You light ‘em, they fight ‘em! A GCV/Disneyland Resort December 2014 PTR- we're out!

Chloe is in on it too and it surprises me but the more I think about it, the more I realize not hopping does lend itself to a more relaxing vacation. With two full days in DCA, we'll finally get to see Aladdin again. Its been years.​

I loved Aladdin, and also Mickey and the Magical Map in DL.

You need to get out of that situation my friend. You are far too wonderful of a person to have to deal with that on a daily basis. :goodvibes

Thank you wonderful lady :goodvibes I'm just taking it day to day, some are worse than others of course.

I bet your clothes are looser. That's a great barometer. But I am a numbers gal too.​

Oh yes, the clothes are much looser. I'm down two sizes in pants. But I want to know the number!!!

Thank you. :hug: They keep trying to low staff me to and I won't take the bait. I know everyone has an agenda and mine is to not end up my own patient. :upsidedow

That would not be good!
Two weeks?!?!?!?!? It will go by in a snap! Sorry Vegas isn't working out the way you want.

Jill in CO
:rotfl2: :rotfl: Whats the *discussion* about? What to cook?​

OK, I'll let you know and maybe you can help the decision. I wanted to make something that was low maintenance so that I could enjoy my time with you and your family. I said that I didn't want to be stuck at the grill, so I would make some other kind of meat that could be served family style, a salad and this other thing that I think it kind of unique.

It's called John Wayne's Cheese Casserole. It's very unique, and it's a little bit like a Cheese Souffle with mild green chilies inside. It's made in a flat glass pan, and then halfway through cooking you put slices of tomato on top. She introduced me to the recipe, and I think it's a wonderful, unctuous, delicious dish. I have been known to be satisfied with it as a dinner. However, when I said that I wanted to make it she asked if your family was vegetarian.

She said something about that when she eats too much John Wayne Casserole it makes her sad. I didn't understand this, and figured if she had enough meat that would be OK, anyways, its the John Wayne Casserole that's in question. I might have to go back to the drawing board on this one, but that's where it was in the "discussion" yesterday.

Google it, the recipe is all over the internet. I love it!
I loved Aladdin, and also Mickey and the Magical Map in DL.

Thank you wonderful lady :goodvibes I'm just taking it day to day, some are worse than others of course.

Oh yes, the clothes are much looser. I'm down two sizes in pants. But I want to know the number!!!

That would not be good!

Looser clothes are the BEST feeling. :thumbsup2 So proud of you. :goodvibes

I forgot about Mickey and the Magical Map. I'll add that to our list. :thumbsup2 Without hopping, we'll have plenty of time to see it I'm sure.​

Two weeks?!?!?!?!? It will go by in a snap! Sorry Vegas isn't working out the way you want.

Jill in CO

:goodvibes Thanks girl. Yeah, I am not elated but it is what it is. It's the travel part thats got me down, not the soccer.​

OK, I'll let you know and maybe you can help the decision. I wanted to make something that was low maintenance so that I could enjoy my time with you and your family. I said that I didn't want to be stuck at the grill, so I would make some other kind of meat that could be served family style, a salad and this other thing that I think it kind of unique.

It's called John Wayne's Cheese Casserole. It's very unique, and it's a little bit like a Cheese Souffle with mild green chilies inside. It's made in a flat glass pan, and then halfway through cooking you put slices of tomato on top. She introduced me to the recipe, and I think it's a wonderful, unctuous, delicious dish. I have been known to be satisfied with it as a dinner. However, when I said that I wanted to make it she asked if your family was vegetarian.

She said something about that when she eats too much John Wayne Casserole it makes her sad. I didn't understand this, and figured if she had enough meat that would be OK, anyways, its the John Wayne Casserole that's in question. I might have to go back to the drawing board on this one, but that's where it was in the "discussion" yesterday.

Google it, the recipe is all over the internet. I love it!

You are too cute. We would be fine with a bucket of KFC. :goodvibes Really, we just want to visit with you. Do whatever is the least stressful. The casserole sounds good but why does it make Fran sad? :rotfl2: I definitely don't want to be sad. ;)

So now that Vegas is on the table, here is my week:

Mon- Wed: 10 hours minimum each day at work :scared:
Thursday: dinner early then off to Vegas.
Sunday: drive home from Vegas
Mon-Fri: 10 hours minmum each day at work :faint: Plus some certifications and stuff I have to have completed by Dec 1. :eek:
Sat: leave for So Cal

Not sure when I am going to pack and plan and do laundry and clean........

I really really really need an attitude adjustment. :grouphug:

That thing about the JWC making her sad totally threw me. I said I wanted to put little smokies in a crock pot with peppers and onions in BBQ sauce, the JWC and a Caesar salad. Then I could make cream cheese brownies. She said, "That's not cooking!" I was astounded. I though it sounded pretty good, maybe not a lot of carbs, but plenty of protein and there were veggies included. Plus it was easy and I wouldn't spend a lot of time in the kitchen when you guys were over so we'd have lots of time to visit. I'll tell her well just get a bucket of KFC and I bet she'd like that better!

I can't believe your schedule before you go. Thats crazy! Does your crew know how to take care of themselves? Can they pack their own suitcases? Can they feed themselves? Thats my biggest time killer/worry factor. Fran needs me for almost everything. She can wipe her own a$$, but I worry when I go away for the day like tomorrow when I'll be gone at the park for almost 10 hours. She has bread and peanut butter, I'll make sure there is ham in the fridge and I bought a loaf of bread yesterday so at least she wont starve.

Anyways :hug: to you to make it through until you leave. At least it will go fast with 10 hour days. I hope you get to sleep during the drive to So Cal. I think you'll need it!
That thing about the JWC making her sad totally threw me. I said I wanted to put little smokies in a crock pot with peppers and onions in BBQ sauce, the JWC and a Caesar salad. Then I could make cream cheese brownies. She said, "That's not cooking!" I was astounded. I though it sounded pretty good, maybe not a lot of carbs, but plenty of protein and there were veggies included. Plus it was easy and I wouldn't spend a lot of time in the kitchen when you guys were over so we'd have lots of time to visit. I'll tell her well just get a bucket of KFC and I bet she'd like that better!

Does she like KFC? :laughing: Doesn't everybody like KFC? We love our protein too so whatever you want to do is great with us! We do like Caesar salad. But honestly whatever is easiest, promise. And doesn't make Fran sad. ;)

I can't believe your schedule before you go. Thats crazy! Does your crew know how to take care of themselves? Can they pack their own suitcases? Can they feed themselves? Thats my biggest time killer/worry factor. Fran needs me for almost everything. She can wipe her own a$$, but I worry when I go away for the day like tomorrow when I'll be gone at the park for almost 10 hours. She has bread and peanut butter, I'll make sure there is ham in the fridge and I bought a loaf of bread yesterday so at least she wont starve.

:rotfl2: My kids can wipe their own a$$es too. :rotfl2: You are making me belly laugh and that's exactly what I am in need of today.

My kids feed themselves when I'm home too. :rotfl: Remember I don't cook much more than breakfast foods. ;) I make the best over easy egg anywhere though! :banana: They can pack too and we'll have the laundry in the 2 bedroom so overpacking shouldn't be an issue. It's the being so busy before vacation thats got me. I am trying to change my attitude about Vegas. I do love watching Joshua play and the weather looks good both coming and going which was a huge worry. I hate hate hate driving in the snow. Finances this close to vacation are stressful but we'll be sharing gas and hotel with the mom/son combo so that's a little relief.

I forgot tomorrow is your park day with Corinna! That's going to be so fun!​

Anyways :hug: to you to make it through until you leave. At least it will go fast with 10 hour days. I hope you get to sleep during the drive to So Cal. I think you'll need it!

:hug: Thanks lady. Luckily we have two days before Disney to rest up. Our beach days won't be stressful. The kids want to surf. I'll happily lay on the beach.

So now that Vegas is on the table, here is my week:

Mon- Wed: 10 hours minimum each day at work :scared:
Thursday: dinner early then off to Vegas.
Sunday: drive home from Vegas
Mon-Fri: 10 hours minmum each day at work :faint: Plus some certifications and stuff I have to have completed by Dec 1. :eek:
Sat: leave for So Cal

Not sure when I am going to pack and plan and do laundry and clean........

I really really really need an attitude adjustment. :grouphug:


Hopefully these next two weeks will fly by. Try not to think about what needs to be done, just get through each day. You'll get there :grouphug:
Hopefully these next two weeks will fly by. Try not to think about what needs to be done, just get through each day. You'll get there :grouphug:

:hug: That's exactly what M said. :thumbsup2

How was your weekend? Are you seeing any of that snow back east? What are your Thanksgiving plans?

We decided to celebrate Thanksgiving on Wednesday instead of Thursday. I have to work but I'll skate out a little early. M does all of the ccoking anyway. :rotfl2: I do more of the clean up. The kids will be home and Chloe loves to help.​
I bought our tickets last night! :banana: Stayed with the family's request of no hopping. It saved $195! :thumbsup2 I did the math wrong before and though the difference was less than $100. I feel like I made money. :rotfl2:

We leave in 12 days not counting today but counting the day we leave! party:
:hug: That's exactly what M said. :thumbsup2

You'll make it :goodvibes And even though driving alone won't be the best thing at least you'll be away from work.

How was your weekend? Are you seeing any of that snow back east? What are your Thanksgiving plans?

No snow in our neck of the woods yet. There's plenty up north though.

I'm taking it easy on Thanksgiving, mom will be with her boyfriend and his family for the morning, and then we're going to the movies. Both of my brothers will be with their wive's families, and my dad and stepmom will be with her family. I'm technically on call as the boss so must be available all day.

We decided to celebrate Thanksgiving on Wednesday instead of Thursday. I have to work but I'll skate out a little early. M does all of the ccoking anyway. :rotfl2: I do more of the clean up. The kids will be home and Chloe loves to help.

Good plan! When will you start driving? Neither of the girls want to go with you?

I bought our tickets last night! :banana: Stayed with the family's request of no hopping. It saved $195! :thumbsup2 I did the math wrong before and though the difference was less than $100. I feel like I made money. :rotfl2:

That's awesome!!!! :banana::banana::banana:

We leave in 12 days not counting today but counting the day we leave! party:

You'll make it :goodvibes And even though driving alone won't be the best thing at least you'll be away from work.

I won't be driving alone now. It'll be me, Joshua, his teammate, and his mom. :thumbsup2 But get this: so I get a call yesterday morning at work from another teammates mother asking if I can take her son. :faint: Right?! Anyway long story short, we'll now have three boys with us but Joshua loves most of his teammates so this'll be really fun for them. Anything for the children. ;) The good news is that we upgraded to a larger room now because our old room couldn't have slept 5 so now we have a two bedroom condo with 2 bathrooms. There was no way I could share a bathroom with 3 teenage boys. :scared: :rotfl2: It won't cost anymore because now the third boy's mom is paying the difference. :thumbsup2 I am looking forward to getting to know the mom I'm traveling with better. She seems very nice, amiable. And it'll be in the 70's not 30's! :woohoo: I've decided to look on the bright side.​

No snow in our neck of the woods yet. There's plenty up north though.

Good! Keep it at bay as long as possible. Does Connor like the snow?​

I'm taking it easy on Thanksgiving, mom will be with her boyfriend and his family for the morning, and then we're going to the movies. Both of my brothers will be with their wive's families, and my dad and stepmom will be with her family. I'm technically on call as the boss so must be available all day.

What movie??? I love Thanksgiving Day movies. :cloud: I hope you get on call pay. I hope you don't have to go in though understand healthcare doesn't take holidays.​

Good plan! When will you start driving? Neither of the girls want to go with you?

Heavens no. :lmao: We have been to vegas so many times for soccer. Gabby works all weekend including Thanksgiving. Chloe is looking forward to less people in the house. :rotfl: Michael works Saturday/Sunday so the only night they'll be alone is Saturday. They are easily old enough to navigate that. I had a little chat with Gabby, Chloe, Gabby's friend, and boyfriend last night about the rules Saturday night. I didn't quite got he fear of G-d route but lets just say my expectations are clear. ;)

That's awesome!!!! :banana::banana::banana:


I really cannot come soon enough. I worked 11 hours yesterday. With psych folks. Holy moly. I kid you not, and can't say more, but some of these folks are so so so ill. Like so ill. Yes, I know that's why they are inpatient but as the years go on, we see more chronically mentally ill. Gone are the milieus of bummed out housewives. Its pretty intense. Community resources have been cut so the amount of people discharging to homeless shelters is staggering....and young people too who seemed moderately unfazed about being homeless. Its such a different mindset. And drugs. Poison. Bleh. However, it does put life into perspective even when I drag butt home, exhausted, my family is wonderful and warm. :goodvibes

I think I am rambling from exhaustion. :rotfl2: :crazy2:
I won't be driving alone now. It'll be me, Joshua, his teammate, and his mom. :thumbsup2 But get this: so I get a call yesterday morning at work from another teammates mother asking if I can take her son. :faint: Right?! Anyway long story short, we'll now have three boys with us but Joshua loves most of his teammates so this'll be really fun for them. Anything for the children. ;) The good news is that we upgraded to a larger room now because our old room couldn't have slept 5 so now we have a two bedroom condo with 2 bathrooms. There was no way I could share a bathroom with 3 teenage boys. :scared: :rotfl2: It won't cost anymore because now the third boy's mom is paying the difference. :thumbsup2 I am looking forward to getting to know the mom I'm traveling with better. She seems very nice, amiable. And it'll be in the 70's not 30's! :woohoo: I've decided to look on the bright side.​

You guys will have fun! I'm glad you won't be driving alone. And very good you'll now have two bathrooms!!! And 70's sounds heavenly :cloud9:

Good! Keep it at bay as long as possible. Does Connor like the snow?​

He does like the snow. And the sun. And the rain. He's a mess! :laughing: He'll lounge outside in the sun until he's hot to the touch in the summer, and then he'll sit outside in the cold cold winter, even better if there's snow. He likes to shovel it with his nose. And then he'll stand out in the rain until he's drenched....

What movie??? I love Thanksgiving Day movies. :cloud: I hope you get on call pay. I hope you don't have to go in though understand healthcare doesn't take holidays.​

I shouldn't have to go in unless several people call out. But I'm in charge so have to take all the calls. This is one reason I didn't want this position, I'm the boss when my boss is on vacation. And of course she wanted to be off this week.

Not sure what movie we'll see. Probably Mockingjay or Interstellar.

Heavens no. :lmao: We have been to vegas so many times for soccer. Gabby works all weekend including Thanksgiving. Chloe is looking forward to less people in the house. :rotfl: Michael works Saturday/Sunday so the only night they'll be alone is Saturday. They are easily old enough to navigate that. I had a little chat with Gabby, Chloe, Gabby's friend, and boyfriend last night about the rules Saturday night. I didn't quite got he fear of G-d route but lets just say my expectations are clear. ;)

That's too bad Gabby has to work Thanksgiving. Is she back at Starbucks?

I can just imagine how that conversation about the rules went last night. They better behave!

I really cannot come soon enough. I worked 11 hours yesterday. With psych folks. Holy moly. I kid you not, and can't say more, but some of these folks are so so so ill. Like so ill. Yes, I know that's why they are inpatient but as the years go on, we see more chronically mentally ill. Gone are the milieus of bummed out housewives. Its pretty intense. Community resources have been cut so the amount of people discharging to homeless shelters is staggering....and young people too who seemed moderately unfazed about being homeless. Its such a different mindset. And drugs. Poison. Bleh. However, it does put life into perspective even when I drag butt home, exhausted, my family is wonderful and warm. :goodvibes

I think I am rambling from exhaustion. :rotfl2: :crazy2:

At one time I was very interested in the psych field. That was until learning that the cannibals from a couple years ago were in a facility near us. I know that's a rare thing to come across but I couldn't treat those people objectively. I can't imagine the mental strain you face daily taking care of such ill patients. That is very sad about sending them to homeless shelters.

Be gentle with yourself my friend :hug:
I won't be driving alone now. It'll be me, Joshua, his teammate, and his mom. :thumbsup2 But get this: so I get a call yesterday morning at work from another teammates mother asking if I can take her son. :faint: Right?! Anyway long story short, we'll now have three boys with us but Joshua loves most of his teammates so this'll be really fun for them. Anything for the children. ;) The good news is that we upgraded to a larger room now because our old room couldn't have slept 5 so now we have a two bedroom condo with 2 bathrooms. There was no way I could share a bathroom with 3 teenage boys. :scared: :rotfl2: It won't cost anymore because now the third boy's mom is paying the difference. :thumbsup2 I am looking forward to getting to know the mom I'm traveling with better. She seems very nice, amiable. And it'll be in the 70's not 30's! :woohoo: I've decided to look on the bright side.​

I am glad you are half full gal as honestly that would not be my take on the situation at all. You've gone from someone else taking your child to hauling 3 other people and doing all the driving. It IS better to not do it alone for sure but the whole situation kind of chaps my hide on your behalf. It's not that you can't do it but oh you need a break and that time, and not spent in the car.

There are times when I hate soccer. Like that. On what should be a family weekend.

Heavens no. :lmao: We have been to vegas so many times for soccer. Gabby works all weekend including Thanksgiving. Chloe is looking forward to less people in the house. :rotfl: Michael works Saturday/Sunday so the only night they'll be alone is Saturday. They are easily old enough to navigate that. I had a little chat with Gabby, Chloe, Gabby's friend, and boyfriend last night about the rules Saturday night. I didn't quite got he fear of G-d route but lets just say my expectations are clear. ;)

You are brave :rotfl: I've not let the boys be alone over night yet.

I really cannot come soon enough. I worked 11 hours yesterday. With psych folks. Holy moly. I kid you not, and can't say more, but some of these folks are so so so ill. Like so ill. Yes, I know that's why they are inpatient but as the years go on, we see more chronically mentally ill. Gone are the milieus of bummed out housewives. Its pretty intense. Community resources have been cut so the amount of people discharging to homeless shelters is staggering....and young people too who seemed moderately unfazed about being homeless. Its such a different mindset. And drugs. Poison. Bleh. However, it does put life into perspective even when I drag butt home, exhausted, my family is wonderful and warm. :goodvibes

I think I am rambling from exhaustion. :rotfl2: :crazy2:

I can't even imagine. I've been exposed to it a bit through my bio mom (long long saga) but sadly am well versed in the level it takes to actually be committed...and stay there, versus let out on the streets. To work with that daily, I can't comprehend how the life isn't sucked out of you. You have a deep well of goodness that can survive that. They are blessed to have you.
Goodness gracious...your plans are really changing! You are a very kind and generous person to give up your family weekend. Glad the weather is going to be good and you were able to get a bigger condo.

I saw a sign at my Starbucks that they are opening at 3am for Black Friday...that's insane! I hope that Gabby doesn't have to work that early.

Hang in there at work. I can't even imagine how you make it through...I'm so glad you have your trip to look forward to!

Jill in CO
You guys will have fun! I'm glad you won't be driving alone. And very good you'll now have two bathrooms!!! And 70's sounds heavenly :cloud9:

Oh yeah, 2 bathroom is a MUST! That's why the new kid's mom is having to pitch it. ;)

He does like the snow. And the sun. And the rain. He's a mess! :laughing: He'll lounge outside in the sun until he's hot to the touch in the summer, and then he'll sit outside in the cold cold winter, even better if there's snow. He likes to shovel it with his nose. And then he'll stand out in the rain until he's drenched....

:rotfl2: I love big messy dogs. :cloud9: Guinness does that same thing. he lays right in it and basks in the sun.​

I shouldn't have to go in unless several people call out. But I'm in charge so have to take all the calls. This is one reason I didn't want this position, I'm the boss when my boss is on vacation. And of course she wanted to be off this week.

Bleh. I hope no one calls in sick. Sending lots of pixiedust for that! pixiedust: Yeah, being just under the boss stinks.​

Not sure what movie we'll see. Probably Mockingjay or Interstellar.

I've heard mixed reviews on Interstellar and great reviews on Mockingjay. :thumbsup2 I still want to see Big Hero 6; have you seen it?​

That's too bad Gabby has to work Thanksgiving. Is she back at Starbucks?

She's actually excited! She wants the *hella tips*. :rotfl: Tips on holidays are pretty good. they are only doing 4-6 hour shifts that weekend so she works all 4 days. She doesn't care though because of our vacation. They granted her time off no questions asked. :thumbsup2

I can just imagine how that conversation about the rules went last night. They better behave!

Agreed. I might have used the phrases: gut you like a fish, narc to your folks, and post it on FB. :lmao:

At one time I was very interested in the psych field. That was until learning that the cannibals from a couple years ago were in a facility near us. I know that's a rare thing to come across but I couldn't treat those people objectively. I can't imagine the mental strain you face daily taking care of such ill patients. That is very sad about sending them to homeless shelters.

Be gentle with yourself my friend :hug:

Cannibals!!!! :scared: I haven't seen that but have seen polygamists, child molesters, abusers, etc....It takes all kinds to fill the pysch unit. My favorites are the undermedicated schizophrenics. I know, I'm weird.​

I am glad you are half full gal as honestly that would not be my take on the situation at all. You've gone from someone else taking your child to hauling 3 other people and doing all the driving. It IS better to not do it alone for sure but the whole situation kind of chaps my hide on your behalf. It's not that you can't do it but oh you need a break and that time, and not spent in the car.

Oh don't misunderstand, I am ALL kinds of not happy but what can I do? :confused3 The kid needs a ride, we have room, and she'll pitch in. He's a good kid and Joshua likes him. I don't know that we'd miss him on the field but that's not my call. Thank you for having my back. :goodvibes :flower3:

There are times when I hate soccer. Like that. On what should be a family weekend.

I hate soccer 60% of the time. I won't say too much in case anyone local sees this but we've got a parent that's painfully passive aggressive in a position that demands replies etc...​

You are brave :rotfl: I've not let the boys be alone over night yet.

The girls are almost 18 and almost 16. I have no issues with it at all. They stayed alone when Gabby was 16. They are truly responsible and get along really well. They've earned the trust and freedom. My neighbor and good friend will keep an eye on the house but really, it's only overnight.​

I can't even imagine. I've been exposed to it a bit through my bio mom (long long saga) but sadly am well versed in the level it takes to actually be committed...and stay there, versus let out on the streets. To work with that daily, I can't comprehend how the life isn't sucked out of you. You have a deep well of goodness that can survive that. They are blessed to have you.

Awww thannks friend. :hug: I like to help epople who want help and have to remind myself that part of being unable to help yourself is the mental illness talking sometimes. I'm am constanly stretching and reminding. We have an amazing staff that we vent/discuss/plan/etc with daily.​

Goodness gracious...your plans are really changing! You are a very kind and generous person to give up your family weekend. Glad the weather is going to be good and you were able to get a bigger condo.

I saw a sign at my Starbucks that they are opening at 3am for Black Friday...that's insane! I hope that Gabby doesn't have to work that early.

Hang in there at work. I can't even imagine how you make it through...I'm so glad you have your trip to look forward to!

Jill in CO

Gabby works in the late afternoon all weekend so that's good. It'll be a MADHOUSE. She's already at the busiest Northern Utah Starbucks location. :faint:

I am hanging in there. I am almost done for today but when you start at 6 am, it should be time to go home. I am leaving by noon tomorrow as we're doing Thanksgiving. :woohoo: Vegas is lloking better and better compared to another hour overworked here. :p
Oh yeah, 2 bathroom is a MUST! That's why the new kid's mom is having to pitch it. ;)

That is good! I think the boys will have fun :)

:rotfl2: I love big messy dogs. :cloud9: Guinness does that same thing. he lays right in it and basks in the sun.​

It is pouring rain here today and Conner was outside for an hour. I had gone back to sleep or would have gotten him in much sooner. He was as happy as a clam!

Bleh. I hope no one calls in sick. Sending lots of pixiedust for that! pixiedust: Yeah, being just under the boss stinks.​

They better not call out! I think for a holiday they have to have a doctor's note so I think I'm safe.

I've heard mixed reviews on Interstellar and great reviews on Mockingjay. :thumbsup2 I still want to see Big Hero 6; have you seen it?​

Big Hero 6 was fabulous!!! It's up there with my favorites.

She's actually excited! She wants the *hella tips*. :rotfl: Tips on holidays are pretty good. they are only doing 4-6 hour shifts that weekend so she works all 4 days. She doesn't care though because of our vacation. They granted her time off no questions asked. :thumbsup2

That's great that she doesn't mind working. Hopefully those tips come through!

Agreed. I might have used the phrases: gut you like a fish, narc to your folks, and post it on FB. :lmao:

HA!!!! :rotfl:

Cannibals!!!! :scared: I haven't seen that but have seen polygamists, child molesters, abusers, etc....It takes all kinds to fill the pysch unit. My favorites are the undermedicated schizophrenics. I know, I'm weird.​

A couple of years ago there were several cases of cannibals, people using bath salts. It was so gross. Just the thought makes me sick.
I've heard mixed reviews on Interstellar and great reviews on Mockingjay. :thumbsup2 I still want to see Big Hero 6; have you seen it?​

We really liked Interstellar. Yeah, there is a plot hole but other than that we liked it a ton.

Oh don't misunderstand, I am ALL kinds of not happy but what can I do? :confused3 The kid needs a ride, we have room, and she'll pitch in. He's a good kid and Joshua likes him. I don't know that we'd miss him on the field but that's not my call. Thank you for having my back. :goodvibes :flower3:

Pitch in? Should be a 3 way $ split for the 3 boys if you ask me, I hope it's not less than that. Can the other mom riding with you help take turns driving?

I hate soccer 60% of the time. I won't say too much in case anyone local sees this but we've got a parent that's painfully passive aggressive in a position that demands replies etc...​

UGH. Those are the parts I hate 100% of the time. I don't miss it. AT ALL.

The games, yes, I miss the games a little and watching K play but the rest of it? Nope.

The girls are almost 18 and almost 16. I have no issues with it at all. They stayed alone when Gabby was 16. They are truly responsible and get along really well. They've earned the trust and freedom. My neighbor and good friend will keep an eye on the house but really, it's only overnight.​

I'm not there. I worry Evan would be too easily talked into having people over. I would totally trust him to babysit someone else's kids overnight....but can't say I know 100% for sure he'd be as responsible at home with his brother. I don't worry about booze or things like that, but you never really know once other kids get into the mix. I know what Jeff did at that age when left alone. I'll leave it at that!

Awww thannks friend. :hug: I like to help epople who want help and have to remind myself that part of being unable to help yourself is the mental illness talking sometimes. I'm am constanly stretching and reminding. We have an amazing staff that we vent/discuss/plan/etc with daily.​

Sometimes it is. Sometimes though it's making a conscious choice to stay ill as you don't like the reality you see when you are actually clear headed, so you choose to go back to the illness. In it's own way, it's a drug.

Yeah, I have baggage. LOL!
I can't comment on anything of these subjects. Not a soccer mom. The last movie we saw in a theater was Mary Poppins at Disney Studios for the 50th Anniversary. And Gone with the wind for its 75th. I don't remember the last modern movie we saw.

So I'll just say :wave2: Not long now. You just need to make it through Vegas.
That is good! I think the boys will have fun :)

They are going to have a blast! In all honessty, I am warming up to the idea. :thumbsup2

It is pouring rain here today and Conner was outside for an hour. I had gone back to sleep or would have gotten him in much sooner. He was as happy as a clam!

Do you like the wet dog smell? I do! :rotfl2: :hyper: Michael thinks I am bonkers. We already all know that. ;)

They better not call out! I think for a holiday they have to have a doctor's note so I think I'm safe.

Here's hoping! pixiedust:

Big Hero 6 was fabulous!!! It's up there with my favorites.

I am thinking we'll take the boys this weekend in Vegas. Who goees to the movies in Vegas? Soccer moms! :lmao:

That's great that she doesn't mind working. Hopefully those tips come through!

Shes a little mercinary at heart. Not in a bad way but she understands that everyone needs to pitch in so she wants to make the money while doing so.​

A couple of years ago there were several cases of cannibals, people using bath salts. It was so gross. Just the thought makes me sick.

We see our share pf bath salt abusers but mosty totally psychotic and no eating other people. :scared: Its s uch a gross drug.​

We really liked Interstellar. Yeah, there is a plot hole but other than that we liked it a ton.

Pitch in? Should be a 3 way $ split for the 3 boys if you ask me, I hope it's not less than that. Can the other mom riding with you help take turns driving?

Oh for sure it's a 3 way split. We had to upgrade the room so she's paying a full night of it. She said she'll send gas money and I told her to give him plenty of spending money too. She said, if he needs more let me know what I owe you. I stopped her right there and said I don't do that so if he doesn't have money, it won't get done. She was sort of taken back. I explained to her that as an adult I won't ask for money and she simply needs to send him with enough for movies etc.... I'm a little strong for these parts. ;)

UGH. Those are the parts I hate 100% of the time. I don't miss it. AT ALL.

The games, yes, I miss the games a little and watching K play but the rest of it? Nope.

Exactly! If I could just watch the games, it would be great but entertaining them etc is a PITA. Especially in Vegas. The other boys haven't seen the Strip and have been to Vegas many times. Too risque. :crazy2:

I'm not there. I worry Evan would be too easily talked into having people over. I would totally trust him to babysit someone else's kids overnight....but can't say I know 100% for sure he'd be as responsible at home with his brother. I don't worry about booze or things like that, but you never really know once other kids get into the mix. I know what Jeff did at that age when left alone. I'll leave it at that!

I know what I did at the age. I threw HUGE parties. :rotfl: But I had zero parental guidance. Like none. Its very different in my home. I am blessed.​

Sometimes it is. Sometimes though it's making a conscious choice to stay ill as you don't like the reality you see when you are actually clear headed, so you choose to go back to the illness. In it's own way, it's a drug.

Yeah, I have baggage. LOL!

:thumbsup2 Totally. Its a dangerous combo. The ones that choose to stay ill are the ones I struggle with; the personality disorders and what it does to their kids.​

I can't comment on anything of these subjects. Not a soccer mom. The last movie we saw in a theater was Mary Poppins at Disney Studios for the 50th Anniversary. And Gone with the wind for its 75th. I don't remember the last modern movie we saw.

So I'll just say :wave2: Not long now. You just need to make it through Vegas.

How was your day with Corrina? I saw a pic she posted. Give us deets.

:wave: Home stretch baby. Thanksgiving dinner today, Chloe baked the most fabulous pies and M is home cooking now. I am finishing up a few loose ends at work right now and then I am heading out. Need to clean and make my grandmothers cranberry salad. Its the only thing I make during the holidays. :blush:

Happy Thanksgiving to you all!!! :grouphug:
We see our share pf bath salt abusers but mosty totally psychotic and no eating other people. :scared: Its s uch a gross drug.​

OK. Explain this to me. What the check do people do with bath salts? I put them in my bathtub. They relax my muscles. What else is there to do with them and what sort of a high do they give you?


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