Something about Nothing, come join in........ Part 3

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Hey Lori! Good to see you and thanks for the email!

I'm all done with my bookkeeping stuff, so I'm off to bed guys. I'll check in again when I can.
I had the exact opposite experience. The reason why Joshua is a patient at my family doctor is because I couldn't get him properly diagnosed and treated at his former pediatrician. Joshua spent most of 2005 and 2006 sick. He had pneumonia 3 times. The pediatrician just kept throwing Amoxicillan at me and patting me on the head. I finally got fed up and took Joshua to see my doctor. He took one exam of Joshua and said, "Well, he has tonsils the size of golf balls. I'm surprised that nobody has mentioned that he needs them removed. We'll refer you to an ENT doc right away." Maybe it is because he has 3 kids of his own and they are all in the pediatric ages? His oldest is 12, youngest is 5. I dunno. I only know that I trust him and he has made Joshua a healthy boy before.

Well then as Mac said stick with him until he is gone but since you do not like the other doctor I would sure ask him for a referral to someon esle while he is gone.

headache, quesiness, tired, needs to sleep alot.......

are you telling us the shower is back on.............

just trying to get you to laugh lori.
Tricia will make the right's 'mothers intuition' ;) ...also, doctors credentials can be checked more easily these days :rolleyes:

Glad to hear you rested today Lori...think that soak(s) helped ..... lesson learned: no sleepovers for awhile :rolleyes1
there goes mac lookin' for a reason to partay again


Lori's good....sometimes laying around all day, makes ya MORE tired at night :headache:

Bubba'smom: I call my DH Bubba too! And different variations of the word Bubba, such as Bubbalicious, Hubba Bubba, Bubba Gump, etc. :thumbsup2

raise your hands if you have ever tp'ed a house before.......

hey you shortie in the back, stand on the box so i can see your hand....

ok, got that homie counted.....

i say we all go to the mall this week and swipe the tp in the public restrooms.
if we all do that, we could do a lot of houses next weekend.

just remember, it's the family that plays together that stays together...
is is that supposed to be serves time together..

I just went TP-ing a couple years ago! A group of us ladies TP'd the house of a friend of ours who wimped out on us and didn't want to go out one evening. We did a mighty fine job, if I do say so myself!

headache, quesiness, tired, needs to sleep alot.......

are you telling us the shower is back on.............

just trying to get you to laugh lori.

Thanks for the laugh, but not in a million years. If there are anymore children in this house they will be foster children.

Tricia will make the right's 'mothers intuition' ;) ...also, doctors credentials can be checked more easily these days :rolleyes:

Glad to hear you rested today Lori...think that soak(s) helped ..... lesson learned: no sleepovers for awhile :rolleyes1

Yep, mothers intuition will help her make the right decision.

It really wasn't the sleep over. I had bee getting sick all week and it finally got me this weekend.

Well, gotta go get Ally showered and her hair brushed out so we can get to bed at a decent time. See you all tomorrow.
Hey Lori! Good to see you and thanks for the email!

I'm all done with my bookkeeping stuff, so I'm off to bed guys. I'll check in again when I can.

This is for you. . . :hug: :flower3: keep up your strength and your faith.
Hey everyone...

First time I had a chance to respond, but I've been reading! Making sure I do my HW....

So we went out today to look at open houses. Nothing serious, but to get a sense of what houses look like in our price range. My, god what dumps!!!!!! I never appreciate the house I live in soo much!!!!! Uh, the search continues.

We are trying to figure out what to do with DF's house and how we can get him out of this mess.....we shall see....

Barb: Loved the pics!

Jodie: Man I can understand about the tooth. It doesn't seem as if any dentists appreciate each others work. So sorry you have to go thru that nightmare!

Tricia: Wishing you the best of luck tomorrow :grouphug:

Everyone else....sorry I didn't respond personally, but I am grading my kids tests about know how it is ;)
Bubba'smom: I call my DH Bubba too! And different variations of the word Bubba, such as Bubbalicious, Hubba Bubba, Bubba Gump, etc. :thumbsup2

I just went TP-ing a couple years ago! A group of us ladies TP'd the house of a friend of ours who wimped out on us and didn't want to go out one evening. We did a mighty fine job, if I do say so myself!

pictures of the final project maybe.........
note to self:

never wimp out on a plan with bonnie.
she might know where i live

Hey everyone...

First time I had a chance to respond, but I've been reading! Making sure I do my HW....

So we went out today to look at open houses. Nothing serious, but to get a sense of what houses look like in our price range. My, god what dumps!!!!!! I never appreciate the house I live in soo much!!!!! Uh, the search continues.

Everyone else....sorry I didn't respond personally, but I am grading my kids tests about know how it is ;)

you mean the tests on diseases or how you can tell the difference of a boy and a girl?

take care and use that red pen sparingly.

i use green. more soothing and less screaming



you mean the tests on diseases or how you can tell the difference of a boy and a girl?

take care and use that red pen sparingly.

i use green. more soothing and less screaming

Using a hit pink pen this time around. Diseases, contraceptives, anatomy, the whole deal...amazing how much they really don't know.
Bubba'smom: I call my DH Bubba too! And different variations of the word Bubba, such as Bubbalicious, Hubba Bubba, Bubba Gump, etc. :thumbsup2

I just went TP-ing a couple years ago! A group of us ladies TP'd the house of a friend of ours who wimped out on us and didn't want to go out one evening. We did a mighty fine job, if I do say so myself!

A shame you don't have any pix....we LOVE pix on this thread.... (easy to read ya know ;) )

Oh, and it's my son that I call Bubba.... usually Buds, Bubba or Bubba Jones.... don't really remember where it came from :confused3 , but has stuck for years....

Using a hit pink pen this time around. Diseases, contraceptives, anatomy, the whole deal...amazing how much they really don't know.

:sad2: I hope you mean before you teach them......
Hello homies just stopping by to hey to all.
Hey Homies! :wave:
Just checkin' in with yawl...We finally got our router up and running and I'm on my laptop posting from in my bed. I hope DH has the kinks worked out for the kids though....just a bit ago they couldn't get on Xbox Live :scared1:
I've been trying to "ketchup", but it's impossible when you're MIA for a few days! I'm sorry if I don't address each one of you all know I luvs ya....I just can't keep's almost a full-time job around here when I come back to so much! I did notice that Tricia's Joshua is having some problems and I had to back track to see what was going on with him.

Tricia, I hope everything is ok with him and it was something that may not happen again! I know you must be so worried! :hug: You've had so much on your plate. I hope that Brad is giving you plenty of help! If he's not, just let us know and we'll be right there to straighten him out!

Damo! It's great to see you here again! You've been missed! I saw the pics you posted of your new house in SC. It's beautiful! You know, it's really funny...I was just talking to my DH the other day and mentioned that I thought that the Carolinas would be a great place to live....what a coincidence!

Barb, when is the party you have planned at Damo's house? I want to crash it...Mac, are you in?

Hey Lori, Tracie, Todd, Sharon, Janet, Katie, Mike, Lawrence, Rose, Jodie, Wendy, DM, MF, Jennifer, Gema and a big WELCOME to Toot Sweet!
Who did I miss?
Hey Lori, Tracie, Todd, Sharon, Janet, Katie, Mike, Lawrence, Rose, Jodie, Wendy, DM, MF, Jennifer, Gema and a big WELCOME to Toot Sweet!
Who did I miss?

Me. (Sob!) :sad1:

Really, I've only been gone a few pages! :snooty:

Katie - there's still hope! When we moved to Michigan (now over 13 years ago!) from NC, we found the same thing. What we could afford seemed to be just dumps - wallpaper hanging down, holes in the walls, piles of gunk in corners, puddles in the basement - you get the idea. Just kept looking and found one we loved. In good shape! For about what we wanted to spend! What was funny was how much houses went up quickly afterwards - we were looking in the $90K range (okay, this was a while ago) and I remember our realtor showing us ones (MUCH nicer) in the $100K range and of course we were like "You must be kidding - that's a fortune!" Well, within about 3 years, our house value went from like $90k to $135K. Really regretted later that we hadn't looked just slightly higher. Of course with the housing market these days, that's not likely to happen anymore. But just keep plugging and you'll find something!

Mac - I know DH will be trying hard to get to the game, but so will everyone else! I don't think the cost of the tickets will be conducive to our budget! If he somehow manages to get someone to bring him along, then he might have to reschedule his travel. But then he would have to go the following week - which would mean missing his dentist appointment (yeah, here if you don't schedule them 6 months out, like driving tests evidently ;) , you're out of luck!) AND my birthday! So he better get his priorities straight! Maybe he could go out Monday and stay a day later? We'll see!

Lori - glad to hear you may be okay! Hang in there. This is no time to get sick!

And Tricia - glad to hear you are hanging in there. Didn't know you'd been through the tonsil thing too. Middle DS had his out in second grade. Had strep 8 times that school year. When they took them out, the doctor was pretty much like "ooh, you can't believe how disgusting they were!" (he was a family friend so could say things like that!). I also was frustrated that no one noticed for so long and the poor kid just had to get sick over and over! Good luck with your appointment tomorrow!
Hello homies just stopping by to hey to all.

hi homie!
st. lawrence, has the swelling gone done and is your eye better now?
how are things on the home front with dw?
is she handling the death of gm better at this point?
still have her lifted up in my prayers.

Hey Homies! :wave:
Just checkin' in with yawl...We finally got our router up and running and I'm on my laptop posting from in my bed. I hope DH has the kinks worked out for the kids though....just a bit ago they couldn't get on Xbox Live :scared1:
I've been trying to "ketchup", but it's impossible when you're MIA for a few days! I'm sorry if I don't address each one of you all know I luvs ya....I just can't keep's almost a full-time job around here when I come back to so much! I did notice that Tricia's Joshua is having some problems and I had to back track to see what was going on with him.

don't worry about addressing all of us personally. we all realize what a a big job that would be. sometimes i wonder if i hurt anyone's feelings and not make them feel included when i post here. then i realize we have such a nice mature group that posts here and no one would feel neglected.
i just like to spread the love to you all.

i'm so proud to be included in this group of homies.
you all make everyone feel special and you welcome all newbies.
wish you all lived in my town.

i know i speak for all the homies in this thread when i say, you are thought of frequently when you don't post here. but, do realize we all have lives and families to tend to and that does come first.

life is much smoother with a router....

Damo! It's great to see you here again! You've been missed! I saw the pics you posted of your new house in SC. It's beautiful! You know, it's really funny...I was just talking to my DH the other day and mentioned that I thought that the Carolinas would be a great place to live....what a coincidence!

wow, another place to party at!!
alison, damo said we could have a cyber party at her place before the furniture arrives. you come also..

Barb, when is the party you have planned at Damo's house? I want to crash it...Mac, are you in?

is she in..........she's the ring leader i tell ya

Hey Lori, Tracie, Todd, Sharon, Janet, Katie, Mike, Lawrence, Rose, Jodie, Wendy, DM, MF, Jennifer, Gema and a big WELCOME to Toot Sweet!
Who did I miss?

is that a rhetorical question.............hmmmm

donna is luckywife who is new here. she needs info on UO for her trip.

now i have to count noses to see who you missed.
oh snap you missed marcie.......better watch out, she may come and tp your house for doing that........:eek:
bubba's mom 1,818
macraven 1,672
RVGal 898
loribell 677
yankeepenny 663
keishashadow 573
marciemi 503
tlinus 421
Metro West 372
Sharon G 359
AlexandNessa 329
GemmaPixie 301
KStarfish82 285
roseprincess 237
the Dark Marauder 208
t-and-a 205
damo 192
ky07 136
JawsCPA 75
NashvilleTrio 75
Motherfletcher 70
Akdar 70
Fan2CSkr 65
wwessing 56
goofie4goofy 52
tikkipoo 52
Dagny 27
Amity 3 26
Holly Goheavy 26
fan of the TTA 23
Lynne1875 22
tropical depression 18
tarheelmjfan 18
goofy! 18
goNDmay9 17
Figment22 13
idgystripes 13
patster734 13
lindalinda 13
cbdmhgp 11
Melanie230 11
KEW80 11
lovetheparks 10
Scrappy Annie 8
mslclark 8
WDWFreak200 7
phamton 6
Toot Sweet 6
Glendamax 5
rpbert1 5
palavra 4
ggddaaee 4
kidsister 4
Marjol 4
xmattodx 4
Spidey7 3
Planogirl 3
dreamscometrue47 3
Tinkerbell424 3
Kat1981 3
tricky1 3
Eclpz314 2
luckywife 2
ChrisFL 2
drj1950 2
SpyderPig 2
SpideyHulk24 2
momof3disneyholics 2
Claymax 2
PlutoLuvr 1
Melisa1 1
Notatourist 1
lorax123 1
LilKintnerBoy 1
NotAmused 1
MIB999999 1
Earstou 1
funster 1
Minniespal 1
kdsjjb 1
lookingforward 1
Timmy Boy 1
ChisJo 1
i just took a glance at the first forum page.

do you realize that we have 10,777 posts and counting since we began?

and we have 131,857 hits on the thread.

we are not even a year old yet!

i think we set a record.
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