BLM teaches kids racism

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But those that say "blue lives matter", do they then scream racism when they hear someone say "all lives matter" and say "you're part of the problem" to anyone suggesting all lives matter?

I dont have a problem with people saying "blue lives matter" because they haven't in the process said that I am "part of the problem" for believing all lives matter.
Ummmm OK.. ...

This comes down to a difference between "I believe that black lives matter" vs "I am part of the Black Lives Matter political organization". Ya know? Like, I doubt that elementary school is signing up as part of a campaign. Instead, they are just saying they support the idea that police should do a better job of avoiding killing people when they are arrested.
Well blue lives matter includes different races and genders
Are you saying it’s only okay to say people’s lives matter if they are part of a diverse group? I disagree, but you’re in luck — The black race includes a plethora of ethnicities, nationalities, religions, sexualities, genders... Now you can feel good about saying black lives matter. :flower3:
The BLM political group is very different from the BLM ideal that most Americans are protesting in support of. Honestly, if one does not support the ideal, they label themselves.

But I can absolutely see why someone would not support the agenda of the political group. I have participated in BLM marches for years and do not support that agenda.

What is the difference. I am asking honestly. What is it about the agenda that is bad? I am trying to understand things that I don't have direct experience with. I do see some bad protestors that I think are focused on by the media and sadly it takes away or hurts the message and may make it seem to be worse than it is or maybe not I don't know, I think it is the first. Where I live it feels like black lives do matter, it is very diverse, etc. But not being black, I am not aware of things that go on every day that I do not experience. In schools, etc., everyone is treated the same at least for the most part that I know of unless it is a personal thing but everyone had the same opportunities but I live in a diverse area. That was the way it appeared to me. But I am very open and want to know and understand what I don't experience myself not being black. I hope we all can do that. I do see black people being over targeted from police and think that needs to change and other things like felonies for drugs that hurt future opportunities etc. But I see in jobs by me people of all races working together, my husband's job is very diverse and that's a good thing. People are not paid different bc of color. One thing that I can see as far as politics is things like unions, which there are by me and people I know work in, that help people of all races, maybe as far as politically we can start supporting things like that more also. I would like to see more about what is meant by systemic, other examples, etc.
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I understand that many people believe Black Lives Matter is just a statement and by saying it, they are supporting injustice and the fight against racism. I doubt many of the people that say they support BLM actually know what they stand for from their own web site. Read it, understand the movement and what they want before you support something. What they believe is decidedly tribal and taking care of their community. Not the community of people in general. It has many of the Marxist messages in their statement as well as not believing in a nuclear family but rather a village to raise the kids.

To say it is not a political organization is wrong. They are organized, they take donations, they influence political candidates through their support or critique, they influence businesses, etc. They are as political as any other super PAC.

If someone wants to support them, that is okay, its their right. If someone say's they believe in them, that is okay too, just know what you are supporting, but it has NO place in schools just as any other political teachings shouldn't be in schools. Every child should be able to develop their own political beliefs on their own without having it being drilled into them from teachers.

To say that this is a fight against systemic racism is also wrong. Systemic would mean that the system is rigged against them, the laws are written to be against them, and they do not get equal treatment under the law. There are of course individuals that are pure racists and need to be dealt with under the law. If anything the system is rigged to help minorities get a leg up. Colleges have quotas that allow for accepting more minorities regardless of how their scores compare to non-minorities. Businesses cannot discriminate against minorities and must have very good reasons for terminating them otherwise the EEOC will step in on their behalf whereas non-minorities do not have any of those protections. Nowhere in the constitution, federal law, state law, or local law, does it disadvantage an ethnicity or race. All US citizens are equal under the law. Anything other would be thrown out by the courts.
Where were the all lives matter folks pre BLM? Had they been this vocal years ago and spoken out against bad officers perhaps we wouldn't be at this point today.
They've been speaking to deaf ears, that's where they were. Prior to BLM, youtube has been riddled with video of rogue law enforcement. Forums have been riddled with discussions. Here's the thing, we believe in individuality, not groups. Cops are not bad, individuals who are cops and everything else are bad and good. Black people are not bad, individuals who are black, white, asian, everything are bad and good.

Certain people in this country has utilized events to escalate the attack of the groups and dividing the country to destroy the country. And depending on where you go, people are completely blind to it.
To say that this is a fight against systemic racism is also wrong. Systemic would mean that the system is rigged against them, the laws are written to be against them, and they do not get equal treatment under the law. There are of course individuals that are pure racists and need to be dealt with under the law. If anything the system is rigged to help minorities get a leg up. Colleges have quotas that allow for accepting more minorities regardless of how their scores compare to non-minorities. Businesses cannot discriminate against minorities and must have very good reasons for terminating them otherwise the EEOC will step in on their behalf whereas non-minorities do not have any of those protections. Nowhere in the constitution, federal law, state law, or local law, does it disadvantage an ethnicity or race. All US citizens are equal under the law. Anything other would be thrown out by the courts.
I have been asking this whole time, for someone to show me the laws specifically against black people, the school policies that are written, the company policies that are built into the system to discriminate against black people. Funny, no one can show this systemic racism except to exclaim it.
I learned something from the "What We Believe" page above.

I'd always thought BLM was primarily concerned with correcting police misconduct and what they consider discriminatory targeting of black people by police. Those are legitimate issues, and as a retired law enforcement officer I support correcting those kinds of issues where they exist.

The hard part is that those are local issues and really can best be solved locally. They are real problems in places like Minneapolis (for many years) and Atlanta (for many years). And interesingly, the politicians who run those cities -- the same politicians who have done absolutely nothing to fix things -- and now leading the "Defund the Police" chants.

Seattle? Portland? In 25 years in law enforcement, I never heard any such complaints about those agencies, so the chaos there makes little sense to me.

However, instead of seeming to be focused where I thought they were, BLM seems to have greatly broadened their goals to include many other things...some of which really surprised me. They seem to have gone off on a completely different path than I think most people realize.
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Won't touch this. I want to but I will be put into quarantine. Who's that singer that says can't touch this... Thinking taylor swift or beyonce
I have been asking this whole time, for someone to show me the laws specifically against black people, the school policies that are written, the company policies that are built into the system to discriminate against black people. Funny, no one can show this systemic racism except to exclaim it.
Most of the laws which codified racial discrimination have been removed, and many other laws to prevent racial discrimination have been passed.

But it would be laughably naive to claim that racism and racial discrimination no longer exist. Both are alive and well, unfortunately.
Thank you. Heard the name but have no idea who he is. Thank you. My favorite singer without a doubt is Ray Charles. He was amazing.
I'm laughing trying to get a visual of a "Can't Touch This" music video by Taylor Swift! I have trouble with some of those moves -- can't imagine Taylor doing them!
I have been asking this whole time, for someone to show me the laws specifically against black people, the school policies that are written, the company policies that are built into the system to discriminate against black people. Funny, no one can show this systemic racism except to exclaim it.
The problem is you are looking for blatant racism. Systemic racism is subtle.

So no, you won't find a written policy that states a school or school system won't hire black teachers. But when you walk through school after school within a community full of black students but there are very few(if any) black teachers and administrators, that's systemic racism.

You won't find a written policy that states AP classes are only for white students and the regular classes are for black students. However, a look at the racial make up of those classes year after year speaks to systemic racism.

You won't find a law that states blacks will face harsher prison sentences for committed the same crime as a white person, but they do. That is systemic racism.

When you have study after study that shows that standardized test tend to be culturally bias, yet we continue to use them for school admissions and class placement, that is systemic racism.
I just spent 30 minutes perusing the BLM website and fail to see anything concerning or unexpected about their goals. The “What We Believe” page was just a wordy way of saying they support all black people regardless of gender identity, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, immigration status, age, disability, etc. Not sure what would be off-putting about inclusionary ideals like that. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Oh well, at least I got a chance to sign the petition while I was there.

Anyone truly interested in knowing more about systemic racism, its history in this country and the ways it still affects us today, can start by googling phrases such as “examples of systemic racism” or “books about systemic racism” and take your pick where to begin. There is a wealth of information on the topic for those wanting to learn.
Won't touch this. I want to but I will be put into quarantine. Who's that singer that says can't touch this... Thinking taylor swift or beyonce
MC Hammer?
I'm laughing trying to get a visual of a "Can't Touch This" music video by Taylor Swift! I have trouble with some of those moves -- can't imagine Taylor doing them!
Now that I know and saw hammer do it I started laughing so hard tears came to my eyes.
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