track of my adventures on facebook (SSRMonkey Jones).

Sweet Lincoln's Mullet...

Thanks for reading, suz_cute. My Aunts both live in Pittsburgh. Yinz had a bit of snow last night. Hope you didn't get snowed in.

Chellymouse--Defrosting--that's a good one! Can't wait to read your TR. Commence the shenanigans round 3!
We didn't get snowed in last night, but my hill was pretty icy. Tried going out for some Xmas shopping for my son, and never made it out of the housing plan. Certain areas got hammered with snow. Sounds like you hit a bit of it on the way home! Do you live up near Edinboro in the snow belt? Did you have lots of snow at home?
We live close to North East which is between Erie and NY stay, but mom grew up in Edinboro and mom and dad lived there for a while. Mom's parents still live there. They got about a foot last night, but the ground was just covered here. Wish we had more so I could build a chipmunk snowman. :)
I know where you mean! We visit all the wineries in North East. I share the same last name as the most popular vineyard there. Wow...a foot in Edinboro. That's precisely why I didn't go to college there. Hahah. I stayed close to home and went to Pitt to avoid being snowed in. Glad that you all made it home safely. It' s quite a hike from here to FL. We haven't driven in years because I have 2 kids now. I like being able to hop on a plane and be there in 2.5 hrs. Two kids under the age of 5 in a car for 22 hrs isn't my idea of vacation. God bless my parents for driving us everywhere, including California! I would've jumped out the window by the time we hit St. Louis these days! :)
Next time you're going to the wineries take me with you!! I'm only ten minutes away! :) I actually miss the snow in Edinboro. One year we made a snow cat and spray painted it to look like my evil cat, Chloe. But we have a barn here and build sled ramps on the bank that goes up to it. That's fun too.

Mom and Dad like driving because we like having a car there and don't want to have to pay for a rental. And Mom and Dad like to be in control and there are so many things out of their control when flying. The last time they flew they could have been home hours before their flight got in. As long as Koala and I have our headphones and books, we try to behave.
I can't believe your trip is over :( Please beg mom and dad for that spring trip.

I don't remember Koala needing glasses. Or does he wear them to look cool? Either way, it's a great look for him. How's the Ron Burgundy book? I don't like going to the movies alone so I'll sadly have to wait for the new movie to make to Red Box or cable.
So far the book is fantastic. You are welcome to come with us to see the movie. The only thing is that you have to wear a burgundy velvet suit. :)

Mom is calling to book our May trip in the morning.

Koala is a big Donnie Wahlberg fan and that's his latest look so he had to jump on board.
So excited - got my magical express packet today!

SSRmonkey - my velvet suit is pink :( but thanks for the offer. Saw that you booked your trip. May is awesome! Will you be there for flowers and wine?
Chellymouse - less than 2 weeks. Can't wait!
Chellymouse-- it sure is to make up for "the incident". It's the only way I can figure out how to get out my frustration with those darn chipmunks without being banned from WDW for life. :)

Honeymo--glad you got your packet today. Makes it seem not too far away! :) Pink velvet will do. I think Ron Burgundy would appreciate the effort. :)

And we will be there for the end of F&G. I think we might make it to F&W next year too. Keeping my paws crossed. :)
F&G plus F&W. That would be awesome.

Have you met Mr Bear and Pooh? Here they are at OKW in Jan. They prefer to stay in the room. So much so that back in 1995 Mr Bear decided he didn't want to leave the FW Cabins with us and extended his trip by a few days. Thankfully Disney sprang for his trip home and he has been back on every trip since.

Aww! They are really cute! It would be terrible to lose them! That's another reason we don't like to fly. Let's just say Koala got separated from us and ended up in MN. He didn't let us live that down and still wants to write a letter to the mean lady who checked us in that fateful day. I'm glad you take your buddies with you.
So glad you made it home safely. You had such a great trip - thanks for taking us along. I'm stoked for your May trip - glad mom called and got it booked. Stay warm!!
Thanks For following along, DisneyPrincess! I can't wait till May! At least there are some holidays coming up to keep me pre-occupied. Along with my new Ron Burgundy book and the Anchorman premier, :). See ya on FB! :)
After our trip to the spa, we joined Mom and Dad while they were shopping. I saw this giraffe on this bike and I was confused.


First of all, giraffes can’t ride bikes. Unless the bike has 4 pedals. Also, this bike has no pedals, so I don’t think anyone could ride this bike. So, the point of this display is…? I don’t know either. I asked for the manager to complain that their displays aren’t realistic. While I was waiting, I looked around and noticed that all of the clothes on the manikins were pinned so they actually fit. Is everything in this store a farce? I turned around again and saw manikins with no heads and no legs! What is going on here??? Their clothes were pinned on too. I couldn’t take it, so I just got out of there without waiting to talk to the manager. I felt like I was in a Different World, but Sinbad was nowhere to be found.


:rotfl2::lmao::rotfl2: To the entire post. :thumbsup2

Another priceless TR. Thank you! :flower3:
Just checked this section, hoping to see how SSRmonkey and Koala were doing. Glad to see another entertaining trip report - although you kids didn't get in quite as much trouble as usual ;)
Thanks for checking on us, Shazzasmd! Don't worry, we just have to spread our shenanigans out. We get into plenty of trouble around home too. Lately, we've been doing some baking and making a mess in the kitchen. That's when I call in my friend, Darth Tater. He uses The Force to help us clean up. I shared this big whoopie pie with him to show my appreciation.

At last count, I think it was 108 days till our next trip. We already have some things up our sleeves for May! Until then, we will terrorize the Devilcat to our heart's content and then pray that we can run away fast enough. Feeding her whoopie pie isn't a good idea, so we keep cheese in our pockets to distract her. :)

We will be sure to keep everyone up to date on our trip in May! :)


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