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Repost from wdw subreddit:
“Opinion of a Medical Student
I say this, coming from a medical background (Med student, mothers a doctor, brother in law is in his internal medicine residency), we’re considering cancelling our trips.
A) it’s not worth it. Yeah we’re really excited and have a wedding in NYC in a month, but getting it isn’t worth it for us. In healthy people, it takes a 2-3 weeks to recover, in the old and sick, it gets really bad and can take 4-6 weeks.
B) this is an RNA virus. Throwing out all of the technical mumbo jumbo, it basically means this virus is very likely to mutate. The thing that caught my eye was the report that someone in japan was re-infected with it after they had recovered. (Medical mumbo jumbo: RNA is much less stable than DNA, and viruses in general don’t have proofreading mechanisms that check if everything was replicated correctly (bacteria do). That’s why you get the common cold, it’s a RNA virus in the Rhinovirus family, and it mutates so rapidly that vaccines wouldn’t really do anything. You’d make one for one strain, but get hit with the other strains.)
C) the long term effects are unknown. Theyre saying it’s genetically close to SARS (I believe the CDC committee researching Coronavirus are saying they should call it SARS-CoV-2). Long term, SARS had negative impacts (google it if you want the specifics). As of now, we have no idea what that looks like, and the closest indicator is SARS (MERS is thought to be a farther relative).
D) realistically, people are going to be fine. The issue becomes when the supply chain dearth starts catching up. China’s been really impacted and still not back up to 50% of its manufacturing, factories in South Korea are getting hit with it now too. The real issue in my mind will be what happens when that goes through.”

Also from wdw subreddit:
“The flu has a hospitalization rate of around 0.5 - 1%, this has a rate of around 20% regardless of age.
Not a fair comparison”

Let’s just respect people’s choices and make our own. If you’re going to the parks have fun! If not hope you get to go soon!

Edited to add: we are AP’s and always cancel our FP’s if not using. I had Mickey’s Runaway Railway and Snow White Mine Train. Enjoy!!
I respect your choice and it seems you respect mine also- Mazel Tov!
The man from FL who has the virus is in a "somewhat rural" area of Florida. Closest major city is about 35 miles away. Tampa

Um no. I live in Manatee County. It’s a suburb of Sarasota. The east county is rural, but most of it is neighborhoods.
Ok so for all of you people canceling and worried let's look at it this way.................

You are not going to Disney or canceling other plans because your afraid of getting the virus......., are you also NOT going to work or out to dinner? Are you not going to the grocery store? are you not going to the post office or bank? are you not going to get gas in your cars? etc...........................

There is NOW WAY to tell if the person next to you at the grocery store or bank or restaurant etc.... has the virus because they themselves don't know. They are in the same boat as you. They dont know with whom they have been in contact with over the last 2 weeks. REMEMBER IT CAN TAKE 2 WEEKS for symptoms to even start.

If you want to 100% GUARANTEE you will not get the virus the only option you have is to lock yourself in the house for the foreseeable future.

FWIW: I live in Florida and will be at HS Wed for the opening of MMRR. See you there if you will be there.

I've promised no judgement on those that are not planning on canceling their trips - how about the same consideration for those that are canceling for personal reasons that only we (general) can make!! It's everyone's personal choice!!

All the sarcastic scenario/remarks are not called for.
Um no. I live in Manatee County. It’s a suburb of Sarasota. The east county is rural, but most of it is neighborhoods.
Which is why I said "somewhat" If he comes from the East it is rural. We dont know yet exactly where he is from.

I am in Palm Beach and about 15 miles West of me is pretty much all Farm land.
I've promised no judgement on those that are not planning on canceling their trips - how about the same consideration for those that are canceling for personal reasons that only we (general) can make!! It's everyone's personal choice!!

All the sarcastic scenario/remarks are not called for.

Not holding judgement at all to anyone who is canceling. #1 is to do what's best for you and your family ALWAYS.

I was simply making a point in my post.
DH & I are cancelling our celebration of living in Florida for 1 year trip. 😕

Even with Florida residents passes it’s not worth the risk for us.
We both got an awful cold that started as a head cold, then went into a chest cold, in January that lasted all month.
In February we were both sick with Fever, 🤮, body aches for a week. It was enough to make me want to visit the doctor, & I do not like to visit the doctor.

Im worried a third sickness, especially
the corona virus may be extremely hard for us to come back from, how much can a person take. We are both in our mid 50’s.
It’s a sad thought to not go celebrate, but we will go another date....fingers 🤞
Why risk it just To squeeze in days on the passes before they expire.
Ugh...after 180 days of meticulous planning, I'm waiting to pull the plug on this trip...We are DVC members with a lot of invested points in this trip for nine (3-Bedroom, Boardwalk Villa end of April for 7 nights). Booked our airfare using credit card points, not sure what would happen with them...and bought all our multi-day tickets with cash. Fingers crossed this too will pass, or at least quiet down a bit for our trip!
Repost from wdw subreddit:
“Opinion of a Medical Student
I say this, coming from a medical background (Med student, mothers a doctor, brother in law is in his internal medicine residency), we’re considering cancelling our trips.
A) it’s not worth it. Yeah we’re really excited and have a wedding in NYC in a month, but getting it isn’t worth it for us. In healthy people, it takes a 2-3 weeks to recover, in the old and sick, it gets really bad and can take 4-6 weeks.
B) this is an RNA virus. Throwing out all of the technical mumbo jumbo, it basically means this virus is very likely to mutate. The thing that caught my eye was the report that someone in japan was re-infected with it after they had recovered. (Medical mumbo jumbo: RNA is much less stable than DNA, and viruses in general don’t have proofreading mechanisms that check if everything was replicated correctly (bacteria do). That’s why you get the common cold, it’s a RNA virus in the Rhinovirus family, and it mutates so rapidly that vaccines wouldn’t really do anything. You’d make one for one strain, but get hit with the other strains.)
C) the long term effects are unknown. Theyre saying it’s genetically close to SARS (I believe the CDC committee researching Coronavirus are saying they should call it SARS-CoV-2). Long term, SARS had negative impacts (google it if you want the specifics). As of now, we have no idea what that looks like, and the closest indicator is SARS (MERS is thought to be a farther relative).
D) realistically, people are going to be fine. The issue becomes when the supply chain dearth starts catching up. China’s been really impacted and still not back up to 50% of its manufacturing, factories in South Korea are getting hit with it now too. The real issue in my mind will be what happens when that goes through.”

Also from wdw subreddit:
“The flu has a hospitalization rate of around 0.5 - 1%, this has a rate of around 20% regardless of age.
Not a fair comparison”

Let’s just respect people’s choices and make our own. If you’re going to the parks have fun! If not hope you get to go soon!

Edited to add: we are AP’s and always cancel our FP’s if not using. I had Mickey’s Runaway Railway and Snow White Mine Train. Enjoy!!
Congrats on the wedding!
Let’s not get carried away. Influenza killed 35,000 people last year. I’m going to Disney in two weeks then going on a Disney cruise. If people want to cancel that’s fine, but according to the media, every year there’s a pandemic that’s going to kill us all. Remember the swine flu, SARS, H1N1, the bird flu and countless others?
Ok so for all of you people canceling and worried let's look at it this way.................

You are not going to Disney or canceling other plans because your afraid of getting the virus......., are you also NOT going to work or out to dinner? Are you not going to the grocery store? are you not going to the post office or bank? are you not going to get gas in your cars? etc...........................

There is NOW WAY to tell if the person next to you at the grocery store or bank or restaurant etc.... has the virus because they themselves don't know. They are in the same boat as you. They dont know with whom they have been in contact with over the last 2 weeks. REMEMBER IT CAN TAKE 2 WEEKS for symptoms to even start.

If you want to 100% GUARANTEE you will not get the virus the only option you have is to lock yourself in the house for the foreseeable future.

FWIW: I live in Florida and will be at HS Wed for the opening of MMRR. See you there if you will be there.

I live in a 55 + community in Florida.
there’s some awful cold & flu’s going around. I got them both. Once from the New Yeats Eve party & in February from visiting the gym at the club.
I haven’t gone to any activities at our community club here in Florida, we have a restaurant in the community, not going I’m cooking at home.
I’m not going to grocery store, bank, movies or our planned trip this month to Disney.
I order groceries from Wholefoods & have stocked up, made homemade meals & soups to online etc.

You don’t have to lock yourself in the house

We still get out to hike in northern Florida, 🚲 bike & other outdoor activities...
just no indoor activities with other people....
I’m not a good sick person, I feel I get it worse than others & it takes me a long time to get my strength back.
I see your point, but there is a very obvious difference when you expose your self to 1000s (or 10s of 1000s) of people over the course of a few days and encountering a dozen people when home. Also, the odds of encountering people from other parts of the world/country is much higher as well. It's also much simpler to do small things and use proper hygiene habits when you're going out once or twice a day (or week). Traveling in airports/planes alone is a different exposure to germs.

We're planning to go in 10 days unless there's a closure, but the difference in our lives here (where I work from home and spouse works in a very small office) and going to WDW is significant in regard to what we're exposed to.

Enjoy your trip :) I think we'd rather be going sooner than later at this point? Hopefully not much will change over the next 10 days but I definitely agree with your concerns. Good health to you and all those around.

And WDW is not cheap. Depending on how spread rates increase over the next months, maybe there becomes a significantly higher risk of being miserable sick during a $$$$ trip. Also, it would be easier to recuperate at home than during travel. We're going next Jan and it's crossed my mind. If it lingers into next year, mid-winter could see major peaks again. Beside the health aspects, I'd hate to waste a large travel budget &/or put us at a disadvantage. We won't dwell on it... just keeping it on our radar.
Enjoy your trip :) I think we'd rather be going sooner than later at this point? Hopefully not much will change over the next 10 days but I definitely agree with your concerns. Good health to you and all those around.

And WDW is not cheap. Depending on how spread rates increase over the next months, maybe there becomes a significantly higher risk of being miserable sick during a $$$$ trip. Also, it would be easier to recuperate at home than during travel. We're going next Jan and it's crossed my mind. If it lingers into next year, mid-winter could see major peaks again. Beside the health aspects, I'd hate to waste a large travel budget &/or put us at a disadvantage. We won't dwell on it... just keeping it on our radar.
But with a two week incubation period you’d likely get sick when you get home if you contract it at WDW..
Well, at this point, I am still planning on going on my trip in May. I have a vacation coming up in two weeks, but it’s just to visit family, so I am not as concerned about that trip being impacted. I live near Orlando, I work in Orlando, so when it gets here, it will be hard to avoid. But there isn’t anything I can do about it because I have to work and do normal stuff. I figure there is as much chance of the delivery person bringing groceries to my door being contagious as there is someone at my local grocery, especially since some people are contagious without symptoms. Fortunately I have six weeks of paid sick time available, and no extra risk factors.

Everyone has to weigh the risks and rewards and then make the best decision for themselves. There isn’t necessarily a right or wrong answer. I get why some are canceling and I get why others aren’t.
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