Post your trivial unpopular opinions

I drink coffee all day but do not like flavored coffees and I hate Starbucks.
I do not understand why people are so interested in college sports (having moved to OK and saw everyone glued to their TV during college season then back to CA where many don't know the name of the college team LOL)
I do not understand why so many celebrities become drug addicts with the "I have so many problems" (I feel badly for saying this but, sometimes I think they should have real world problems like not being able to pay your $1000 monthly rent etc when they make 20 million).
I hate all the zombie stuff
  • I LOVE the scent of coconut (in lotions, hand soaps, or whatever) and enjoy foods prepared with coconut milk; HOWEVER, I can not stand actual coconut. I think it is a textural thing.
  • I'm not a fan of door-to-door fundraisers for sports or clubs. It seems like every kid in the neighbourhood rings my doorbell in September, trying to sell me gift wrap, restaurant gift cards, or other items I have no use for. While I completely understand the need for fundraising, if I were the parent of a kid who was sent out to schlep catalogue merchandise or whatever, I would love the option of just handing over an additional sum of cash to cover whatever amount the organization would gain from our sales, without having to go out and harass everyone and then have to track everyone down to deliver whatever they have ordered. I feel like the only people who make good money on some of these ventures are the companies selling the junk to begin with and the organization receives very little. Handing over an additional $25 or $50 or even more is a small price to pay for my time and sanity and I feel like the organization would net more outright than they would through my child's fundraising efforts.
  • I went and saw La La Land at the theater with my daughter after hearing about all of the hype it was getting. It was just okay. I'm not sure why it was considered such an incredible piece of work that it needed to sweep the awards. :duck:
  • The smell of peanut butter makes me gag. I like all nuts (except the coconut mentioned above), but won't touch anything with pea"nuts" or peanut butter...even if it is coated in the most decadent chocolate! That would be a lipstick on a pig.
  • I have no use for pretty much any ketchup, mustard, mayo, relish, pickles, hot sauce, etc. I eat my hot dogs plain, my french fries with just salt, and my sandwiches are mayo free.
  • I have tried reading The Great Gatsby three times and just can NOT get into that novel. I gave up about two-thirds of the way through it in college. I used the knowledge I gained in the lectures to write the test. I feel like I shouldn't watch the movie without reading the book first, so I will likely die never having seen it.

Yes. I've read it so many times trying to enjoy it, I've written many many papers on it and I do love the author and the subject. But the book, not so much! But definitely watch the movie. It made me wish I liked the book. (I will say, the book is well written)
I think preschool, kindergarten and any other "graduations" before high school are stupid and a complete waste of time! Being rewarded & having a ceremony for just showing up and coloring is setting kids up for big disappointments down the road.

I think so too but I admit I love the pictures of my daughter in her little cap and gown.

I can't stand American Idol, dancing with the stars and all those "talent show" type shows.
I don't like vegetables. The only one I eat is corn. I also don't like potatoes or salad. People are completely fascinated with this. They will question me for about an hour, naming various veggies and trying to find one that I like. I don't like any of them. Then they always ask how I stay so thin, as if veggies are the only solution to not weighing 300 pounds. Then they always as "why" I don't like them. How the heck do I know? Think of a food you don't like and tell me why you don't like it. There are just foods people don't like.

I also don't like coffee or any condiments which people also find very strange.
Yes. I've read it so many times trying to enjoy it, I've written many many papers on it and I do love the author and the subject. But the book, not so much! But definitely watch the movie. It made me wish I liked the book. (I will say, the book is well written)

I just read The Great Gatsby for the first time and I have to say after all the hype I was left a little disappointed. I agree, beautifully written, but I just couldn't really get behind any of the characters and the last part of the book after the "incident" was just blah to me.
I don't like vegetables. The only one I eat is corn. I also don't like potatoes or salad. People are completely fascinated with this. They will question me for about an hour, naming various veggies and trying to find one that I like. I don't like any of them. Then they always ask how I stay so thin, as if veggies are the only solution to not weighing 300 pounds. Then they always as "why" I don't like them. How the heck do I know? Think of a food you don't like and tell me why you don't like it. There are just foods people don't like.

I also don't like coffee or any condiments which people also find very strange.

Years back, my grandmother asked my cousin what his favorite vegetables were. And he replied, "Corn and chicken".


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