Rumor about “modified experiences” when Disney reopens (read 1st post for potential modifications being considered)

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Where did I say it's necessary, it's what rules Disney makes that are important, not what you or I think is right

It's my opinion.

I have no desire of paying all that money to be hit with a never-ending list of restrictions and basically be treated like a prisoner. Forcing everyone to wear a useless mask in 95 degree Florida heat for hours straight is a joke. It's not wearing it for 20 minutes while in a store and putting up with a little inconvenience, it's all freakin day in the sun. That's insane. If it's that dangerous that they have to force everyone to wear a mask in those conditions, they should not be open. That's my opinion.
I cannot, for the life of me, understand why adults can't simply follow directions. If you want to go to Disney, you're going to need to follow the rules that are in place. Why try and exert your 'freedom' to do whatever you want just to go to Disney. As a company, I completely believe they're doing everything they can to go about reopening in a way that is safe. If masks are required of guests, masks are required (or face covering). This shouldn't be about how to hypothetically get around a possible policy because this isn't China and it ruffles your 'freedoms'. You're not entitled to go to Disney, no one is.

It's honestly pretty simple: go with the restrictions in place or wait until the restrictions are lifted but for the love of all things great in this world, can people stop acting like they're entitled to a Disney vacation the way you want it at all times.

You are entitled to a Disney vacation the way you wanted IF they won`t let you cancel your holiday without loosing your deposit/even the full payment you already made. There are different booking conditions worldwide. In UK you CAN`T cancel free ever! I posted here already : in the UK full payment is due 56 days in advance and no option for free cancellation at all, you loose your deposit at least. And the overseas ticket too!
You are referring to medical masks designed to protect the wearer from COVID. Not the same as the paper and cloth masks Disney wants you to wear. The paper/cloth mask is not to protect you (if it was, then "contamination" would be an issue but it is not.) but to protect others from your respiratory droplets. You can touch it, lick it, grab it and smash it all over your face and it doesn't matter, because the mask is not being worn to protect you from COVID. It's to protect others from the droplets flying out of your nose and mouth. Hand washing protects you. Carry hand sanitizer with you and there should also be plenty all over the park.

If I`m not sick my "droplets" wouldn`t hurt you. BUT! I could easily contaminate myself when I have to touch my mask basically every 20 sec because
-it`s hot and humid and I have to drink otherwise I would faint
-because I wear glasses and the mask really hurt my ears and I have to adjust it
-because the CM-s and anyone else can`t understand me through the mask
-because I can`t breath through it the mask being soaking wet
-because not be able to breath triggers a panic attack

There is impossible to wash your hand every time before you touch your mask. Also I`m not convinced that hand sanitizer is a valid option.

The above examples already happened to me and I`m pretty sure I`m not the only person who has the same issues. Apart from the inconvenience to wear a mask/face covering would put me in bigger danger than not wearing at all.

I`m also curious did anyone tried to wear a face mask 10-12 hours daily for 2-3 weeks straight in hot humid conditions?
I really REALLY don't want to enter the great mask debate but I have a serious question. Assuming masks are a requirement... What about thrill rides??? I'm not sure a mask will stay on during Big Thunder or Space Mountain. I wouldn't want to receive a used mask across the face.
Disney doesn't really have any thrill rides other than perhaps RnRC.

I seriously doubt big thunder or SM generate enough force to even move a mask and almost certainly not enough to force it off someones head.
You are entitled to a Disney vacation the way you wanted IF they won`t let you cancel your holiday without loosing your deposit/even the full payment you already made. There are different booking conditions worldwide. In UK you CAN`T cancel free ever! I posted here already : in the UK full payment is due 56 days in advance and no option for free cancellation at all, you loose your deposit at least. And the overseas ticket too!

Except that’s still not true. No one is entitled to a Disney vacation however they want, bucking policy and protocol. You’re conflating issues with international bookings rules for Disney and my point about adults needing to follow whatever rules/policies/procedures Disney implements if they want visit Disney.
Except that’s still not true. No one is entitled to a Disney vacation however they want, bucking policy and protocol. You’re conflating issues with international bookings rules for Disney and my point about adults needing to follow whatever rules/policies/procedures Disney implements if they want visit Disney.

I get why my worlds can get confusing it`s a language barrier issue. But

No I`m not conflating. When bookings were made it was different. No one anticipated the virus will happen. When I made my booking there was no prospect of me have to have wear mask. If Disney changes their rules/policies/procedures in a VERY significant way which is not acceptable for me than they MUST give me an option to make my decision not to visit Disney and getting full refund. Of course they can change their policy but they have to give me the option not to accept it AND getting full refund.

When I booked I anticipated full and enjoyable holiday. Thing has changed I know that but If they can`t provide me the promised experience they have to give me a way out. Otherwise I`m entitled the vacation how I want (or more accurately how I imagined it will be based on the last 10 years experiences). It`s not just I don`t want to follow policy (which is not even publicised yet) but If I don`t want to loose a lot of money with the cancellation of my holiday and decide to go anyway I don`t want to wear mask. So in a sense Disney "make " me visit Disney If they won`t refund me. We are talking about a lot of money which I already paid. So yes I will go If I can fly to the US and won`t be happy If they make me wear a mask. Maybe even I`ll be the adult who won`t be follow the rules Disney implements... maybe because I`m not able to due to health problems or maybe because I don`t be uncomfortable during my holiday.
We have a trip planned June 18th and plan on going, unless there are so few rides/experiences open that it's not worth it. We're DVC and have AP's though, so we usually go at least once a year.

We are set to arrive the day after you. I'm definitely keeping my trip until/unless Disney cancels it on us, but I am considering booking a backup for July 18th. I have until May 19t to decide so I can do FP.

Most pandemics last under 3 years. Shorter than people waited for Pandora to open. If this one is longer, theme parks will be the last things to worry about really.

Tell that to people who work there and depend on that income.
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Except you’re getting paid when you’re at work vs paying $ to be on vacation. And the pp said if they’re not sick, not if they don’t feel sick. So if you don’t have the virus you can’t give it to someone else. And still only about .4% of our population has been positive so chances are still pretty low that you are standing by someone who has it.
Thank you that you are getting what I said :)
I would love to go to WDW but maybe they should wait to reopen a bit? I understand to open in a couple of weeks without making everyone wear a mask is not likely... My holiday is not booked till later on the year I feel for those who want to go in the near future and don`t want to wear a mask.

I think the issues is what is "a bit" of time that would be needed? I would think if they knew that if they waited til August 1st everything would be honky dory they would do so, but no know knows. So they are trying to do what they can to get the parks open, to generate some positive cash flow, get the CMs back to work,and allow people who want to visit - no matter what conditions are placed on those visits - the opportunity to do so. And they are also having to balance what multiple sources are saying is the proper protocol, what government officials are determining for the state and country and what their own experts say.

I am sure some of the practices they put in place will make a ton of difference and others might be more "theater" and just make people feel safe but all part of what has to happen

And if people don't want to visit the parks in those conditions they shouldn't - and I hope Disney is good about refunds or rescheduling (honoring any discounts), etc. I know still might negatively impact people cash wise if they can change flights or something but hopefully Disney at least takes care of what they can for what they do control
Not to say people aren’t going to stick to their guns and cancel their vacations if the mandate stays in place while they have a trip planned, but it’s also much easier to cancel a trip over that type of issue in your head while the parks are closed. Once the parks are open, DisUnplugged channel has videos talking about what’s going on in the parks, Vloggers uploading park videos on YouTube, friends or family posting pictures on social media, etc. The cancellation you made in your head might get overtaken by seeing people going and having fun at Disney and having the urge to go, regardless of the requirements.

How many ticket increases has Disney gone through that people have said its become too expensive and they’ll no longer go, and still go?
And likewise, how many people who are claiming they’ll have no issue wearing a mask to WDW actually have a trip planned in the next few months? It’s easy to say what you “would do” when you don’t actually have to do it. And how many of those same people will realize after a few hours in the Florida heat that the mask is totally unbearable and figure out creative ways to avoid it? Talking is easier than doing on both sides of the argument.
I'm not a Mod but I really enjoy following this thread, and I'm REALLY hoping it is not shut down, so PLEASE could we move on from the mask debate, name-calling, and political comments so the thread isn't locked? No one's mind is going to change!

We have an upcoming trip and I really enjoy reading updates, predictions, and opinions on here to try and help decide whether or not we're actually going, so please could we stay on topic to keep the thread open?
I get why my worlds can get confusing it`s a language barrier issue. But

No I`m not conflating. When bookings were made it was different. No one anticipated the virus will happen. When I made my booking there was no prospect of me have to have wear mask. If Disney changes their rules/policies/procedures in a VERY significant way which is not acceptable for me than they MUST give me an option to make my decision not to visit Disney and getting full refund. Of course they can change their policy but they have to give me the option not to accept it AND getting full refund.

When I booked I anticipated full and enjoyable holiday. Thing has changed I know that but If they can`t provide me the promised experience they have to give me a way out. Otherwise I`m entitled the vacation how I want (or more accurately how I imagined it will be based on the last 10 years experiences). It`s not just I don`t want to follow policy (which is not even publicised yet) but If I don`t want to loose a lot of money with the cancellation of my holiday and decide to go anyway I don`t want to wear mask. So in a sense Disney "make " me visit Disney If they won`t refund me. We are talking about a lot of money which I already paid. So yes I will go If I can fly to the US and won`t be happy If they make me wear a mask. Maybe even I`ll be the adult who won`t be follow the rules Disney implements... maybe because I`m not able to due to health problems or maybe because I don`t be uncomfortable during my holiday.

And I said you’re conflating issues because you’re talking about the policies for cancellations if you’re international while I’m saying that no one, regardless of where you’re from, is entitled to go to Disney however you want. It’s a bummer the international rules for cancelling are what they are but if you’re not able to comply with the policies they implement, that’s a choice you have to make. Adults acting like they’re required to go to Disney is what’s perplexing for me.
And likewise, how many people who are claiming they’ll have no issue wearing a mask to WDW actually have a trip planned in the next few months? It’s easy to say what you “would do” when you don’t actually have to do it. And how many of those same people will realize after a few hours in the Florida heat that the mask is totally unbearable and figure out creative ways to avoid it? Talking is easier than doing on both sides of the argument.

But that’s the thing, if it’s policy, it should be followed. I currently have a DLR trip planned that’s probably going to get cancelled and we’ve been discussing as a family simply shifting it to WDW—-so, yeah, we ARE thinking about wearing the masks at WDW (just like we wear them now while in our home state) and what that would be like. But if I want to go to WDW this summer and that’s a requirement (which feels like the direction it’s headed based on Chapek’s statements), that’s something we’ll comply with because we know it’s a requirement of attending the parks.
That’s literally the crux of my point with all of this: do what’s expected or don’t go.
And I said you’re conflating issues because you’re talking about the policies for cancellations if you’re international while I’m saying that no one, regardless of where you’re from, is entitled to go to Disney however you want. It’s a bummer the international rules for cancelling are what they are but if you’re not able to comply with the policies they implement, that’s a choice you have to make. Adults acting like they’re required to go to Disney is what’s perplexing for me.

You still don`t get what I`m trying to say here.
I gave up.
And I said you’re conflating issues because you’re talking about the policies for cancellations if you’re international while I’m saying that no one, regardless of where you’re from, is entitled to go to Disney however you want. It’s a bummer the international rules for cancelling are what they are but if you’re not able to comply with the policies they implement, that’s a choice you have to make. Adults acting like they’re required to go to Disney is what’s perplexing for me.

But people are not being given the choice of not going. If a company is radically changing its entry policies and will likely be removing/changing experiences (ie: firework shows, parades, other events, capacity limits, etc) and you have determined that the trip is no longer value for the price, there needs to be refunds. No one is arguing about Disney's legal right to change their policies. But understand that there is going to be a lot of people who paid money assuming things to be one way and now they aren't going to even remotely resemble what was expected. I don't want to have to go to Disney and have it feel like a prison or a bio level 4 containment area. I find it ridiculous and so will a lot of people. And it's simply best business practice to honor refunds at that point.

No the pandemic is not Disney's fault, but it is also not my fault either.
Trying to move the discussion back to the intent of this thread. Was there anything that came out about cast member schedules yesterday? I saw that one trainer got called back as well as some custodians for Disney Springs. Was there any news one way or another about other Cast Member schedules?
Considering we are less than 3 weeks away from June 1st, (and Pete has mentioned on numerous podcasts that he has it on good authority they are trying to open some parks/resorts on June 1st).

I would think we would hear SOMETHING on when they plan on opening (and how) sooner than later. Though, now that I think about it, they may be purposely holding off saying the date to avoid a rush of crowds. For every family that says "no way am I going this soon" there is probably a family that says "Pack up the car, let's go!"

Step 1 was making sure no new reservations can be made, and step 2 will be announcing the opening date so pretty much only locals or people with trips already can come down.
Trying to move the discussion back to the intent of this thread. Was there anything that came out about cast member schedules yesterday? I saw that one trainer got called back as well as some custodians for Disney Springs. Was there any news one way or another about other Cast Member schedules?
no schedules yet other than Traditions CM being recalled
So did they cancel June reservations? I only got back on here because the local news said no reservations now until July now. But no more info really.
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