Your Unpopular Opinions

I don't like threads like this.

But the good thing is you have a choice. You can choose to read or not read a thread like this; you can choose to post or not post to a thread like this, and you can choose to watch this thread or ignore it. It is rather interesting that you chose to not only read a thread you don't like, but post on it as well? :goodvibes:confused3
Do you need to download drivers? What do you mean "won't recognize"? I'm sure there's help online somewhere for you.

When my one son comes home, he always puts my phone pics on my computer but for some reason because we had changed to Windows 10, he was the one to use the words "won't recognize" or "see" the pics. I'm sure he'll look into it further and figure it out the next time he comes home to visit. I hope anyway.:)
Not a religious thing - purely aesthetic. There's nothing less attractive than untoned upper arms (my own included). :crazy2:

OK, now I understand. I shouldn't be laughing, but oh gosh. I apologize if I came across rude or anything of the sort, it just made me wonder.
I hate it when people "over share" stuff on facebook. There is such a thing as too much.

Have a friend who constantly updates the whole world on her frustrations with bus transportation and her son's improvement in therapy and that they're on their way to therapy and this that and the other thing. I don't want to know your day-to-day life and you shouldn't be sharing it! Some things need to stay PRIVATE. And sometimes, you just shouldn't say anything at all -- I don't care if your bagel didn't come buttered on both sides. No one cares.

Have a friend who constantly updates the whole world on her frustrations with bus transportation and her son's improvement in therapy and that they're on their way to therapy and this that and the other thing. I don't want to know your day-to-day life and you shouldn't be sharing it! Some things need to stay PRIVATE. And sometimes, you just shouldn't say anything at all -- I don't care if your bagel didn't come buttered on both sides. No one cares.
If mommy wants to share about HER therapy, her business as long as her friends are happy to read about it. I don't think it's nice for her to overshare about someone else's, even if it's her son. Isn't he entitled to some privacy?
If mommy wants to share about HER therapy, her business as long as her friends are happy to read about it. I don't think it's nice for her to overshare about someone else's, even if it's her son. Isn't he entitled to some privacy?
It's her sons therapy, which is why it bothers me so much. That's between you, your son, and the therapist. We're happy to see progress, but that's oversharing.

Edit: Apologies, read your post wrong!

You'd think that he was entitled, but apparently not. Helicopter over-sharer of a parent. I can't handle it.

Also, unpopular opinion: you're at work -- why are you constantly on Facebook? Every 10 minutes you shouldn't be posting something new. You're not doing what you're getting paid for. Clearly.
lol, see here's the thing. tv networks work on ratings and advertisement, they are a for profit enterprises. Everyone swears they are not watching but.....
some how, some way the advertisers keep pumping money into them.

the same with the "faux" network news (and I include all of them). they are for profit businesses, people swear they hate them yet the ratings say otherwise.

Reminds me of the Howard Stern movie from a few years back. The people who called to complain about him were listening to him almost 3 times as long as the people who called in to say they were fans LOL
And if he is thrown into the path of another vehicle, and that poor driver has to remember running over him for the rest of their life!

That why this thread is called unpopular opinions. I do wear my seatbelt, but only out of "fear" of getting a ticket. Otherwise, I'd be riding free in the breeze.

Have a friend who constantly updates the whole world on her frustrations with bus transportation and her son's improvement in therapy and that they're on their way to therapy and this that and the other thing. I don't want to know your day-to-day life and you shouldn't be sharing it! Some things need to stay PRIVATE. And sometimes, you just shouldn't say anything at all -- I don't care if your bagel didn't come buttered on both sides. No one cares.
Indeed. If I wan't to hear how great your reusable "menstrual cup" is, you can bet I'll ask. Gross.
Yes, I am a nurse, but I am really only qualified to discuss how crazy you are, and how you have had too much to drink. I don't know anything about fibromyalgia.

More than a year is way too long to be at death's door.

I might like the artisanal craft beer if it didn't come with a side of pompous, bearded idiots.
I hate coffee.

I hate being invited to any home parties that I'm being sold something that is overpriced that I don't need, so I refuse all invitations (except when my mom sends them)

I too think you can and should rehome a pet if it isn't working out. It is better than the pet living in a home where it isn't wanted or wont be cared for.
Unless I am being paid to listen, I would rather have tea with a member of the Klan than hear about your allergies. Or worse, your child's.
I don't want to buy any crap from you except Girl Scout cookies. Keep those coming.
Drug addicts do best when they are treated with drugs, kindness, and hot meals instead of morality-based abstinence programs, God, and 12 steps.


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